White salads are the best recipes. How to cook White Salad correctly and tasty.


What can we associate a white salad with? Of course - with a holiday, purity, freshness and delicate taste. We recommend using our recipes and arrange a real snow-white sensation in the kitchen.

White salad - general principles and methods of preparation

Whites include all salads, the components of which are products and sauces of the corresponding color. It can be vegetables, fruits, meat, fish or seafood, harmoniously combined to taste.

White salad - preparation of products

Preparation of products is the same as for other salads - boiling (baking), cleaning and slicing. Raw vegetables are also preferably peeled prior to chopping. If possible, it is preferable to prepare the sauce yourself, this will only benefit from the taste of the dish.

White salad - the best recipes

Recipe 1: White Lotus Salad (with squid)

A light salad with squid is not only very tasty, but also extremely useful, because everyone has long known the healing properties of flaxseed and grape oil. If there is no such oil, then you can replace it with any other or Mayonnaise sauce.


Vegetable oil or mayonnaise sauce - 2 tables. lies .;
onion - 1 pc.;
steep egg - 4 pcs.;
lemon juice - 1 table. lies .;
potatoes - 2 pcs.;
squid - 5 pcs.;
flaxseed - 2 tablespoons. lies.

Cooking method

Defrost and rinse squids, and then pour them with boiling water for just one minute, so that it is easier to remove the unnecessary skin. Cut the peeled carcasses in half, thoroughly clean from the insides and rinse well. Now you need to weld them. In order for the squid meat to be more tender, you need to add lemon juice to the pan. They will be ready in 2 minutes. after boiling. If at least a little overexposed, the meat will be tough.

Boil potatoes, rinse flax seed and pour boiling water. Remove the squid from the water and cut into strips, also do with potatoes. Grind onions and eggs into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients, add flaxseed. Add to your discretion - either with mayonnaise or grape oil. If desired, the components can be divided into 2 halves and seasoned with different sauces. Get different salads. Salt at your own discretion and set aside for some time in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: White Lenten Salad

This salad is ideal for fasting people, because it contains a huge amount of nutrients that have beneficial effects on all body systems. What is only celery!


Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
pitted olives - 1 ban .;
white beans (canned) - 1 ban .;
salad (leafy or Chinese head) - 100 g;
onion - 1 pc.;
celery root - 100 g;
Soy Mayonnaise sauce or vegetable oil;

For decoration - white radish (daikon) or radish, in accordance with the color scheme. You also need to leave a little lettuce and parsley.

Cooking method

Boil and peel potatoes, cut into cubes with celery root. Finely chop the onion and blanch it (pour over boiling water). Cut olives, mix them with potatoes, celery root, onions, beans and chopped parsley. There to break lettuce leaves. Season with sauce or vegetable oil, salt, mix well.

Arrange the leaves set aside for decoration on a platter, and on top of them - cooked mixture. Garnish with chopped radish and parsley leaves on top.

Recipe 3: White Pineapple Salad

Despite the minimal amount of ingredients, this salad is very tasty. There are few people in the world who do not like canned pineapple. Since the chicken fillet is dry, you need to add more pineapple, then the dish will turn out juicy. It is also recommended to flavor the finished product with black pepper - to contrast tastes and piquancy.


Russian or any other hard cheese - 200 g;
diced pineapples - 1 small jar;
chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
Mayonnaise Sauce.

Cooking method

Cook the fillet and cut it into large cubes. Grind cheese too. Add pineapples and season with sauce. Salt as needed and put in the fridge for 20 minutes. You can serve.

Recipe 4: Flight of Fancy White Salad

The combination of fish and chicken in one salad makes it unusually tasty, and nuts - hearty.


Walnut kernels - 100 g;
almonds - 100 g;
three varieties of fish (preferably sea and river) - 100 g each;
chicken fillet - 0.5 kg (you can meat of a whole chicken);
cauliflower - 200 g;
dry white wine (you can without it);
sugar, salt and pepper;
mayonnaise sauce;
any greens.

Cooking method

Boil chicken meat with herbs, cool in broth and cut into cubes. Also do with fish, you just need to carefully extract all the bones, and even better - use the fillet.

Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences and boil in a little sweetened and salted water. Scald the almonds with boiling water, free from the skin and chop together with walnuts.

Combine all ingredients, season with mayonnaise sauce, salt and pepper. Mix gently so as not to mash cabbage and fish. You can sprinkle a little wine.

Insist in the refrigerator for about an hour. Decorate as you wish before serving.

White salad - useful tips from experienced chefs

Salad meat should be boiled, pouring it in a saucepan with boiling water. Then its outer fibers will take on a crust, and will not give away juice. Meat prepared in this way will be much juicier.


Watch the video: How to Cut Iceberg Lettuce for a Salad : Salad Recipes (June 2024).