Beauty and pregnancy


The neat bellies of celebrities on the covers of the popular gloss, the masterpieces of fashion photographers who created a real miracle from a pregnant photo shoot - all this shows the future mother a true beauty. And books with films convince that pregnancy is the heyday of beauty for every woman. However, glamor enters into a strong discord with reality when we observe the appearance of the ladies in the position that they are found in endless lines of antenatal clinics. A barely converging coat on his stomach, a stretched tracksuit, a sloppy hairstyle - all these attributes instantly turn expectant mothers into women of uncertain age, to see the beauty of which is not easy. Needless to say, you don’t have to go far - sometimes our mirrors do not reflect the most brilliant appearance. Does pregnancy decorate a woman or is all this just a myth aimed at maintaining good spirits in expectant mothers?

How does appearance change during pregnancy?

Pregnancy, indeed, transforms any woman, and these changes have a physiological reason, and therefore are noticeable even to the naked eye.


The good news is that hair looks much better than in normal condition. They practically stop falling out, become stronger and healthier. The bad thing is that some women are no less superstitious during the gestation periods than the neighbor's grandmother. Out of fear of folk signs, many cease to care for their hair without visiting the hairdresser for all 9 months of waiting.


Someone's interesting position helps the skin look better than before pregnancy, but it is not uncommon when the perfect face is covered with ugly spots or acne. Intensively produced hormones can play a bad joke by turning an adult woman into an acne teenager. And enhanced pigmentation can "decorate" the forehead, nose and cheeks with large freckles or even spots.


Some ladies maintain a slender camp almost until the very birth, but others are less fortunate. In addition to the growing abdomen, pregnancy adds extra pounds to the whole body - the sides, arms, hips and even cheeks are rounded.


Slight swelling of the lips, of course, goes to almost every woman. But what if the insidious swelling decided to enlarge the nose, cheeks and change the shape of the face? And the increased blood volume gives someone a delicate blush, and for some it is expressed in too dark skin color.

Lucky - not lucky?

The older generation likes to associate changes in appearance with the gender of the unborn child. Everything is permeated with indisputable folk logic - a girl takes away beauty, and a boy, on the contrary, generously rewards her with his mother. If you follow this belief, then nothing depends on the woman herself, she only has to go with the flow.

But the truth is that the appearance, although affected by the bearing of the baby, largely depends on the woman herself. Someone courageously defeats edema, following a proper diet, while others find it easier to blame their position. Not many dare to face the truth, realizing that the gorgeous looking pregnant girlfriend just did not stop taking care of herself, diligently caring for her skin, hairdo, carefully thinking through the wardrobe and watching the diet.

Is it worth it to cover nature’s own laziness? After all, childbirth will be followed by a difficult period, when there is simply no time left for self-care. And the result of a careless attitude to yourself during pregnancy can be not only an unsuccessful photo shoot, but also a dozen extra pounds that returned with you from the hospital.


Watch the video: Pregnancy Beauty Tips. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).