Beshbarmak: step by step recipes for a hearty oriental dish. We cook mutton, chicken, beef beshbarmak according to step by step recipes


Beshbarmak is a traditional oriental dish. It is it that often becomes the main component of the festive table and proudly takes a central place. True connoisseurs know that beshbarmak is not just a dough with meat. The dish is harmonious, rich, very satisfying and with a deep taste.

Here are the most popular step-by-step recipes of beshbarmak from different types of meat and poultry.

Beshbarmak - general principles of preparation

Traditional beshbarmak consists of the following parts: pieces of dough, meat, onions, broth and herbs. The dough is kneaded fresh in water with eggs. But sometimes a broth is used for it, such a step-by-step recipe for beshbarmak is below. Thin cakes are rolled out of it, they are cut, boiled in broth.

Meat is one of the main ingredients. It should be a lot, the broth needs saturated. For this, the meat is boiled for several hours. They choose good fatty pieces, with bones.

What meat is usually used:

• lamb;

• beef;

• horsemeat;

• sometimes a bird (in modified recipes).

Another of the most important ingredients is onions. If you can not add it while cooking the broth, but it is necessary in the finished dish. Sometimes part of the onion is fried, but raw rings are always added. Previously, they are lowered into a boiling broth or simply scalded from a teapot. To slightly reduce bitterness and make it a little softer.

The traditional dish is served on large flat plates. As a basis, spread the cooked pieces of dough, which we sometimes replace with pasta, on top are pieces of meat, onions. Separately, each person is served in bowls with spices and always sprinkled with herbs, usually parsley.

Traditional beshbarmak: step by step recipe with lamb

A classic step-by-step recipe for beshbarmak with lamb. This meat is the most popular in the east and is traditionally prepared from it. The result is not only very tasty and satisfying, but also unusually aromatic.


• 1.5 kg of mutton;

• 200 g of water;

• 4 liters of water for the broth;

• 7-8 peas of pepper;

• flour;

• 2 eggs;

• salt and 2 laurels;

• 2 bunches of parsley;

• four onions;

• one carrot;

• ground black pepper.


1. Rinse the lamb, cut into large pieces, but you can lay the whole. Large films should be cut immediately. Transfer to pan, add cold water.

2. Bring the meat to a boil, remove the dark foam from the lamb broth, throw peppers in peas and you can reduce the heat. We cover the pan and cook the meat until completely soft, the lamb should leave the bones, it will take about 3-4 hours.

3. An hour before the end of cooking, add the peeled onion and one peeled carrot to the broth, throw the laurel. If its aroma is not very like, then you can put one leaf or even a half. The broth is salted.

4. On the surface of the broth will accumulate fat. We carefully remove it and pour it into the pan.

5. Take out the cooked meat to cool. We don’t pour the broth anywhere, as this is one of the main components of the beshbarmak.

6. While preparing lamb, you need to knead the dough. We mix two eggs with salt, half a teaspoon is enough for this amount of dough, add a prescription glass of water, pour the flour. We prepare a cool, but elastic and uniform dough, as for homemade noodles, but with the addition of water.

7. Put the thoroughly kneaded dough into a bag, let it lie for at least half an hour, so that later it is easier to roll out.

8. Divide the dough into 2-3 parts, but you can roll out the whole. We make very thin cakes of 1-2 millimeters. We cut with a sharp knife into squares or rhombuses, as we like more or how it turns out. The shape does not matter, the main thing is the thickness.

9. We cut three preparations of the onion, which remains, make thick rings. Spread half in a pan with fat, fry.

10. The second part of the onion is poured into a colander and lowered into a hot broth in which the meat was cooked, stand for a minute, take out and let dry. Then sprinkle with black pepper.

11. Pour 3-4 soup ladles of broth into another pan, add water, bring to a boil, salt.

12. Dip the prepared pieces of dough into the water, boil, but not until completely soft. This degree of readiness is called al dente.

13. Take out the pieces of dough in a colander, let the main part of the broth drain, then transfer to a pan with fat and fried onions. Mix.

14. We disassemble the meat into small pieces, discard the bones, leave fat and lard.

15. Put pieces of dough on a flat dish, meat on top and sprinkle it all onion, which was previously blanched.

16. Additionally, we serve the mutton broth in the bowls, sprinkle it with plenty of chopped parsley.

Beshbarmak: step by step recipe with beef and broth test

Another traditional step-by-step recipe for beshbarmak, but this dish will be prepared from beef. The dough is kneaded with the broth, it is important to cool it first.


