What is fruitorianism and what is it eaten with? How to eat fruit and is it worth it: an approximate diet of a fruit-eater


This beautifully sounding word means eating fruit. Fruit eating can be called the pinnacle of both vegetarianism and a raw food diet. The diet of adherents of this healthy diet is 75 percent fruit.

The principles of fruit-eaters are simple, humane and understandable: harmonization of life in the surrounding living world (disobeying the flora and fauna), good health (fresh, easily digestible food), environmental conservation and economic factors.

The followers of this food eat only those fruits for which the plant does not need to be destroyed. Some fructorians allow eating nuts, beans and dried fruits, while others only eat fruits that have already fallen (without damage). Fans of this movement also include juicy vegetables, such as bell pepper, cucumber and tomato.

The fructorians include adherents of Ahimsa. This is the practice of many Eastern religions of not causing evil, either by word, or by deed, or by thoughts. To the living here, not only the animal world, but also the plant world are reckoned.

History of Fruitorianism

This movement first appeared in America in the 80s of the twentieth century. And in Russia, the first adherents appeared in 2010. The main difference between our Fructorians is a strict commitment to separate nutrition. If Americans and Europeans shamelessly mix different juices, make salads and smoothies from different fruits, then Russian fruittorians strictly adhere to the rule: one meal - one fruit.

General principles of fruit nutrition

Clean food - that's what the Fructorians call their lifestyle. Moderate supporters of this trend allow the addition of seeds, nuts and greens to the diet, more stringent ones - they eat only fruits and make no exceptions.

Proponents of a smooth transition believe that the body must first be trained before switching to full Fructorianism. Indeed, in some cases, a sharp transition is fraught with hormonal failure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and nervous stress. For people with an increased level of acidity of the gastric juice, fructorism is contraindicated!

Smooth transition to fruitorianism

• Get familiar with the principles of vegetarianism, raw food diet and fructorianism

• Go from fried foods to boiled foods

• Exclude animal protein (including milk and eggs) and include beans and nuts in the diet

• Refusal from any processing of fruits and vegetables, a complete raw food diet

• Transition to true fruit-eating

Between these stages of the transition, it is advisable to arrange hungry days to facilitate the process. In addition to the fact that during such a transition, the body is given enough time to self-cleanse and adapt to a new type of nutrition, during this period you can decide whether to switch to this strict lifestyle, because fruitorianism is primarily a philosophy, and not just eating fruits.

Abrupt transition

Even if you feel like a healthy person and have never visited a doctor in your life, we would not advise you to change your diet so radically. Even trained raw foodists and vegetarians experience difficulties in the first weeks of eating fruit. What then to speak of omnivores, accustomed to consuming thermally processed animal and vegetable protein and whose entire digestive tract is imprisoned precisely for such food?

Although some gurus of fruitorianism believe that a sharp transition is better, you have one health and do not risk it. The Internet is filled with stories about how people instantly switched to Fructorianism from scratch, however, there are as many stories of early mortality. Do everything gradually, so you will have more chances to become a real ascetic of this movement and confirm with your longevity the ideas of fruitorianism.


With regard to water use, there are two completely opposite opinions. Some believe that in juicy fruits there is enough fluid to fully satisfy the needs of the body. Others, by contrast, are convinced that even Fructorians should drink at least 2 liters of water daily. And for balance in the diet, non-carbonated mineral water is preferred.

In any case, the most correct at the beginning of the transition is to observe the usual drinking regimen, since the first steps are usually marked by symptoms of poisoning. So the body is freed from toxins and adapts to living nutrition. In this case, a sufficient amount of water will facilitate the detoxification process.

Approximate diet

A strict fructorian diet includes only fruits and juicy vegetables without any processing. They can only be washed and cleaned. You can eat fruits in small portions and be sure to take a break between different fruits for at least 2 hours.

• Juicy vegetables: bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant.

• Sweet fruits: watermelons, melons, bananas, grapes, figs

• Sour fruits: lemons, oranges, kiwi, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates.

• Sour: apples, cherries, mangoes, peaches, apricots.

• Oily fruits: olives, olives, avocados, coconut, durian.

Most fruit-eaters, as we have already mentioned, allow fruit salads, smoothies, squeezed juices, greens, beans and nuts in their diet, but strict followers of this living food believe that the correct fiber structure is violated during cooking, which contradicts the principles of a healthy diet and benefits the body. They also negatively relate to mixing different fruits in salads. Here is a sample menu for a moderate fructorean.

