December 18: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 18

Day of registry office workers

Civil registry office employees have a lot of responsibilities that are invisible at the solemn registration of civil marriages. This is painstaking work with archives, maintaining books of acts of civil status. Employees of the registry office record voluntary marriage and register the birth of children. Family relations are executed on the basis of the "Family Code of the Russian Federation." These records provide citizens of the country with protection and equality, respect for rights and legitimate interests. Workers in this field should show warmth for people, love for their profession, ability to empathize. December 18, they celebrate their professional holiday.

Arabic Day

A relatively young holiday was established at the initiative of the UN Department of Public Relations. In total there are 6 varieties of the official language of this organization. A multilingual world has the opportunity to communicate with and strengthen intercultural dialogue through multinational languages. The Arabic language plays a significant role in this exchange, as it is spoken by 240 million people, approximately 50 million use it as a second language. Adherents of Islam around the world use the language of the Koran, the total number of Muslims is approximately 1.5 billion people. The constant changes in language over the centuries concerned mainly vowels and were practically not reflected in the letter. High Arabic has remained classical, it is used only in writing. It publishes books, and even some newspapers. Technical terms come from French. The UN Secretariat is holding events so that everyone can get acquainted with the Arabic language and culture.

Moldova Police Day

Moldovan police units are part of the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are created to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens of the country. The police participate in measures to maintain public order, search for persons who have committed a crime, and assist citizens in protecting their legal rights. State protection is provided on the basis of the Criminal Code of Moldova, in accordance with the current legislation of the country. Today, in festive events, police units accept congratulations, the best employees will be awarded with awards and memorials.

Folk calendar December 18

Memory of Saint Sava the Sanctified

Savva was from a family of pious Christians in Cappadocia and lived in the 5th century. Having taken monastic tonsure, he devoted himself to serving God and spent 10 years in the monastery, then spent five years in a cave in the lands of Israel. He founded several monasteries, healed the sick and possessed by the devil, and showed the world many miracles. For example, in the middle of his Lavra, a source suddenly scored.

Savva's holiday falls immediately after St. Barbara, so he continues his winter work - bridges bridges, strengthens roads and crossings. On this day, peasants are afraid to swear, especially those who have a horse so that Savva does not get angry. But Savva can postpone work and spend the day in prayer and conversation. Without leaving the hut, you can determine the weather - red logs in the oven and their crackle predict a fierce cold. If the smoke came out in a pillar - you should wait for the frost, dragging - bad weather is coming.

Memorable Historical Events December 18

December 18, 1833 - for the first time the new hymn "God Save the Tsar" is performed

Tsar Alexander I did not like the sounds of the English march that accompanied the highest Russian people on the trip. On his instructions, a new anthem was written, Zhukovsky, Pushkin and Lvov participated in its creation. For the first time, a new anthem was performed on December 18, and served the empire until 1917.

December 18, 1876 - the first political demonstration took place in Russia (in St. Petersburg)

Kazan Square of the then capital was crowded. Workers and students supported the strike movement in the country. The organizers of the demonstration were the populist-zemlevoltsy, and they were helped by the members of the working circles associated with them. In total, there were about 400 people on the square, there for the first time a red flag was deployed. The police tried to disperse the demonstrators, brutally beating the protesters. 30 people were arrested and tried. Worker Potapov, who unfurled the flag, was put in jail. It is known that he asked for help from the archimandrite, but was refused. Potapov hit the priest in the face, for which he was sent into exile.

December 18, 1865 - the complete abolition of the slave system in the United States

This year ended the famous war between the North and the South, which lasted almost 4 years. Even in the course of the war itself, the foundation was laid for Lincoln’s reforms designed to free blacks from the centuries-old yoke of slavery. The Declaration of Independence called on the Union Army to free slaves. Until the end of the war, the declaration did not come into full force. There was a war disputing its position. The 13th Constitutional Amendment completely abolished slavery, delivering a final blow to the slave trade. On the American continent, the slave trade continued until the 20th century, in 1926 it was banned by the League of Nations.

