How to plant a thaw in the fall and prepare it for wintering. Features autumn planting thuja: photos, tips and tricks


You can often find one in gardens and parks.

This plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and the environment. It calmly tolerates the urban climate, drought and frost. Thuja is an ideal plant for beginners. But like any perennial, it has its own growing characteristics, which should be considered when planting.

Thuja: plant description

Thuja is an evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 10 meters in height. It tolerates cutting and shaping. Thuja needles are soft, scaly. Its color at a young age is light green in color, over the years it changes to dark. In gardening, there are many varieties of thuja. Basically, all plants are unpretentious, well tolerate the harsh climate.

Choosing a place for landing thuja in the fall

Before embarking on a planting, it is necessary to choose the right place for its cultivation. Thuja loves a lot of light, but you can not place it in direct sunlight. This leads to dehydration of the tree, which reduces its winter hardiness. The place for the thuja should be well lit throughout the day, but at noon the sun should not fall on it.

Another point that needs to be taken into account when landing thuja is drafts, or rather, their absence. The evergreen tree does not tolerate cold winds and drafts. Therefore, you need to choose a protected place.

What should be the soil on the site?

The plant is undemanding to soils, but nutrient fertile land is considered the best soil for it. It is possible to enrich the soil by adding turf soil, peat and sand to it.

Choose a thuja seedling for planting

Thuja autumn planting is a responsible matter, so you need to choose a good seedling, which will increase the chances of plant survival.

1. When buying a seedling, pay attention to the substrate in the pot. It should completely cover the root system.

2. From the presented variety of seedlings, the choice must be made in favor of those whose root system is in a container or wrapped in burlap.

3. You also need to look at the bottom of the pot. If roots are visible in the drainage holes, then you do not need to buy such a seedling.

4. A healthy seedling should not have signs of disease, the bark on it is whole, green shoots.

How to spend an autumn landing thuja + photo

This plant belongs to the south, so you need to be serious about the autumn planting of thuja. If you neglect the necessary rules, then the probability of a successful landing is reduced to 10%. In other words, the thuja does not take root.

Landing pit preparation and thuja planting

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the preparation of the landing pit. It is prepared in advance. The size of the pit should be much larger than the root coma. At the bottom of the hole, a drainage layer is arranged, which is made of broken brick, pebbles or gravel. The thickness of the drainage is about 15 cm. A layer of ripened compost, chernozem or peat is laid on top.

The seedling is installed in the planting hole, while it is placed so that the root neck is at the same level with the soil. It is impossible to deepen or raise the root neck, as this will lead to the death of the plant. Further, the root lump is covered with earth. The landing site is tamped and watered abundantly. It is useful to mulch the near-stem circle of the plant with wood chips, sawdust or needles. However, care must be taken to ensure that the lower branches are not covered with mulch.

If you plan to plant several trees, then you need to leave enough distance between them for further development. It depends on the type and shape of the adult plant. The optimal distance is from 1 to 5 meters.

Useful tips for autumn planting thuja

1. Mineral fertilizers are added to the substrate for the plant. You can use nitroammofosku.

2. Root growth stimulants will help accelerate the rooting of a seedling. Kornevin, Epin or Zircon is added to water for watering the plant.

3. After planting thuja, the tree is regularly watered for a month, even rainy autumn. The optimal frequency is watering once every 7 days.

4. Landing thuja need in the evening or in the morning.

5. You can’t delay buying a seedling with a transplant; the sooner it is planted in the garden, the faster it will take root.

Thuja wintering in the garden

With the onset of frost, watering the plants is stopped, since he needs to prepare for the upcoming winter. Thuja belong to frost-resistant plants, but young trees, whose age does not exceed 5 years, need shelter. To do this, use spruce branches, and the trunk circle is mulched with peat. Adult plants do not cover, but mulching remains mandatory. It protects the root system from drying out and freezing.

In regions with snowy winters, the crown of thuja is tied with twine. The abundance of snow can break plant shoots. You also need to remember that the spring sun harms young needles, so at the end of winter the tree is covered with non-woven material.

Varieties and types of arborvitae for the garden

Western thuja

This is the most common plant in our gardens. There are many varieties of this tree. In landscape design, a western thuja with a diverse crown is used. The most popular types of thuja:

• Brabant;

• Smaragd;

• Danica;

• Woodward;

• Ericoides.

Thuja Korean

This species of thuja grows in the form of a wide shrub. The needles of the plant are very elegant, silver. Needs shelter for the winter.

Thuya is sick

The shoots and needles of the plant are often affected by pests and fungal diseases. The appearance of the plant deteriorates, the needles turn yellow. The most common diseases are:

• Brown shute;

• fusarium;

• cytosporosis.

To combat fungi, thuja needles are treated with special preparations. Good results are obtained by spraying thuja with Bordeaux liquid or with the “Kartotsid” preparation. Thuja is treated in early spring. Spraying is repeated several times until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Pests can spoil the appearance. Their appearance provokes yellowing of needles, which soon falls off. Spraying the crown from pests is carried out several times. Use drugs: Karbofos, Rogor, Decis. At the end of summer, Actellic can be treated with an interval of two weeks.

To summarize

Thuja is an excellent solution for landscaping the garden, especially in the city. This plant is quite hardy, but it is poorly adjacent to asters and peonies. Decorative and deciduous shrubs and flowers can be planted next to the arborvitae. She looks good in company with cypress, acacia, hosts, hydrangea and astilbe.

Adhering to all the above rules, problems with the autumn landing of the thuja should not arise. Growing this plant is a pleasure, and the pleasant aroma of pine needles has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

Thuja tolerates shearing and shaping. Using this opportunity, experienced gardeners create neat hedges or unique bonsai. With the help of this plant, you can realize various design ideas.

A correctly selected place for planting a seedling, good care will preserve the plant's health and its appearance. After all, well-groomed trees are less likely to be damaged by pests and diseases.


Watch the video: Preparing Your Garden For Winter (July 2024).