Meditation and light exercise protect against flu and colds


Millions of people around the world daily take expensive vitamins, drink all kinds of herbal decoctions, eat special foods and use many other means in order to strengthen their immune system, protecting themselves from the flu and colds. American researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison immediately found several much more effective and at the same time economical ways to deal with infectious diseases, namely meditation, or at least such simple sports exercises as brisk walking and jogging.

The conclusion of the scientists was based on the results of their new study conducted in the USA with the participation of 149 people. All of them were divided into three groups. The first of them had to do meditation every day, the second - with the same frequency of jogging, but the task of the third group was to not resort to absolutely any sports and preventive exercises, including meditation, during the appointed time. These rules were to be observed by participants for eight months (from September to March) during which, scientists monitored their health.

At the end of the study, experts found that people who practiced meditation for several minutes a day were on average 76% less likely to have such infectious diseases as the flu and the common cold, compared to those who did nothing. Participants who did small jogging every day had a 48% less exposure to similar “winter illnesses” than the third group.

So, experts managed to prove the benefits of meditation and elementary sports exercises. The professor of family medicine, Dr. Bruce Barrett, in his report, also noted that the organisms of people who, in the framework of the experiment devoted at least a little time to accomplish their tasks, coped with infectious diseases much faster than the organisms of their opponents from the third group. By the way, according to recent studies conducted by scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, meditation is also a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress.


Svetlana 12/30/2016
She noticed that when she started to play sports, she became much less sick. Overall health improved. But in case of a cold, Ingavirin helps me very well, the main thing is to start taking it at the first ailment and you can completely avoid the disease.


Watch the video: Yoga for Sickness, Stress, Cold and Flu 30 min (July 2024).