Oregano: beneficial properties of oregano. Where oregano is used, contraindications to the use of plants


Oregano is an unpretentious frost-resistant plant that has been successfully used in traditional medicine, cooking and even cosmetology.

Oregano, the beneficial properties of which many underestimate, is characterized by a rich composition that favorably affects human health. However, not everyone is allowed to use spice.

Oregano also has contraindications like any other medicinal herb.

What is part of oregano

The composition of oregano is multifaceted. It includes substances indispensable for maintaining human health.

The composition includes:

• Vitamin C, which gives the plant antioxidant properties;

• essential oils;

• rosmarinic acid;

• tannins, carvacol;

• cellulose;

• bioflavonoids;

• thymol.

Oregano: beneficial properties of the plant

1. Decoctions based on the plant are able to relieve seizures, they are often recommended to people who suffer from headaches and insomnia.

2. Oregano calms the nervous system, relieves stress.

3. Infusions normalize the work of the gallbladder, liver and stomach. They are prescribed with a decrease in appetite and decreased secretion of gastric juice.

4. Warm infusion based on oregano is effective for colds, a person is recommended to drink it at night to sweat well.

5. The plant can also be applied in the form of compresses and lotions for skin diseases, the grass kills microbes.

6. Oregano relieves gum disease and treats stomatitis.

7. Contributes to the overall strengthening of the immune system. This is especially true in the fall and winter, when most people are prone to colds.

This is only a small part of what gives oregano. There are much more useful properties of oregano, it is impossible to list them all.

Oregano: useful properties and applications in traditional medicine

The range of action of oregano is large, each housewife should know several recipes of traditional medicine and use them at home. Oregano copes with some ailments at times better than any pharmacy drug.

Alternative Medicine Prescriptions

1. A remedy to calm the nervous system. You need to pour 200 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the dried plant. The product must be allowed to infuse in a dark place for 20 minutes, then strain it. The infusion is taken 3 times a day 20 minutes before a meal of 100-150 ml.

2. Oregano can be added to the bath while swimming. Pre-dried grass is brewed in boiling water (200 grams per 3 liters), infused until it cools and filtered. The resulting product is poured into the bath.

3. For diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. 2 tablespoons of the dried plant are steamed with warm water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, then the product is infused until completely cooled. The resulting infusion should be taken 2 times a day in half a glass before meals. This tool improves intestinal motility, relieves stomach cramps and colic.

4. For colds, it is recommended to make a decoction of plants such as oregano, marshmallow root, mother and stepmother. Ingredients of 1 tablespoon are mixed in a separate container, then filled with boiled water - 1 tablespoon of a mixture of 250 ml of liquid. The medicine is infused for 40 minutes, filtered and used preheated 3 times a day. The very next day, a person will feel much better.

5. With a headache. If the tablets do not help relieve a headache, you need to brew oregano - for 1 tablespoon 200 ml of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 20 minutes and is drunk warm.

6. With skin diseases and insect bites. Dry oregano is poured with water so that gruel is formed. The resulting mass is applied to the skin in the form of a compress 2-3 times a day.

Oregano has few contraindications, this plant is an excellent "home doctor" for almost all occasions. Few people know that the plant is also used to combat moths. You just need to put a bag of dried oregano in the closet, and be calm for the safety of your belongings. Spicy rich aroma effectively drives away the mole.

Oregano: beneficial properties for beauty

It is believed that oregano is a female herb. It turns out that the plant is useful for the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Oregano: beneficial properties for beauty

1. Helps relieve dermatological problems such as acne, acne, acne.

2. Promotes effective, deep and gentle cleansing of pores.

3. Regular cosmetic procedures using products based on oregano make the skin smooth, supple, healthy.

4. Oregano oil is also good for hair, it nourishes and moisturizes curls, gives them volume and shine.

Beauty Recipes

1. Cleansing infusion for the face. 2 tablespoons of dried plants are steamed with 200 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for 2 hours. The mixture is filtered, she needs to wipe her face daily in the morning and before bedtime.

2. Means for the fight against cellulite. To do this, you need to purchase oregano oil, mix it with vegetable oil (8 parts of oil per 1 part of oregano). The resulting product must be rubbed into problem areas for a month.

3. For healthy and beautiful hair. You need to pour 50 grams of oregano 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1.5 hours, then strain it well through a gauze napkin. The resulting liquid can be used every time after washing your hair. You just need to rinse the curls with infusion, do not rinse after that with water. After just a few cosmetic procedures, the hair will become silky, elastic and will delight you with a radiant healthy shine.

Cooking Application

Oregano is one of the favorite spices of many housewives. The dried plant gives a special aroma to sausages, meat and bean dishes. Oregano has a very specific taste, but rarely does anyone dislike it.

In some countries, housewives use oregano when preserving vegetables, since the grass helps to preserve the workpieces better and prevent them from souring.

Fragrant Oven Potatoes

1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, put evenly on a greased baking dish.

2. Top with a layer of chopped tomato, slices, or cubes.

3. The dish is salted, sprinkled with oregano (about 1.5 tablespoons), grated cheese is placed on top.

4. The baking dish is sent to the oven for 30-35 minutes. Fragrant potatoes will be enjoyed by all family members.

Oregano: contraindications

Oregano has few contraindications, but in any case they need to be known in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

1. Categorically spice is prohibited for women during pregnancy.

2. With a high acidity of the stomach, adding a dried plant to dishes is prohibited.

3. With an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

4. In case of violation of the cardiovascular system.

Despite the fact that oregano has a lot of useful properties, it can not be used if there is an individual intolerance to the product. During lactation, a woman should always consult a doctor before using the plant in traditional medicine recipes.


Watch the video: 10 Must Know Serious Side Effects Of Oregano Oil that you should not ignore (June 2024).