A conspiracy to return the debt


Many probably know the situation from which it is quite difficult to get out without help. Under such circumstances, have to resort to loans. However, even more people are familiar with negligent borrowers. It happens, if you give a person money in debt, you enter a situation and regret it, hoping that, as soon as everything gets better, he will return the amount, but you get nothing.

Those who find themselves in such a position sooner or later get tired of waiting, but attempts to repay a debt are not always successful. Domestic magic will become a real salvation, namely, a conspiracy on how to return money from the debtor.

What are the conspiracies to return the debt?

Debts are different: monetary, objective, but they have the same essence - something is given to another person for a certain period of time. Lending a thing or money, we always expect to be returned. However, it happens that years pass by in anticipation, and a favorite sweater or a couple of thousand rubles is never returned. Before running to complain to the police, to lawyers, and maybe worse, collectors, we advise you to use white magic.

White magic rituals will help repay the debt without harming the caster or the debtor.

A conspiracy to return the debt is recommended to read in certain conditions with a clear following instructions and use of the listed items. Let us understand what conspiracies are suitable for the return of debts. Among the most popular stand out:

  • on the waning moon;
  • with matches;
  • on the water;
  • with the debtor's thing;
  • on a coin;
  • with candles.

Although conspiracies on the financial component are made on the growing moon, the return of the borrowed is worth to the decreasing. This increases the impact not so much on the item itself or on money as on the debtor.

Use white magic rituals only if the person simply does not want to return yours, and is not in a difficult situation without the ability to repay a debt.

To avoid possible negative consequences, even with light magic, after receiving the debt, thank the debtor in your mind. So the energy that has surrounded you and your relationship for a long time will be cleansed.

On the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is favorable for the closure of affairs and accounts. That is why the conspiracy to return the debt to the decreasing moon has a special power and energy. To conduct the ceremony should be exactly at midnight, wide open the window and say the words of the spell:

"The moon lit the sky and drove away the darkness. Let as well as the light of its plowing darkness open spaces and blackness, and the conscience of my debtor will be cleared. To give me back the debt and three times was grateful for the help provided. I charge you, (debtor’s name), return that it is not yours, but someone else's. But if you don’t return it - stay in tears and bad luck, in darkness without the light of the moon. Amen. "

Close the window and go to bed. After the ritual, wait six days, and on the seventh, ask your borrower.

On the water

Many plots of debt are read into the water, because it symbolizes cleansing and deliverance from all unclean things. Before proceeding to the ceremony, remember the basic rules for conducting rituals with water:

  1. Cleanse the body.
  2. Relieve the soul.
  3. Clean the room.
  4. Prepare items to help in the conspiracy.

For the ceremony, you will also need one large church candle and seven tanks filled with clean, freshly collected water. Form a circle from the vessels, while you yourself sit in the center, holding a lighted candle with both hands, and read the magic text:

"I pray to Heaven and to the great forces, white magic and all-powerful nature. Help return the debt, remove the debtor, and bring the path to me. Let me be yours, let me go and remain, but not lose it. As the seven ways light up , so the light (the name of the thing or the amount owed) returns to me! "

Ritual with water is the least dangerous and powerful enough. Within seven days, the loan will be returned back.

With matches

The rite with the use of a matchbox is used when the hope of returning the debt is almost completely lost, so it takes more time. Get a thin church candle and a new matchbox and, on the same day, start a long ritual.

Fire is a symbol of purification. His presence in the ritual contributes to the eradication of hostility and negativity.

Every night before bedtime, light a candle with a match from a new box. Do not extinguish a match, but carefully put it on a saucer next to the candle and watch how it burns, saying:

“Burn clearly and burn strongly, fire! Force (the name of the debtor) to repay me the debt, torment his soul with torments of conscience, do not let sleep think only about me. Let him not be able to eat, drink or live life, returns that does not belong to him. So be it! "

Blow out the candle and leave the ashes from the match on the saucer. The ceremony should be repeated until all the matches in the box run out, and do not remove the ashes until the debt has been returned.

On the coin and tree

The coin plot is considered the most favorable and bright. With it, you will not just return yours, but also contribute to the debtor with the resources to return the debt. Take the coin, preferably silver. Silver is an excellent conductor for spiritual and magical powers, symbolizing wealth and health.

The use of silver in the rite will help ward off even the most insignificant dark spirits or bad intentions, contributing to the complete purification of the ritual of black magic.

Bury a coin under a pine or spruce. Be sure to choose these trees, because the pine - a symbol of loyalty, integrity and rebirth, and spruce - dignity, hardness and integrity. In ancient times, both trees were worshiped by different nations, as sacred.

It is better to bury the coin in the morning after sunrise, at the same time saying:

"Magic coin, silver and brilliant, I bury under the tree sanctified by mother nature itself. I want the debt to be returned to me (the name of the debtor). If you have money, let it do it from the heart and with a pure soul. And if not, let them come his means and opportunities. I will receive a debt - I will dig up a coin and forget all bad things! "

The place and the tree should be remembered so that, after returning the loan, you can dig out the coin. So you save the relationship and additionally help the other person.

With the debtor's thing

A strong conspiracy to repay a debt is carried out with the debtor's thing, and its difficulty is that you will need to borrow or borrow a personal item from this person, which he directly uses.

The best option for someone else's things to use in the ritual is clothing or a book of the debtor.

Sprinkle the object with holy water, then dry and wrap in a red cloth in the shape of a wallet, saying:

"I hide the thing (the name of the debtor) in the envelope, transform it into money. What should, let me return. Debt back, and (the name of the thing) to the debtor in my hands. As I say, it will happen!"

Hide the resulting bundle in the house, preferably in the southeastern part. It is believed that it is from the other side that finances are attracted.

With candles

Conspiracy to return the debt with the use of candles - a great many. Therefore, we consider the most effective and efficient of them, which will definitely help to return the borrowed.

An old candlestick plot involves the use of specific items in the process:

  • green candle;
  • new box of matches;
  • ordinary pencil or embers;
  • a sheet of paper;
  • saucers and jars of may honey.

The green candle used in the plot symbolizes wealth and money, attracting them back to the owner.

Before the ritual, turn off the light in the house, carefully close all the doors and windows, leaving only one open. Set opposite the table and stand next to the window. Place a candle on the table, smearing honey in advance, and light a new match. Hold both palms to the flame with the words:

"I begin a magical rite with a bright, evil light that drives away. How sweet this honey and sticky are, so money sticks to me and it doesn’t come off!"

Read the plot five times, take the prepared paper and pencil and draw on it the amount of debt or the name of the thing that you owe. Leaf, without turning, set fire to the flame of a candle and fit on a saucer. While it is burning, say:

"Words on paper burn out, and debt is returned to me!"

It is also necessary to repeat the phrase five times to the row, and the ashes should be dispelled on the road near the debtor's house or poured under the door mat.


Many, probably, thought before the rite: what consequences does a conspiracy to return a debt if it is white magic?

Naturally, if the ritual is performed as described, then there can be no negative consequences. It is also recommended to carry out conspiracies without unkind intentions and without wishing the evil to the debtor. Be sure to thank him after returning the debt and mentally wish all the good and good, prosperity and good luck.

Conspiracy with good intentions and without the use of black magic, while observing all the rules, has no negative consequences.

Thus, your energy will not be tarnished, and the negative will completely go away. Try only the proven methods of white magic described in the article to avoid unwanted results.


Watch the video: The College Conspiracy - Full. (June 2024).