Sinyukha - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Sinyukha - general description

Cyanosis (cyanosis blue, cyanosis azure) - a perennial plant that has a high stem (from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters), flowers of delicate blue shades, collected in a brush-shaped panicle, a short, thickened root. Blooming cyanosis occurs from June to August, the plant is harvested for medicinal needs from August to early October.

Sinyukha - types and places of growth

The plant is quite widespread in Europe, especially a lot of cyanosis in Russia (Siberia), Ukraine and Belarus. Often, blue delicate flowers can be found in moist meadows, forest glades and along water bodies.

Sinyukha - healing properties

The components of cyanosis strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which was immediately noticed by folk healers, it was they who first began to use tinctures from the plant as an expectorant drug. Cyanosis helps to cope with heart diseases such as angina pectoris, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis, cardiovascular neurosis, epilepsy attacks. With the help of tinctures from the root of cyanosis, they treat insomnia, headaches, relieve a serious condition with menopause.

The plant has a pronounced diuretic, hemostatic and disinfectant effect.
Decoctions and extracts of cyanosis help with gallstone disease, cholecystitis, ulcers, remove sand from the kidneys and relieve swelling.

Cyanosis - dosage forms

As a medicine, rhizomes of cyanosis are used, their harvesting occurs in the second year of the plant's life, in the autumn period.

The rhizome is dug out of the ground, rinsed in water, cut into several parts and dried in the open air (you can use dryers, but the main thing is that the temperature does not exceed 50 degrees, otherwise useful substances lose their strength).

Sometimes (much less often than roots) for medicinal needs, the aerial parts of cyanosis are harvested, they are cut, dried in the sun, wrapped in paper and stored in a dry place. The shelf life of raw materials from cyanosis should not exceed 2 years.

Cyanosis - recipes

Cyanosis extract for tuberculosis and respiratory diseases
Alcoholic extract of the plant must be taken after meals 3 times a day, 15 drops each. The drug is prepared in this way: place the dry roots of cyanosis in a glass jar, pour 70% alcohol, insist for a month in a dark place, strain.

Decoction for respiratory diseases
1 tablespoon of cyanosis flowers pour 1 cup of warm water, cover the container and keep in a water bath for half an hour, then cool. The shelf life of the broth is 3 days (in a dry and dark place), it is necessary to take it 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals, preheating (not hot!).

Cyanosis-based medicine for insomnia and nervous disorders
1 tablespoon of the roots of cyanosis pour 1 cup of warm boiled water, let it brew for 6-8 hours, take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals (treatment course - 2 weeks). The same infusion can be prepared from cyanosis flowers and used in a similar pattern.

Cyanosis with cholecystitis, ulcers, urinary and gallstone diseases
Mix the roots of cyanosis and peony, horsetail and knotweed grass, calendula flowers in equal parts, add vodka (2 volumes of vodka per plant volume). Take the medicine daily 20 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon (3 times a day). The course is 3-4 weeks.

Cyanosis - contraindications

Overdose can result in diarrhea, vomiting, headache, shortness of breath. When taking the drug, you should take a break, otherwise a hypertensive crisis may occur.


Ekaterina 05/06/2016
I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion, it was with this plant that mom escaped with menopause. A friend gave her, who also drank her at one time. With the help of this weed, the sleep is normalized, and in general the condition is stably calm.

Tamara 05/06/2016
What a cute, pretty flower. I have never met him, although, judging by the places of his growth, he should be with us. Maybe it didn’t fall into those places)) Judging by the diseases that this plant treats, it really is worthy to be called medicinal. One tuberculosis is worth it.

Julia 05/06/2016
I have a grandmother, almost all my life, I drank infusion from this plant. She had something with a heart, and this weed helped her. Apparently she drank it not every day, but periodically, because no side effects, I did not observe her.

Valeria 05/06/2016
What important, serious diseases this plant treats! Tuberculosis, ulcer, heart problems. I understand that in traditional medicine is not used cyanosis. It's a pity. After all, with self-treatment, the risk of an overdose is likely.

Natalya 05/06/2016
It will remain a mystery to me forever the first time they learned about the healing properties of a particular plant. Well, it wouldn’t even occur to me to try this beautiful flower. But it’s not just to eat the top, but to dig out the root, and to do something with it there ...))) And they will find wonderful medicinal plants!
