Hairstyles for short hair with bangs: fashion trends of the season (photo). What do modern fashionistas choose: grunge or retro?


Many girls believe that short haircuts provide a very narrow field of activity in terms of creating beautiful stylish hairstyles.

This is not entirely true, indeed, on long curls you can build anything you like - weaving, bunches, braids.

However, effective styling can be created on short hair.

Hairstyles for short hair with bangs. Fashion trends

A short haircut does not deprive a girl of femininity, on the contrary, it favorably emphasizes facial features, adds an image of style and charisma. That is why more and more women prefer cropped hair, following the bold example of Coco Chanel - it was she who introduced them into fashion. The most popular haircuts today are pixie, bob, page, square, asymmetry, expressed in different lengths of hair on the sides. Trend of 2016 - textured bob-car in grunge style.

A short haircut is easy to style, you can experiment in the process. Oblique partings, light mischievous curls look very stylish on short hair, a light pile at the roots gives the curls the missing volume.

To create a festive look, various original accessories are used - ribbons, hairpins with rhinestones, headbands, fresh flowers.

Hairstyles for very short hair with bangs, photo

To leave a minimum of hair on your head, you need some courage. However, on a face with expressive features such a hairstyle will look incomparable. No wonder many Hollywood stars, for example, Sharon Stone or Natalie Portman, choose short haircuts.

Interesting on very short hair look textured haircuts. Thanks to the layered texture, you can create a little chaos on the head, the image is fresh and frivolous.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Wash your hair, dry with a towel, but do not comb, as the hair should dry in its natural form.

2. When the curls are almost completely dry, apply a small amount of fixing agent to them - mousse, foam, wax. Spread evenly on hair.

3. Separately, select the locks on which you want to focus, as well as bangs and hair on the back of the head.

How to style bangs in a hairstyle for short hair

Almost all short haircuts suggest the presence of a bang. This is a big plus, because if necessary, you can comb it back, so you get a completely different, new version of the hairstyle. Moreover, the fringe may be short, elongated, or mega-fashionable in recent seasons, asymmetrical.

On short hair, a bang becomes a bright accent of the hairstyle and creates the basis of the image.

A straight smooth bang makes the bow elegant and refined. In this case, the remaining hair can be ruffled and create a creative mess.

Smooth bangs go well with bean and square, and elongated bangs serve to create an extravagant look. You can lay it on its side, leave it straight, give it a texture with a styling tool, or curl it slightly - in case you need to create a festive bow.

If you want to remove the bangs by modifying the haircut, you should know that this option is suitable only for an oval, classic face shape.

Stacking back can be created using accessories (tape, rim) or gel.

Hairstyles with bangs for short hair to the chin, photo

This length already allows you to experiment. The most common option in this case is a bob haircut. It suits almost all women and does not require special styling. If you need to create a festive look, you can leave your hair perfectly smooth and use glitter varnish to fix it, or you can curl curls with soft waves with smooth transitions.

Recently, short haircuts in grunge style are relevant. A mess is made on the head, giving the impression of a lack of hairstyle as such, however, to achieve such an effect is not so easy, especially if the girl is naturally smooth hair. But the owner of curly hair to make a chaotic styling will be much easier. It will be enough for her to simply wash her hair and dry her curls in a natural way, whipping them with her hands and singling out individual locks with wax.

Straight hair curls with tweezers, twisting the strands in a chaotic manner, in different directions. After that, the head should be tilted down and disheveled hair. Fix the result with varnish.

A hairstyle with the effect of wet hair always looks festive and original, especially on short haircuts. Make it very simple. You need to wash your hair, apply mousse for styling, and then dry the curls with a diffuser.

If your hair is a little longer than your chin, you can already afford some types of weaving. Most often this is a pigtail in the bangs.

Hairstyles for short hair with bangs in retro style, photo

Recently, retro style has become very popular. Such styling for short hair is not suitable for everyday look, this is a purely evening option.

Retro hairstyles include:

• smooth, combed back hair;

• soft waves;

• straight bangs, which are twisted inward or stacked, dividing into "rollers";

• large curls;

• weak twisting of strands for a couple of revolutions and stabbing them with invisibility.

Refined vintage hairstyles are decorated with glamorous accessories - wide fabric or plastic headbands-hoops, ribbons, hairpins with rhinestones, feathers, jewelry with a veil, mesh.

Of all the retro hairstyles, the most spectacular look waves and curls, however, creating them on a short hair is not so simple, and the shorter the hair, the harder it is.

To make waves, you can use triple curling irons. For very short hair, you need a curling iron of the smallest diameter.

Waves can be made manually using metal clamps, but this is a long process, which also requires certain skills.

The easiest way to wind your hair on curlers, but on too short hair it is better not to use them. To curls look spectacular, the length of the strands should be enough for a couple of revolutions around the curlers of medium diameter. That is, the hair should be at least below the chin.

And a few more tips for creating curls. On straight, not too short hair, for example, elongated caret, you can make any curls, from soft feminine waves to creative zigzag curls.

With textured haircuts (cascade, bob), it is better to make neat curls of medium size, small curls are not the best option, since the hair will stick out in all directions, and the hairstyle will look untidy.

Depending on the parting - oblique, straight, zigzag or its absence, the glamorous hairstyle in retro style will look fresh and new every time.

Curls can be an independent hairdo, and can also act as a base for creating a new stylish styling. Hair is lifted up, collected and stabbed with hairpins and hairpins. Thus, the illusion of long hair is created.

A retro hairstyle can be done on smooth short hair. To do this, the hair is thoroughly straightened with a curling iron, the curls at the roots are lifted with a hairdryer. That's all, it remains only to put a fabric band on the head, trying to keep it at the level of the forehead.

As you can see, on a short hairstyle with bangs, you can also create many spectacular feminine hairstyles, and any girl can cope with the styling process.


Watch the video: how to make your basic clothes look cute (July 2024).