Sweet homemade buns - spiritual pastries! Homemade sweet bun recipes with sugar, poppy seeds, raisins, sesame seeds, zest


Homemade bun is a very warm pastry, from which it blows kindness and love. The traditional dough is prepared with yeast, it turns light and airy. It makes the most delicious and sweet homemade buns with poppy seeds, raisins, jam and other fillings. Maybe sprinkle sesame seeds on top? Here are all these and other recipes for air baking.

Sweet homemade buns - general principles of preparation

• Dough. Increasingly, it is cooked with dry yeast. They are easy to use, affordable, give a good lift. The dough can be kneaded in milk, water, with sour cream, kefir. Sugar, fats, eggs are added to it. All products must be kept warm in advance. The finished dough is left in the room for several hours, so that it rises.

• Modeling buns. From home-made yeast dough, you can prepare balls, horns, sweet cakes and buns, cut leaves and flowers, twist nodules and spirals. Inside, you can lay raisins, poppy seeds, jam and other fillings.

• Registration. Formed buns are transferred to a baking sheet. You do not need to put them tightly. It will take a place to climb. Products are left to rise and become more magnificent. Then you need to grease the rolls with a beaten egg, you can sprinkle with sugar, poppy seeds, sesame seeds.

• Bakery products. Commonly used home electric and gas ovens. Small buns are baked at 200-220 degrees. If the products are large, you can slightly reduce the temperature. Willingness is determined by a golden brown.

Homemade sweet buns in haste (on a cultivator)

The recipe for sweet homemade buns on sour cream. The dough is prepared quite simply, does not require any outlandish ingredients.


• 300 g of liquid sour cream;

• half a glass of sugar;

• salt, a bag of vanilla;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• three hundred grams of flour;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• sugar for sprinkling and an egg for decoration.


1. Put sour cream in a bowl, add granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt and mix thoroughly to dissolve it all. You can leave it for fifteen minutes aside.

2. Add the flour, which immediately mix with baking powder and vanilla. We begin to knead and introduce vegetable oil. We prepare soft, but not fluid dough.

3. Cover with a towel, leave warm for 15-20 minutes. During this time, you need to prepare the oven, grease the baking sheet, beat one egg in a bowl. You can take only the yolk by adding to it a spoon of water or milk.

4. We make buns. Divide the dough into lumps of 50-100 g, depending on the desired size. Round to make balls. We transfer the buns to the baking sheet, but do not put them tightly to each other.

5. Grease the cooked egg. Sprinkle with sugar and send to the oven heated to 200 degrees. Cook until a beautiful and golden crust appears on top.

Sweet homemade buns with raisins on Freckles milk

It will take at least four hours to make such homemade sweet buns, the dough should rise well and mature.


• 300 ml of whole milk;

• 150 ml of drinking water;

• 10 grams of yeast;

• 120 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp salt (without tubercle);

• 60 ml of oil;

• flour;

• 140-160 g of raisins;

• vanilla, egg.


1. Since the dough will be yeast, he needs heat. We warm the milk to 38-40 degrees, let it be a little warmer than body temperature. Add sugar and yeast, stir. If you use raw yeast. Then take 2.5-3 times more than normal. Let the talker stand for ten minutes to “wake up” the yeast.

2. Now you can add warm water, add salt, pour in vegetable oil and add vanilla flour. Add until the dough acquires the desired consistency. It should be soft, but not sticky. Pour the washed raisins and knead the mass well with your hands.

3. We shift the dough with raisins into a large pot or other convenient dish in which it can increase by 3 times and not “run away”. Cover with a cloth. So that the crust does not pour on top.

4. Two hours later, for the first time, we crush the approached mass. Let's get up again.

5. Now you can divide the dough with raisins into freckles. These are small round buns of 40-50 grams. We roll the balls out of pieces.

6. We place the buns on a baking sheet in the form of a flower with petals, caterpillars or just 4 or 8 pieces, you can just lay out one sheet of balls. The distance between the buns is about 1-2 centimeters. They come up and stick together. Leave it warm for another 30-40 minutes.

7. Grease with an egg, bake on readiness.

Homemade sweet buns with poppy seeds (dough on water)

A recipe for delicious poppy seed buns from a simple and cheap water dough. Instead of butter, you can take margarine, in principle, the difference in taste will be small.


• 500 ml of warm water;

• 80 g of oil sl .;

• egg in the dough;

• 30 ml of oil grows;

• 25 g of poppy;

• 100 g of sugar in the dough;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 15 g of yeast;

• vanilla, sugar, butter and egg for decoration.


