Mushroom salads are the best recipes. How to cook mushroom salads correctly and tasty.


Salads with mushrooms - general principles and methods of preparation

Many people relate to a product like mushrooms, with some bias. Like, they are quite heavy food, which is not able to benefit the body. According to nutritionists, this view is not entirely true.

Of course, you should not eat mushrooms in kilograms, but in reasonable quantities they are very useful. Mushrooms contain a large number of vitamins, including B, D and PP, fiber, amino acids, and essential oils. Of particular value is lecithin, which is also present in their composition and helps in the fight against atherosclerosis.

It is worth noting that all the valuable properties are preserved in mushrooms even after heat treatment or drying, so the dishes, which include mushrooms, are not only tasty, but also useful. Different types of dishes can be prepared from mushrooms, but these products are especially appropriate as part of salads. For them, you can use so many types of mushrooms, such as champignons, boletus, white, boletus, chanterelles and many others. They go well with pork, beef, poultry, cheese, onions and potatoes. Salads with mushrooms are best served with sour cream, although in some cases mayonnaise and some other sauce are also suitable.

Salads with mushrooms - preparation of products

The preparation of mushrooms depends on the form in which they should be present in the salad. Quite often, canned or pickled mushrooms are used, which before preparing the salad, you just need to remove it from the can and rinse with cold running water. If the mushrooms according to the recipe should be fried, then they must first be boiled in salted water, and then fry in a pan with a small amount of olive or vegetable oil. If the recipe allows, in the process of roasting, it would be nice to add finely chopped onions to the mushrooms.

Salads with mushrooms - preparing dishes

To prepare a salad with mushrooms, you will need any container of the right size for mixing the ingredients and a salad bowl to serve the dishes on the table. Very often, salads with mushrooms are made puff, so the salad bowl can be taken transparent and high, so that the layers are better visible. If the mushrooms are fried according to the recipe, you will need a small frying pan.

Salads with mushrooms - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Salad "Mushroom with crackers"

This is a very satisfying and tasty salad that cooks quickly and does not require any special products. Crispy crackers made of white bread, which are easy to prepare on their own, give it a special charm.


100 g boiled or smoked chicken
100 g champignon
100 g hard cheese (e.g. parmesan)
50 g walnuts
white bread croutons (quantity to taste)

Cooking method

Cut the chicken into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the nuts coarsely. Coarsely chop the mushrooms, fry in a pan with the addition of olive or vegetable oil, slightly salt. Then remove them with a slotted spoon, put them in a separate container and cool. Prepare crackers from white bread by slicing it into medium-sized cubes and drying them in the oven. Frying in a pan is not advisable, as it will turn out too fat. Put in the salad bowl all the ingredients except crackers, add mayonnaise to taste, mix. Place crackers right before serving, so that they do not get wet and remain crispy.

Recipe 2: Salad with New Year's Mushrooms

The composition of this salad may seem unusual, but the result is a piquant and original dish that your guests and you will surely like.


100 g canned champignons
200 g unsalted cheese
2 medium sweet apples
1 orange
2 tsp honey
2 table. tablespoons of lemon juice
200 ml sour cream
1 teaspoon mustard

Cooking method

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the apples into strips. Peel the orange, cut into slices. Rinse mushrooms, put in a salad bowl. Add cheese and fruit. In a separate container, prepare a dressing by mixing honey, lemon juice, sour cream and mustard. Pour over the salad dressing, mix thoroughly but gently. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with spirals of orange peel.

Recipe 3: Salad with mushrooms "Fox coat"

This salad looks extremely elegant, and it is prepared quickly and simply. The secret of its fresh and light taste is to use fresh carrots and apples in combination with traditional ingredients - mushrooms and ham.


200 g ham
200 g champignons (fresh or frozen)
1 cream cheese
1 medium carrot
1 large sweet apple
3-4 hard boiled eggs
150 g mayonnaise
1-2 cloves of garlic
olive or vegetable oil for frying mushrooms

Cooking method

Remove the processed cheese in the freezer, after removing the packaging (it is better to do this a few hours before making the salad). Next, you need to prepare a dressing. To do this, put in a small container mayonnaise and garlic, passed through a crush, pour 3-4 tables. tablespoons of water, mix. Cut the ham into small strips, put on the bottom of a tall salad bowl, pour dressing. Fry the mushrooms in a pan, remove them with a slotted spoon, cool and lay on top of the ham. Get the cheese from the freezer, grate it on a coarse grater, put on top of the mushrooms. The next layer is a grated apple. Then - grated eggs. Pour the egg layer abundantly with the remaining dressing. Grate the carrots on the smallest grater, lay it in an even layer on top of the grated eggs. Thus, you get a kind of "coat" of grated carrots, with its bright orange color reminiscent of a fox.


Watch the video: Make Perfect Sauteed Mushrooms - The Only Recipe You will Ever Need (July 2024).