Mastic cake (step by step) - feel like a real pastry chef. DIY cakes: mastic and cake recipes


A self-made cake is the most delicious treat. Using mastic, you can create a real masterpiece that will conquer everyone.

Do it yourself cake with mastic - basic principles of cooking

Mastic is a confectionery mass prepared on the basis of icing sugar, in combination with other ingredients. After hardening, this product becomes very dense, so it is used not only for wrapping cakes, but also for creating different three-dimensional figures.

The easiest way to make mastic from the finished powder mixture. But it is better to experiment, and make it yourself. The mastic recipe is chosen depending on its application. Whatever recipe you use, you should have a dense mass similar to plasticine.

Cocoa, fruit or vegetable juices, food colors are used for coloring.

In principle, you can make a cake according to any recipe, cover it with mastic and decorate with flowers, or other figures from mastic.

Recipe 1. Mastic for covering and figures


100 g marshmallows;

one and a half stack. powdered sugar;

30 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Marshmallows take white. Put the marshmallows in a plate and send for 20 seconds in the microwave. Take larger dishes, as marshmallows will greatly increase in volume. Add 100 g of powdered sugar and mix.

2. If you need to color the mastic, add food coloring at this point. Pouring the powder, intervene until a mass similar to plasticine is obtained.

3. Roll the mastic, cover the cake and cut off the excess. From this mastic, you can make figures that need to be dried throughout the day. To keep the figures on the cake, simply lubricate the place where the figure will stand with water.

Recipe 2. Sponge cake from mastic step by step with your own hands


75 g plums. oils;

stack powdered sugar;

240 g of flour;

8 eggs;

oil cream.

Chocolate mastic

120 g of powdered sugar;

100 g of dark chocolate;

60 ml of brandy;

90 g marshmallows;

30 g of plum oil;

40 ml fat cream.

Cooking method

1. Oil and eggs are removed from the refrigerator in advance.

2. Beat eggs at high speed with powdered sugar.

3. Into the enlarged egg mixture, gradually introduce the sifted flour twice, gently stirring with a spatula.

4. Add the butter and continue whisking. Pour the dough into a mold, grease it with butter and sprinkle it with flour. Bake at 180 C until cooked.

5. Cool the biscuit, wrap it with foil and remove it for a couple of hours in the cold. Then divide it along into two or three cakes. Soak each one and collect the cake, smearing with cream. Top and sides do not miss.

6. Put the chocolate broken into pieces into the stewpan. We put on a slow fire and melt. Add marshmallows to melted chocolate. Constantly mix the mass. When half the marshmallows melt, pour the cream and cognac, add the butter. Cook, stirring regularly, until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. Remove from heat. Gradually pouring powdered sugar, knead with a spoon. When the mass becomes thick and elastic, continue to knead with your hands until you get an elastic, elastic dough.

7. Roll the mastic into a circle, and transfer it to the cake using a rolling pin. We align the back of the hand and press it to the sides. At the end we go through a pastry spatula. We cut the hanging edges.

Recipe 3. Cake made of mastic step by step with your own hands "Honey"


three glasses with the top of flour;

8 g of soda;

200 g of sugar;

100 g of drain oil .;

two large eggs;

60 g of liquid honey;

any cream for the layer.

Gelatin Mastic

10 g of gelatin;

50 ml of drinking water;

a pound of icing sugar.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs at high speed, sprinkling sugar with a thin stream.

2. We heat the honey in a water bath. Add soda and mix thoroughly until the mass becomes caramel. Remove from heat.

3. We combine the egg-sugar mixture with honey and soft butter. Sent again to the water bath. When the mixture warms up enough, add flour, whisking constantly.

4. Cool the dough and divide it into five to six equal parts. Each roll out, cut the same circles and bake at 200 C for five minutes.

5. We coat the cooled cakes with cream, folding one on top of the other. Sour cream is best.

6. Pour gelatin into a small bowl, fill it with water and leave to swell for half an hour. Sifted icing sugar. Dissolve the swollen gelatin over low heat and cool. Add the powder to it and knead. Then put it on the table and continue to knead, gradually pouring powder. As soon as the mastic stops sticking to her hands, she is ready.

7. Roll the gelatin mastic into a layer. We wrap it on a rolling pin and transfer it to a cake. Carefully level out, pressing lightly. We cut the hanging edges. By mastic, you can arrange figures or flowers.

Recipe 4. Sour cream cake from the mastic step by step with your own hands


15 g of baking powder;

three eggs;


stack Sahara;

flour - 450 g;

320 g sour cream;

pack of butter.


600 ml of fat sour cream;

300 g of powdered sugar.

Mastic for decoration.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs at high speed with sugar and vanilla.

2. Add soft sliced ​​butter and mix thoroughly.

3. Enter the sour cream. Shuffle. Pouring flour with baking powder, knead a homogeneous gentle dough. Divide it in half and bake two identical cakes. Bake for half an hour at 170 degrees. Cool the finished cakes on a wire rack and divide each half in half.