Fructorian Menu

From the presented fruits and vegetables in one meal you can choose only one type of fruit. And at any time you can eat olives, olives, bananas and drink water with lemon. Be careful with nuts and dried fruits - they can ruin your teeth.

First breakfast 6-9 a.m.

• Grapes

• Melon

• Lemon

• banana

Lunch 9-12 hours

• Apples

• Figs

• Kiwi

• Seeds

• Nuts

Lunch 12-15 hours

• Peaches

• Apricots

• Papaya

• Tangerines

Snack 15-18 hours

• Watermelon

• Cherry

• Cherries

• Plum

• Grenades

• Mango

Dinner 18-21 hours

• Tomatoes

• Raspberries

• Black currant

• Grapes

Important Nutrition Facts on Fruits

Start the transition with fruits and vegetables grown in your area. Do not tell your friends about your exploits in the field of eating fruit, why do you endure ridicule from people who do not understand your choice? Do not be aggressive about not supporting your eating principles. Do not buy inappropriate foods even for guests; eating fruit alone sometimes causes a condition called "wolf hunger."

Pros of Fructurianism

However, despite the complexity of Fructorianism, it has many supporters and there are more and more of them. Festivals are held in which celebrities and athletes talk about their Fructorian life. What bonuses are the adherents of this movement:

• Easy weight loss;

• the body gets rid of toxic substances;

• lightness in the body, increased energy;

• clarity of thought and spiritual elevation;

• reducing the risk of developing certain oncological diseases;

• reduction in the number of food poisoning and colds.

It is not necessary to become a full Fructorian in order to feel better health and lose a couple of pounds. It is enough to sit on one fruit diet for a couple of weeks. There are many such diets, for example, apple, watermelon, etc.

Side effects

Complete fructorianism was not widespread because of the inability to make a balanced diet based only on fruits. Studies by scientists have shown that long-term fruit nutrition leads to anemia, damage to tooth enamel, lack of calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B12, E. A and D. Despite the large amount of absorbed beta-carotene (vitamin A), it is poorly absorbed without fatty acids . Omega-3 deficiency affects hair, skin, and nails. Almost all fructorians have a reduced weight.

• Anorexia

• Anemia

• Gastrointestinal Disorder

• Osteoporosis

• Weakness of the heart muscle

The disadvantages of fruitorianism include economic factors. Difficult to find organic fruits or they are insanely expensive. It is doubtful that eating apples from a supermarket chain can improve someone's health. To get a more or less balanced diet you need to buy as many fruits as possible.

Famous Fructorians

Famous fruit-eaters include Michael Airnstein and Steve Jobs, and Mike Vlasata, and Chris Kendall, and Maye Fremont. The latter is already 91 years old, and he still sets world records in running for 21 km.

Michael Airnstein

Founder of the Woodstock Fruit Festival and famous businessman. Fructorian since 2008. Participates in marathons and ultramarathons, which proves the advantage of clean nutrition.

Steve Jobs

The most famous fructorian is Steve Jobs. He even called his company the name of his favorite fruit. It is difficult to say whether Steve’s illness and subsequent death is related to fruit-eating, but Eshtor Kutchen, who played the role of Jobs in the biographical film, was hospitalized with terrible pains in the pancreas. Doctors had to make a lot of efforts to restore her work. And the thing is that the artist, in order to get used to the image of a famous businessman, decided not only to copy the image, but also to approach the inner world of genius. A month before filming, he completely switched to the Fructorian diet. Steve Jobs claimed that it was this strict diet that gave him so much inspiration and energy. However, the similarity of the diseases, recall that the creator of Apple died of pancreatic cancer, suggests the negative impact of such strict fructorianism.

Steve Jobs followed a very strange and strict fruit diet. He could eat the same fruit or salad for weeks, and after liver transplantation he switched to fruit smoothies. And neither the family nor the doctors could convince him to switch to another, more nutritious food. Just before his death, Jobs began to eat protein food. Whether vegetarism became the cause of his death, or vice versa prolonged his life, and now vegetarians and doctors are arguing.


Watch the video: Are Kids Getting Enough Fruits And Veggies? (July 2024).