• 2 eggs;

• 150 ml of broth;

• 1.5-1.8 kg of beef;

• flour and salt;

• onions and carrots for the broth;

• 2-3 onions for serving;

• greenery;

• oil, if the meat is not fat.


1. Pour the washed meat with cold water, boil for a couple of hours, pour a little broth for the dough, let it cool down for now. If there is fat, then we collect it in a pan. If it is not, then add oil or take some other fat.

2. Add the onion and one raw carrot to the pan, continue to cook the meat until it leaves the bones. At the end, add pepper to the broth. Prisolim.

3. Knead the dough of two eggs and the cooled beef broth, do not forget to salt it. Let’s rest. In the east, it is sometimes covered with a damp cloth.

4. As soon as the beef is cooked, take out the meat for cooling to cut and strip the bones.

5. Immediately pour the right amount of broth to serve in another pan. Add water to the remaining broth to cook the dough, additionally put salt.

6. Roll the dough thinly, cut into small squares. Run into the broth and boil for a couple of minutes, do not overdo it. Drain into a colander.

7. In parallel, cut the onion.

8. Put the onion in a skillet with skimmed fat or added butter, lightly fry and add the dough. Stir.

9. Cut two more onions, pour hot broth for a minute, drain the liquid and sprinkle freshly ground pepper on top.

10. We cut the beef or just take it apart with our hands into pieces.

11. Put the dough on it with meat and onions.

12. In the bowls or just in the deep plates we pour the broth, add chopped greens to it.

13. Serve the dish to the table immediately after cooking, it is not subject to reheating.

Chicken beshbarmak: a step by step recipe with a bird

This is a non-classic step-by-step recipe for beshbarmak, but it is also very often prepared and loved. You can use not only chicken, but also turkey. By the way, it turns out very tasty with a duck, fatty meat, the broth will be rich.


• 2 kg of chicken or other poultry;

• 3 large onion heads;

• 3.5 liters of water;

• spices, herbs;

• 4-4.5 Art. flour;

• ¾ Art. water;

• a pair of eggs;

• carrots for broth and onion;

• a spoonful of oil.


1. You can not cut the chicken into pieces, but lay it in its entirety or divide the carcass in half. Thoroughly rinse the bird, put it in the pan, pour 3.5 liters of water. We immediately throw onions and carrots, as the bird cooks faster. If the chicken is from the factory, then nona will be cooked in 1-1.5 hours.

2. If desired, add peppers, laurel to the broth. The resulting foam is removed and discarded. At the end of cooking, we collect fat from the surface, immediately pour it into a skillet. Do not forget to add the broth, it is advisable to do this 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking.

3. The dough for this beshbarmak is mixed with the addition of oil. Shake the eggs, salt, pour in the water, then add the butter and flour, knead. Let him lie down for about half an hour, covering with a packet, you can simply turn the bowl over.

4. Remove the chicken or other bird that is being used from the pan. We pour 4 scoops of broth into another vessel, dilute them with water, salt.

5. Picking all the meat from the chicken. The skin in this embodiment can not be used, it is optional. Although, some people like skins.

6. Onions are cut into large rings, immediately lay all in the removed chicken fat, passaged until transparent, there is no need to overexpose and fry.

7. Roll out the dough, cut into pieces.

8. Bring the diluted broth to a boil, lower the cakes into it, and boil.

9. Take out the dough with a slotted spoon, shaking off the broth, or just pour everything into a colander, let the droplets drain.

10. We shift the boiled dough to a large dish.

11. We lay chicken on top.

12. Now comes the pashed bow. Although, sometimes it is put on the dough so that the fat soaks the cakes, and only then lay the boiled meat or poultry.

13. We taste the broth, if necessary, then pepper and salt. Pour in portions, supplement with fresh herbs.

Beshbarmak - useful tips and tricks

• If beshbarmak is prepared only from lamb meat, then when cooking, fresh tomatoes can be added to the broth, sometimes pieces of bell pepper are put.

• Beshbarmak can be served not only with dough or pasta of different types, but also with boiled rice. Including brown cereal. The dish will turn out interesting, also tasty and satisfying.

• If the dough is rolled thick, the dish will turn out tasteless. Therefore, it is very important to give him enough time to lie down. Also, you do not need to digest the dough pieces, otherwise they will stick together, condense, this will no longer be beshbarmak.

• No desire to knead the dough? In the store you can buy ready-made leaflets for beshbarmak or use pasta, but only good ones, of which Italian pasta is usually prepared.


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