Folk methods of treatment with bee pollen: useful properties. Bee pollen recipes, contraindications


Among the various beekeeping products, bee pollen stands out, whose beneficial properties are countless.

Bee pollen is actively used for medicinal purposes in folk medicine.

The whole thing is not only in its amazing composition, but also in the ability to easily absorb in the body.

The chemical composition of bee pollen, useful properties

By the saturation of the composition with medicinal substances and microelements, pollen collected by yellow toilers overtakes even honey. It includes:

• riboflavin;

• amino acids;

• proteins;

• thiamine;

• pantothenic and nicotinic acids;

• biotin;

• inositol;

• pyridoxine;

• folic acid;

• B vitamins, which positively affect the immune system, stimulating it;

• routine, which helps seal the capillary walls and strengthens blood vessels;

• amino acids. They help eliminate the negative results of a poorly composed diet and are beneficial for the body of older people;

• natural carbohydrates, which increase the energy level of the body.

Bee pollen: beneficial properties and treatment features

In folk medicine, the product of bee extraction is often used to combat diseases of various types. In fact, there are quite a lot of them, so it’s worth highlighting the main problems that the finger eliminates most effectively.

1. She is able to eliminate diseases of the cardiovascular system and the consequences of heart attack, stroke.

2. Able to raise low hemoglobin and improve blood composition.

3. Relieves symptoms of negative effects in people with neurotic diseases, and also eliminates insomnia, stress and depression.

4. Struggles with endocrine diseases, levels the hormonal balance in both the female and male body. This property will be more useful to women who are in a difficult period of menopause for them.

5. Pollen can help people who show signs of premature aging or are suspected of dementia in old age.

6. Increases pollen sexual strength and restores men's health, eliminates possible problems with the prostate gland and increases potency.

7. Promotes an increase in appetite and cures chronic constipation.

8. The restoring properties of pollen are highly valued, it should be used by patients in the postoperative period or at the recovery stage after a serious illness.

9. Pollen is suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight. It contributes to the breakdown of proteins and the gradual breakdown of fat cells.

10. Improves pollen the general condition of those people whose body is susceptible to weather changes.

11. Also, pollen can have an anti-sclerotic effect on the body, preventing plaque formation and normalizing the level of lipids in the body.

12. Lowers pollen pressure quite gently, unlike synthetic products.

13. People with hypertension should prefer the pollen of those bees that collected it from a blossoming apple tree, chestnut, or linden.

14. Bee powder can be consumed by very young children. It has a beneficial effect on the body, a positive effect on the immunity of the child. Pollen normalizes growth and eliminates various problems associated with inhibition of the development of children.

Bee pollen harm and contraindications

Pollen carries significant shortcomings and harm to the body. However, abuse of the product can turn the positive effect of pollen on the body into a sharply negative. In this case, the composition of the blood can instantly worsen. Bee pollen has contraindications for certain categories of people who should consult a doctor before using the product in home treatment. So this is:

• People with diabetes. It is not recommended to use vegetable dust because of the high sugar content in it. Therefore, people with any manifestations of this disease should refrain from eating pollen.

• Allergy sufferers. Some people may be allergic to the pollen that insects get. People who are allergic to flowers can eat and use bee pollen without harm to their health and negative consequences.

• Bee pollen has contraindications for nursing mothers. It is permissible to use in very small quantities. Abuse of the product can affect the health of the baby and cause dermatitis in the child.

• Bee pollen has contraindications for people who have hemophilia or are prone to disease. Such people fall into a high-risk group, since pollen affects the acceleration of the blood coagulation process.

All people who have no contraindications to bee pollen should not just use too much natural dust.

The use of bee pollen: useful properties and healing recipes

It is recommended to use a bee prey product in such cases:

1. To eliminate mental or physical stress. In order to raise the vitality of the body, it is necessary to arm yourself with a teaspoon and 3-4 times a day to collect pollen and eat it. To restore children's tone, you need a third of a small spoon.

2. To increase immunity, you need the same teaspoon, but without a slide, take the product three times a day. Continue this strengthening of immunity is necessary for 30 days.

3. To help the body regain strength after a serious operation, you need to take pollen in the same way, but at least 3, and a maximum of 6 weeks.

4. Suitable pollen for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract problems. To do this, take enough in the morning, afternoon and evening in a portion the size of a teaspoon of the composition.

5. To treat liver diseases, a mixture of pollen and honey is suitable. It is advisable to choose a non-dense product. This mixture should be consumed three times a day for 1 dessert spoon. The course of treatment can last 1 month, but before the next therapy, you must wait at least 21 days.

6. Bee pollen manifests beneficial properties in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract, if you make a honey mixture. In equal proportions, you need to mix the ingredients and consume a tablespoon before each main meal in 20 minutes. It can be treated in this way for up to 2 months.

7. Pollen is capable of exerting a positive effect on the body at the initial stage of the disease of hypertension. The duration of treatment is three weeks. In this case, in small doses, in the third part of a small spoon, you need to eat pollen on an empty stomach.

8. With existing kidney diseases, honey and pollen are mixed in equal amounts. A fee of 1 small spoon should be slowly dissolve three times a day. It can be treated in this way for 30 days.

You can make healing honey from many ailments with pollen. To do this, you need 300 g of honey, melted previously, mixed with 60 g of powder obtained by bees. Such a medicine can be stored under normal conditions at room temperature. Healing properties will begin to appear after a week of insisting.


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