What is your baby crying about?


The plaintive, piercing, crying out of the soul of a young mother child's cry is a faithful companion of every new member of the family. Caring grandmothers, recalling sleepless nights after the baby's motion sickness, sincerely wish their daughters-in-law and daughters of a calm child. Yes, and the women themselves are worried - because it is impossible to predict in advance whether they will get a small crybaby who every minute exposes the space with a flood of weeping, or fate will help to get a happy ticket, giving the baby a peaceful and calm character from birth.

Why are many men able to sleep sweetly without hearing the crying of the child, and most of the women react painfully even to the cry of the neighbor's baby? Many mothers admit that there is no sound more annoying and exhausting than the crying baby. Meanwhile, there is a logical explanation for this - high notes irritate the nervous system, signaling danger. A small piercing siren, included in the mandatory equipment of all boys and girls, is provided for their own good. Reporting hunger and thirst in time, complaining of cramps and teeth, and demanding immediate relief of their suffering is the direct and hidden right of infants.

How to learn to exist with this irritant, and most importantly - how to recognize alarms? Many mothers themselves begin to cry in unison, feeling their own helplessness and inability to understand what a small screaming creature wants from her.


The main reason for crying in a newborn is, of course, hunger. Very soon, the mother will learn to recognize “hungry screams” and come to the rescue. The woman’s body is so complex and cunning that some lactating mothers are surprised to notice the incoming milk, not only in the process of feeding their own child, but also with the sounds of the flood crying of other hungry screamers.

Tip: Respond to a request for feeding immediately. With HB, this is not difficult, because the baby’s favorite food is always at hand. But the mothers of the artisans should take care of preparing the mixture in advance, without waiting for the signal to turn into violent screams.


The baby is fed, dry, dressed, and it would seem that he should sleep sweetly. However, the anxiety does not stop, preventing him from seeing magical dreams, and his mother from indulging in a well-deserved rest. In the first weeks of life, the newborn mainly eats and sleeps. However, blissful 28 days pass, and causeless and disturbing, indefatigable and frightening, crying enters into peaceful coexistence with the baby. What happened? Your baby has matured, his nervous system develops every day, he begins to clearly see objects and respond to others. Together with the first smile comes a nervous excitement - because the world around is so new and huge that it prevents you from forgetting a carefree dream. This condition received a very apt name - "sunset syndrome", combining at the same time two meanings. The child, indeed, begins to roll up from fatigue, and most often these moments coincide with the end of daylight.

Tip: it is important not to miss the moment of change in the nervous organization of the child. If you feel that the usual sequence of sleep and wakefulness has changed, pay special attention to the regime of the day.


This unpleasant moment is a complete surprise for mothers of perfectly healthy children. Seeing a good appetite and stool, a woman simply does not believe that something can hurt in the child. However, this is not so - colic in the first months of life is a quite normal and very common phenomenon.

Tip: Do not forget to keep your baby upright after eating. If he is tormented, pulls his knees to his stomach, wakes up from crying and cannot fall asleep - put him on his stomach. The baby warmed by the maternal warmth will soon fall asleep, forgetting about the unpleasant sensations, and the mother will be able to take a little nap with him.

Do not give up before an unreasonable cry. No matter how complicated the riddle may seem, the answer always lies on the surface. Hunger, fatigue, colic, teeth - learn to understand your child’s language. After all, only a few months will pass and in addition to the requirement to satisfy basic needs, crying will replace full communication, urging you to come up, pick up your hands and caress your child. Think of screams as a full-fledged dialogue: the baby asks - you are doing it. Such a model of behavior will allow parents to avoid unnecessary stress, and the child will be presented with a happy and carefree infancy.


Watch the video: 5 Ways To Deal With A Crying Baby (July 2024).