December 18, 2004 - Completion of the Miss Plastic Surgery contest in Beijing

At one of the Chinese beauty contests, the jury disqualified the participant after learning that she had undergone plastic surgery. This prompted the organizers to hold another contest - for girls who underwent surgical intervention. Potential participants were required to submit certificates of operations. The winner suffered four plastic corrections. The idea of ​​the competition is the promotion of plastic surgery, dispelling the myth of the dangers and dangers of such operations. Today, China is experiencing a real boom in this area. The network of clinics and the size of the plastic surgery market in the country continue to grow.

December 18, 1994 - Opening of the priceless ancient gallery of cave paintings

The discovery was made by the famous caver Jean Marie Chauvet and two of his assistants. The cave gallery contains more than 300 petroglyphs of animals, a real menagerie. French caves contain many similar drawings, but no gallery can compare with a similar cave. The drawings are perfectly preserved, their age is 30-33 thousand years. Gove Gallery shattered the idea that the perfection of human mastery took place over many millennia, from the simplest images to professional highly artistic paintings. Most likely, our ancestors learned to draw before moving to Europe, and they appeared here about 35 thousand years ago.

Born on December 18

Joseph Thomson (1856 - 1940), the brightest classic physicist

The great physicist played a huge role in the formation of a large international school of physics. Huge achievements in the field of electromagnetic theory of light, the discovery of an electron and the theory of its motion in magnetic and electric fields brought the researcher the Nobel Prize. According to Thomson, the new atomic model was not used after Rutherford's experiments. Thomson's formula calculates the dissection of magnetic waves using free electrons. He also discovered the photoelectric effect and thermionic emission, developed the theory of spectroscopy. The laboratory he headed at that time turned into a leading research center in the world.

William Bradley Pitt (1963), the famous actor of Hollywood

According to his first education, the favorite of the women of the world, Brad Pitt was a journalist and advertiser, however, after graduating from high school, he decided to conquer Hollywood. Fame and recognition did not come to him immediately, in anticipation of roles, he had to work as a driver and a barker in a restaurant. The first role in the Dallas series did not bring him success, and only in the 1990s he played roles in the films Where the River Flows, Interviews with the Vampire, Legends of Autumn, which were seen by the public. The first Oscar elevated him to the pinnacle of fame, the actor became a sex symbol of the era. It is noteworthy that Brad Pitt is forever deprived of the right to visit China for his role in the film "Seven Years in Tibet." He has a no less stellar wife, Angelina Jolie, and
six children.

Franz Ferdinand von Habsburg d'Este (1863-1914), Archduke, heir to the throne

The Archduke d'Este is famous for marrying a woman of low status and forever depriving himself and his children of the right to the throne. Before marriage, he had to confirm this in writing, renouncing the heritage for the sake of love. He settled in the Czech castle Konopiste. D'Este went down in history, creating a pretext for the First World War. The conspirators from the Mlada Bosna group killed him and his wife in Sarajevo in 1914, which marked the beginning of World War I.

Paul Klee (1879 - 1940), original and inventive artist of the 20th century

The German artist painted his paintings on personal intuition. His subconscious associations are recreated in paintings in an unrealistic manner, despite the fact that he was well versed in the past and modern art. His technique is characterized by sensuality and rich variety of shades. Spontaneous and deep improvisation is comprehended and subordinated to an individual style, which is why his paintings are fascinating and are in constant demand among art lovers.

Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov (1930 - 2001), director and host of "What? Where? When?"

The creative path of Vladimir Voroshilov reflects many areas where he showed his talent as a director, director, artist and presenter. He made documentaries and educational films, then conducted a game show on the Auction Central Exhibition Center. The program was removed by Soviet censorship, and Voroshilov for a long time became a persona non grata. In the credits of the first programs "What? Where? When?" did not even show his last name. Subsequently, Voroshilov became an academician of TEFI (Russian Academy of Television Arts) and a permanent director and host of the program.

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin (1921 - 1997 years), clown, actor, director and host of programs

Nikulin's circus life lasted almost half a century. In parallel, he starred in comedic roles in films, mainly with director Leonid Gaidai. Almost all films with his participation were included in the golden piggy bank of modern cinema. Since 1982, Yuri Nikulin has been the head of his native Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, then the host of the White Parrot comedy on TV.

Name Day 18 December

Name day on this day: Gennady, Zakhar, Ilya, Sergey.


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