1. Break one egg into a bowl, add sugar to it, grind how much it will turn out.

2. Add salt to warm water, stir, pour to the egg. Continue to mix. Add dry yeast, stir in a warm mass.

3. Butter must first be melted, add to the dough.

4. Enter the sifted wheat flour, stir and add vegetable oil. Cooking smooth, soft dough. It needs to be mixed well so that it starts to lag behind hands.

5. Leave to rise for a couple of hours. Then we squeeze and let us rise a second time.

6. Divide the dough into pieces of 150 grams. From each roll a cake, grease with oil, sprinkle a little sugar and poppy seeds. Twist a small roll. We lay out on a baking sheet.

7. As soon as the rolls rise (it's still about half an hour), grease with an egg, you can also sprinkle poppy seeds on top. We send to bake.

Sweet homemade buns with sesame seeds on kefir

A variant of kefir dough for sweet homemade buns. You can use yogurt instead.


• 100 ml of water;

• 10 g of yeast;

• 250 grams of kefir;

• egg;

• 50 g of oil;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 tsp without tubercle of salt;

• 500-600 g of flour;

• 25 g sesame seeds.


1. Separate the egg white, remove the yolk for a while in a container so that it does not dry out. Shake the protein with sugar, dilute it with warm water, combine with the recipe yeast, wait for the complete dissolution of the grains.

2. Enter kefir, pour melted butter. But you can use odorless vegetable oil, put salt. Stir, introduce the flour. We make a good dough, knead until smooth.

3. We remove to approach in a warm place.

4. As soon as the mass rises twice, we sculpt the buns. You can just make balls or roll each piece into a sausage, tie a loose knot. We lay out on a baking sheet, leave enough room for lifting.

5. As soon as the buns rise, you need to grease them with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake until cooked.

Sweet homemade buns with jam (jam, jam)

Variant of buns on sponge dough. As an example, we will make them with liquid filling. Thick jam, cream will do. You can use jam, boiled condensed milk.


• 300 ml of milk;

• 300 g of water;

• jam or other filling;

• 100 g of oil;

• 18 g of yeast;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp salts;

• flour.


1. Dilute milk with hot water, add yeast and 3 tablespoons of sugar, stir, add 2 cups of flour. Make a talker, leave for an hour.

2. Add salt, pour melted butter and extra sugar that remains. Stir, introduce flour. Leave the finished dough until a good rise, just once.

3. Divide the mass into pieces, leave for ten minutes.

4. Roll one piece into a cake. We put not a full spoon of jam (or other filling). We pinch like a dumpling.

5. Send on a baking sheet, let rise, grease and bake sweet rolls in the oven.

Sweet homemade orange buns

A variant of a very fragrant, simply incredibly fragrant dough for homemade buns. They can be blinded of any shape, add the filling, it will turn out deliciously.


• 2 glasses of water or milk (can be cut in half);

• ¾ Art. Sahara;

• 11 g of yeast;

• orange or 1 tbsp. l harvested zest;

• salt;

• 70 ml of oil;

• flour.


1. Mix the warm liquid with yeast and sugar, set aside for five minutes, let them activate.

2. Remove zest from the washed orange. It is best to grate citrus on all sides on a fine grater. Mix the zest with three cups of flour.

3. Add melted butter, a teaspoon without a pile of salt to the liquid, stir, add flour with zest.

4. We begin to knead, in the process we add more flour, make a soft, smooth homemade dough.

5. Maintain 2-3 hours in the heat for maturation, covering with a towel.

6. The divided mass is divided into parts of equal size, sculpted loaves of arbitrary shape.

7. Spread on the cooked sheet, let it rise well, lubricate. Sprinkle with something at will. We send to bake in a preheated oven.

Sweet homemade buns - useful tips and tricks

• Buns will be shiny and rosy if greased with whipped yolk. For fluidity, it is diluted with whole milk.

• Buns on a baking sheet will come up for a long time and will cover with a crust if the room is draft and cool.

• You do not need to add a lot of raisins, dried fruits, nuts to the dough. It will turn out heavy, dense, will rise for a long time.

• If you add not only butter, but also vegetable oil to the dough, the baking will be softer and will not stale for longer.

• Is the room cool? Put a bowl of dough in a pot of hot water, it will come up faster. You can periodically heat the water, but be careful not to cook the dough.


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