4. Whip fat sour cream with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.

5. Prepare marshmallow mastic according to the above recipe. Leave a little for decoration and color with a green dye. Roll the white mastic into a thin circle, transfer it with a rolling pin to the cake and carefully level it, gently pressing it to the surface of the cake. Roll the green mastic into a long strip, cut it around the edges so that it is even. Wrap a cake on the shelf. Make a bow out of the rest and attach it at the junction of the strip.

Recipe 5. Cake from the mastic step by step do it yourself with bananas



1.5 stack flour;

six eggs;

stack granulated sugar;

? stack drinking water;

0.75 stack sunflower oil;

15 g of baking powder;

100 g of cocoa.

Impregnation and cream

200 ml of milk;

four bananas;

300 g of boiled condensed milk;

100 ml of syrup;

200 g of condensed milk;

100 g of oil.



a pound of powdered sugar;

half a pack of drain oil .;

200 g marshmallows.

Cooking method

1. Put the marshmallows in a deep bowl, add soft butter and send everything to the microwave for a minute. Marshmallows should melt completely. Mix. We divide the mixture into three parts in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 In the smaller parts, add the dye, in one green, in the other pink, and knead the mastic, pouring 125 g of sugar powder into each part. Add 250 g of powder to the mixture without dye and knead until a dense mass similar to plasticine is obtained.

2. Wrap the green and white mastic in the film. We roll the pink mastic into a rectangle, 2-3 mm thick and 5 cm wide. Cut the edges. Fold it in half and outline the middle. We fold a sheet of paper with a tube. Wrap one edge of the rectangle. Wet the middle with water and glue. We do the same on the other hand. In the formed holes we put a sheet of paper rolled up in a tube. With our fingers we collect our improvised bow in the middle. Place the pinch with a thin tape of mastic. Leave the bow to dry.

3. Combine all the ingredients and dry ingredients for the dough and mix, leaving a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Separate the proteins from the yolks, add the deferred sugar to them and beat at high speed until the foam is stable.

4. The remaining ingredients and yolks are sent to the dry mixture and begin to mix at low speeds with a mixer. The last to introduce whipped proteins and mix gently. Bake a biscuit at 180 C for an hour. Cool and divide the cake into three parts.

5. Beat butter with condensed milk. For impregnation, mix the syrup with milk and regular condensed milk. Peel and cut the bananas into thin slices.

6. Soak cakes. Put the cake on the dish, cover with cream and spread the circles of bananas. Cover with the following cake and repeat the procedure. Coat the cake with a thick impregnation and send for an hour in the cold.

7. Roll the white mastic into a circle, two times the diameter of the cake. Using a rolling pin, transfer it to the cake and level it with your hands or a pastry spatula. The excess is carefully trimmed. We transfer the bow to the cake, dampening the place of attachment with some water. From the remaining mastic make leaflets and put them on the cake.

Recipe 6. Chocolate cake made of mastic step by step with your own hands


Chocolate sponge cake

5 g baking powder;

80 g of flour;

20 g of cocoa;

4 eggs;

150 g of granulated sugar.


50 g of dark chocolate;

200 g of boiled condensed milk;

half a pack of oil.


a glass of walnuts.


? stack Sahara;

60 g of sugar.


stack granulated sugar;

3 egg whites.


125 ml of condensed milk;

oil drain. - a pack.


Cooking method

1. Separate the whites from the yolks, and beat them until soft peaks. With a thin stream, pouring half of the sugar, continue to whisk until a dense foam forms. Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until the mass is clarified. Add a third of whipped proteins to the yolks and mix with a spatula.

2. Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl and sift. Introduce the dry mixture into the egg mass and stir. Add the remaining proteins and mix gently to maintain the airy texture of the dough. Bake a biscuit for half an hour at 180 C. Cool.

3. For meringues, beat the egg whites until soft peaks. Keep whisking, gradually pouring sugar. On parchment, draw two circles equal in diameter to the cakes. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and lay out the whipped whites with an even layer along the contour. Dry in the oven for three hours at 110 C. Cool and remove the parchment.

4. Divide the biscuit lengthwise into three identical cake layers. Soak two in sugar syrup.

5. Beat condensed milk with soft butter until smooth. Divide in half. In one piece, add melted chocolate. Fry nuts lightly in a dry frying pan and chop.

6. Put the soaked cake on a plate and cover it with a layer of chocolate cream. Sprinkle with nuts. Cover the meringue and brush it with butter cream. Put the sponge cake on top and repeat the procedure. The last will be cake without impregnation.

7. Whisk soft butter, gradually adding condensed milk. Cover this mass with the top and sides of the cake. Put it in the cold for several hours. Prepare the mastic according to one of the above recipes, roll it and carefully transfer it to the cake. Flatten and trim the excess.

Cake from the mastic step by step with your own hands - tips and tricks

Sieve powdered sugar for mastic. It is important that it be finely ground, otherwise the finished product will break.

To prevent mastic from sticking to your hands, periodically put it in the refrigerator.

The details can be held together with melted chocolate or simply wetting the area with water.

Before covering the cake with mastic, cover it with melted chocolate.

To put the mastic evenly, use a special pastry spatula.


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