
Actor Jude Law for the fifth time will be the father

Famous American actor Jude Law in the spring of next year in the fifth will be glad to become a father. Ex-girlfriend Kathryn Harding will give him a baby. Katring and Jur no longer meet, however, they said they would raise the child together. Lowe already has four children: yours from marriage to Sadie Frost, and a daughter from Samantha Brooks.

How to cook pumpkin: methods of heat treatment. How much to cook pumpkin to preserve vitamins?

Besides the fact that a pumpkin can be turned into a carriage and go to the ball, this ancient vegetable has a mass of culinary and healing virtues. Only at the sight of the pulp of a bright yellow fruit does a good mood appear by itself, which, in turn, helps to improve appetite. A pumpkin carriage is, of course, a fairy tale, but one can agree with the fact that the vegetable has some magical power, provided that it turns out to be in the hands of a real fairy who can make a culinary masterpiece from it.

The wife of Gregory Leps spoke about their family

The wife of the incredibly popular singer Grigory Leps, Anna gave an interview in which she spoke about the principles on which their family is built and the upbringing of three children. According to Anna, the lifestyle in their family is quite traditional. He and Gregory grew up in approximately the same conditions, therefore, they agree on what kind of family life they should be.

The myth of the relationship of children's musical abilities with their level of intelligence is debunked

Harvard scholars have debunked the enduring myth of the connection of children's musical abilities with their level of intelligence. A study conducted on 24 children showed that there is no direct connection between playing music and learning success. Half of the subjects were engaged in singing, the other half - in painting. During the experiment, children were given tasks that determine the level of mathematical abilities, as well as vocabulary and ability to navigate in space.

Meat pancakes are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pancakes with meat.

Pancakes - this dish causes many conflicting emotions. For some, pancakes are a magic wand, even with complete savings of the family budget, you can prepare a tasty dish from a minimum set of products. The rest is thrown into the pot with the word "pancakes" alone. The fact is that many have difficulty preparing dough, pancakes turn out to be too thin and it is impossible to turn them, then too thick and tasteless.

How to get rid of moles in the area: maybe scare away? Ways to help exterminate moles in the country, advice from experienced gardeners

It is believed that moles live exclusively in fertile and structured soil, and that they do not exist in a country house with poor land. But they often become a serious danger to plants in the garden and in the garden, and for this reason it is necessary to think about how to prevent them or destroy them on their site. Moles on the site why?

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