Russian desserts - do not change traditions! We cook Russian desserts: Guryev porridge, rice woman, mogul, baked apples


Russian desserts differ from other sweets in simplicity and cheapness. They are not made from expensive cream cheeses, exotic fruits, you do not need to add other unique ingredients, extracted from the bottom of the ocean or collected at the foot of the great mountain.

Everything is much simpler and easier! In Russian cuisine, desserts are simple, natural, affordable and insanely delicious!

Russian desserts - general principles of cooking

Sweets of Russian cuisine are distinguished by satiety. Often they are prepared on the basis of cereals, these are all kinds of cereals (semolina, rice). There is also baking, usually it is plain, without complex creams. Usually these are all kinds of pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes and dumplings. Below are some very interesting recipes. Bright tastes were achieved due to natural ingredients.

What is added to Russian desserts:

• dried fruits, nuts;

• honey;

• fresh fruits, berries;

• spices;

• alcoholic drinks.

Most desserts are with sugar; they have quite sugary tastes. But at will reduce the amount of sand. Another difference between Russian desserts is the abundance of hot sweets. Warm goodies do not need to be cooked in advance.

Russian dessert "Guryev porridge"

This recipe will turn the idea of ​​semolina porridge upside down. Delicious Russian dessert was actively prepared for the royal table. Porridge turns out to be sweet, tender, very fragrant and more like a pie or a casserole.


• 10 tbsp. l decoys;

• 150 g candied fruit, raisins, nuts, dried apricots;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 400 ml cream 10%;

• liter of milk;

• a couple of apples;

• vanilla.


1. Pour cream into a wide, but not deep bowl, add vanilla. You can take a pan. Put in the oven at 150 degrees. After some time, a foam will appear on top. Carefully remove with a spoon in a bowl. We wait for a new foam and remove again. According to the rules, you need to remove as much foam as there will be layers of Guryev’s porridge.

2. We prepare the most ordinary cereal from milk, granulated sugar (100 g) and semolina. Do not forget to add the liquid, so that the taste is pronounced. Boil the porridge for about five minutes, it should thicken.

3. Chop the nuts. Fry in a skillet until a pleasant aroma appears.

4. Cut large dried fruits, wash, dry.

5. Cut the apples into slices. You can cook with other fruits, for example, peaches, apricots, a delicious option with bananas.

6. Collect porridge is best in non-stick form. Lubricate, spread a layer of semolina, sprinkle with a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, add chopped apple for taste.

7. Fruits are watered with foams that were previously skimmed off the cream. Then we spread porridge, fruits with nuts, foam again.

8. Finish the assembly with semolina, sprinkle it with sugar.

9. Put the mold in the oven, cook the Guryev porridge at 180 degrees for about half an hour or until the sugar crust appears on top.

Russian dessert "Baba Rice" with cherries

In Russian desserts there are not only delicious dishes, but also original names. Another very satisfying treat. Fresh cherries are used for cooking, but you can take frozen berries.


• 0.75 Art. white rice;

• two spoons of crackers;

• 2 tbsp. Cherries

• four eggs;

• 4 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 80 g of oil;

• 1 tbsp. l starch;

• vanilla to taste.


1. Sort and rinse rice, boil in salted water until tender, rinse in a colander to rinse, so that the cereal cools faster.

2. Remove the seeds from the cherries.

3. Separate the proteins, add sugar to them and beat until foam.

4. Add the berries to the rice, put the yolks and season the mass with butter, leaving a small piece for the form, add starch.

5. Introduce whipped whites into rice, gently stir.

6. A piece of oil to grate the mold, sprinkle with crackers, put the rice mass. Align layer.

7. Put the mold in the oven, bake a rice woman for about 25 minutes.

Russian dessert "Gogol-Mughal"

A name familiar from childhood to everyone, but not everyone has tried such Russian desserts. Here is a classic version, but there are other types of nogu-mogul with various additives.


• one egg;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 2 tbsp. l any wine;

• one pinch of salt;

• 170 ml of milk.


1. Wash the egg, separate the yolk from the protein in different bowls. It is very important to pay attention to the choice of product. Take only fresh eggs from a trusted manufacturer. Since it will not be subjected to heat treatment.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the raw yolk, a few grains are enough, add granulated sugar and beat until foam, add wine and milk, and beat again. For a while, remove this mixture in the refrigerator.

3. Beat the protein in a lush and strong foam.

4. Combine the yolk mixture with protein, gently mix and transfer to a glass or a glass.

5. Ready nogogol can be sprinkled with powder, cinnamon, often it is supplemented with ground nutmeg.

Russian syrniki for dessert

Cheesecakes - a great option for a simple, but healthy and satisfying Russian dessert. For cooking, you can take absolutely any cottage cheese at your discretion.


• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• a couple of spoons of sugar;

• 3 tbsp. l flour;

• two eggs;

• 50 g of raisins;

• a pinch of salt;

• 2-3 tbsp. l flour to the sub;

• cooking oil.


1. Grate or just mix the cottage cheese well, add sugar and eggs to it, add flour. Adjust the quantity. If the cottage cheese is wet, then you can add a little more flour.

2. Rinse and dry the raisins. If it is too hard, it is better to pre-soak.

3. Add raisins to the curd dough, stir again.

4. Blind together small cheesecakes, roll in flour, so that after frying a beautiful crust appears.

5. Put in preheated oil, fry until cooked.

6. Russian syrniki traditionally served at the table with honey or jam. But if you wish, you can prepare a cream for them, add boiled condensed milk, chocolate paste.

Russian dessert from apples (baked)

One of the easiest ways to prepare a delicious and healthy dessert. Once upon a time, fruit was baked in the oven, but today the oven will do the job perfectly.


• apples;

• cloves;

• some honey or sugar.


1. Rinse the apples. We select fruits that are as close as possible to each other in size.

2. With a sharp knife, cut off the top of a few millimeters thick apple.

3. In each apple we stick a carnation on an asterisk. They used to use star anise.

4. Sprinkle the slice with sugar or grease with honey.

5. We shift the blanks into the mold. We send apples to the oven, bake at 180 degrees until soft.

6. Apples are served as an independent dessert. But you can supplement them with cream of sour cream, cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon, additionally pour with honey.

The best Russian dessert "Sweet Dumplings"

A very interesting recipe for a sweet dish that was often eaten in the old days. A syrup can be prepared from various fruit juices, berry decoctions, here is only one option.


• egg;

• 50 g of sugar;

• 30 g of oil;

• 1 tbsp. flour;

• 70 g sour cream;

• 0.2 tsp soda;

• 1 liter of sweet apple juice


1. Beat the egg with sugar, add a pinch of salt, add sour cream and softened butter. Grind until smooth.

2. To extinguish the soda, add to the total mass, fill in the flour, knead the viscous dough, which will be scooped up.

3. Boil the juice in a saucepan, add a little granulated sugar to it.

4. We take two spoons. One we collect the dough, and the second we throw it into boiling juice. Wet the spoons every time. We quickly form all the dumplings, boil for 2-3 minutes until cooked.

5. We take out the dumplings with a slotted spoon, shaking off the rest of the broth.

6. Boil the juice a little more, about five minutes. Serve with dumplings. You can pour or put next to it in a bowl.

Curd Easter - Orthodox Russian dessert

Examining Russian desserts, one cannot help but mention Easter. This is a delicious cottage cheese treat for a bright festive table. Types of dried fruits can be changed at your discretion, add candied fruits if desired, but you do not need to soak them.


• 1000 g of homemade cottage cheese;

• 200 g of raisins;

• 100 g dried apricots;

• 150 g of sugar. powder

• 120 g plums. oils;

• 180 g sour cream;

• 2 sachets of vanilla.


1. Put dried fruits in a bowl, pour hot water, but do not use boiling water. Leave for fifteen minutes.

2. Twist the cottage cheese through a meat grinder twice. Or we wipe the product through a sieve.

3. Combine sour cream with vanilla and icing sugar, stir, transfer to the curd.

4. Butter should be softened, but not melted. Combine it with the curd mixture and whisk together with a spatula.

5. Squeeze dried fruits, dry with napkins, cut dried apricots a little finer, leave the whole raisins. Pour all this into the cottage cheese, stir.

6. Wet gauze, wring and cover the inside of the pasochnitsa. We spread the cottage cheese, cover it with the wet ends of the gauze and put oppression.

7. Transfer all this to the refrigerator, let stand for about a day.

8. Then open the cheesecloth, cover with a plate, gently turn over and remove the pasochnitsa. When serving, the curd dessert can be decorated with additional dried fruits.

Russian desserts - useful tips and tricks

• There were no blenders before. For grinding fruits, berries and cottage cheese, a sieve has always been used. This method allows you to remove all unnecessary, get a very delicate texture.

• Masses of the same temperature are most easily mixed. This is important to consider remembering, as some products may melt, delaminate, covered with grains.

• Once upon a time, only natural spices and herbs were used to make Russian desserts. Now you can add all kinds of essences, food colors, liquors. These ingredients will help make the treat even tastier.


Watch the video: RUSSIA, SUMMER FESTIVALS & TRADITIONS (July 2024).