Feeding in public. Pro et contra


Pickets and flash mobs are increasingly taking place in Russia and abroad, urging society to pay attention to the needs of young nursing mothers and their children. The least radical activists make colorful posters, ardent advocates for the rights of infants to receive breast milk anywhere and at any time hold open sessions of simultaneous feeding or demonstrate naked breasts, assuring that this part of the body is no different from a feeding bottle.

The society itself was divided into two irreconcilable camps. The former recognize feeding as one of the most intimate processes, and protest against a public demonstration of this sacrament. The latter appeal to physiology, recalling that breast milk is not a dessert or a treat, but a necessary condition for the life and health of a baby who, by age, cannot be offered to be patient at home or go in search of convenient places hidden from prying eyes.

Main arguments of opponents of feeding in public places

  • Naked breasts attract the attention of passers-by. This is a violation of both ethical and aesthetic standards accepted in society. Firstly, many fear for their growing children, who are not so small to perceive their breasts as a pacifier for a baby, but also not old enough to delicately turn away. Secondly, some find the sight of the female breast during lactation quite unattractive: the increased size, stretch marks and veins - all this should be hidden from the eyes of strangers.
  • Each mother is able to correctly calculate the time for everyday activities and walks with her child. The need to feed outside the home is explained by a frivolous attitude to the regimen of the day. In extreme cases, expressed milk can be poured into a bottle and taken with you for a walk.
  • Feeding in public places does not comply with personal hygiene rules. Along with milk, microbes and bacteria enter the child’s mouth, as clinics, train stations, airports and shops are a source of infections.

Facts Cited by Supporters of Public Feeding

  • For the period of feeding the baby, the breast from an erotic object becomes only a necessary appendage, no different from a bottle or nipple.
  • Not every woman has lactation affects size and appearance - many retain elegant shapes.
  • Feeding is a natural and peaceful process that cannot evoke feelings of protest or disgust. Great artists painted their masterpieces, creating the image of a nursing Madonna - so why does society, while recognizing art, simultaneously condemn the modern nurse?
  • Not all children eat on schedule. Currently, neonatologists and pediatricians strongly recommend not to adhere to a tight schedule, but to feed the baby on demand. Indeed, in addition to hunger, the baby may be thirsty, moreover, the process itself soothes the pain from cutting teeth, relieves stress, helps to fall asleep and satisfies the sucking reflex.
  • The argument about the need for mandatory preparation for feeding was refuted by doctors. Frequent washing of the nipple and areola helps to remove natural lubrication, which leads to cracks. In addition, the living conditions have changed - a daily morning shower and clean linen keeps the chest clean.

Who is right and who is to blame for this eternal dispute? As in any heated discussions, both sides forget about objectivity. Opponents do not take into account the individual characteristics of other babies who may refuse a mixture, nipples and bottles with expressed milk, and supporters forget that a little time will pass, and the ability to publicly expose themselves to them will seem awkward and inappropriate.

Of course, not a single mother will listen to the hungry cries of her child, and not finding a suitable place, will feed him where the crying will catch. But there are many opportunities to do this anywhere, without drawing attention to the process: special underwear, a sling or stole allow you to enjoy intimacy with your child completely unnoticed by others. At the same time, opponents of publicity should be more tolerant of nursing mothers, because it is much easier to look an adult than to endure the pangs of hunger for a baby.


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