Is melon possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding? How to use melon for a nursing mother and a pregnant woman


About the useful and healing properties of melon can tell a lot. But is it possible to have melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and whether complications arise in this case - such a question often arises in expectant mothers.

Valuable properties of melon

The composition of the melon during pregnancy fits almost perfectly: the vitamins A, E, C, B9 (folic acid) contained in it, minerals - iron, calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as fiber and dietary fiber for normal fetal development and the course of pregnancy does no harm.

Melon is a natural antidepressant, it relieves stress, fatigue, normalizes sleep. During pregnancy, this is especially important, because due to the experiences of a woman, her mood often changes, sleep is disturbed, she quickly gets tired.

Melon belongs to low-calorie foods: it contains 39 kcal per 100 g of pulp. This is very important during pregnancy: eating melon during this period does not lead to excess weight gain, which complicates the course of pregnancy and the birth process itself. In this sense, melon is made for diets.

Vitamins and minerals

During pregnancy, and especially during lactation, a woman loses a lot of calcium, which the child leaves to build the musculoskeletal system, teeth. Hair begins to fall out in large quantities, tooth decay, exfoliate and break nails. Vitamin A, calcium and silicon will protect hair from loss, and nails from increased fragility and delamination. In addition, retinol (vitamin A) contributes to the development of the visual apparatus in an unborn baby.

A large number of powerful antioxidants (vitamins A, E, C) and a special enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is found only in melon, protect cells of the body’s tissues from any damage.

Melon also enhances immunity, which is especially important during this period for both the mother and the unborn child.

Diuretic effect

Many women develop nephropathy during pregnancy: severe edema, weakness, lethargy, lethargy appear. Melon is 90% water, has a good diuretic effect. If you take it in moderation for several weeks, you can achieve a good result in treatment: edema will significantly decrease or completely disappear. At the same time, the so-called sand and tiny stones from the kidneys are washed out.

The diuretic effect of melon is very useful for those women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy. Inclusion of melon in the diet will help reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs, and in some cases do without them at all.

Digestion effects

Often due to intestinal hypotension, fetal pressure on its loops, and a sedentary lifestyle, constipation appears. Due to the large amount of fiber and dietary fiber, stool is normalized, constipation disappears. Fiber in the melon removes toxins from the body, so nausea and vomiting are reduced during pregnancy.

The digestion process is normalized when melon is consumed due to the inulin contained in it - a natural prebiotic. This is a component that is not digested and not absorbed in the stomach, but stimulates the growth and vital activity of the beneficial microflora of the large intestine, which ferments it.

Weight Loss

Dried melon retains all its useful qualities: vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, which are part of it, do not change when dried. It contains these elements in a more concentrated form, and all the risks associated with eating fresh melon are minimized. But at the same time, its calorific value increases: from low it turns into very high:

• fresh melon contains 39 kcal per 100 g of product;

• dried - 139 kcal per 100 g of melon pulp.

During pregnancy, this is important due to the possible weight gain and subsequent complications. Therefore, dried melon is useful, and you can use it, but remember the high calorie content and eat only a few pieces.

Features of carbohydrate metabolism

In connection with the problem of excess weight, which often happens during pregnancy, you need to know that melon contains about 20% carbohydrates. The figure depends on the type of melon and varies in both directions. In their composition, they are divided into glucose, sucrose and fructose. Of all carbohydrate melons, 40% is fructose.

On the one hand, this is good, since the load on the pancreas is reduced: fructose does not stimulate the production of insulin. At the same time, it is processed at a high speed and releases a lot of energy in the process of oxidative reactions, which does not have time to be consumed when physical loads are limited in this position and are stored in the form of fat. The oxidation of fructose (and glucose) occurs so quickly that after a short period of time there is an acute feeling of hunger, and appetite increases.

Proper eating melon

Melon diets for weight loss have their own characteristics: they are short in duration - no more than 3-5 days, and it is recommended that a melon be eaten with a slice of bread when eaten.

In this case, there are no sharp drops in blood sugar - this happens gradually, and there is no irresistible desire to eat something again. Even in a healthy woman without a concomitant pathology outside the state of pregnancy, with a daily diet containing 90 g of fructose, obesity can develop, and regular regular use of it will lead to diabetes mellitus.

During pregnancy, you need to take into account the composition of carbohydrates in the melon and the features of their metabolism and regulate the amount of food eaten. You can, for example, reduce or refrain these days from taking other familiar foods containing carbohydrates (potatoes, cereals).

Melon in different forms

If there are no contraindications, a pregnant woman can also eat melon frozen. It also does not lose its valuable properties if properly selected and frozen. But you can store such a melon even if all the necessary conditions are met for no more than 3 months. Therefore, if a melon was bought during the season - in August or September, as it should be done correctly, then it cannot be stored until the New Year holidays.

Jam, jams, melon mousses go well with cereals and are also allowed during pregnancy.

When you can’t eat a melon

Before you try melon for the first time during pregnancy, you need to make sure there is no allergy to it. In addition, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out whether melon can be during pregnancy and breastfeeding. All this is individual, since there are some contraindications for taking melon:

• pregnancy proceeding with severe toxicosis at different periods;

• Type 2 diabetes with high blood sugar;

• digestive tract diseases, especially peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis;

• intestinal infections.

It is strictly not recommended to combine melon with alcohol, milk and lactic acid products. This can worsen the condition. To get the maximum amount of useful elements, a melon can not be washed down even with water.

You can not combine melon with the main meals - fermentation in the stomach and intestines will intensify.

At the same time, you should not use it on an empty stomach - fiber will irritate the gastric mucosa, the fermentation process will begin with nausea and vomiting. When the intestines are involved in this process, pronounced flatulence, paroxysmal abdominal pain, and diarrhea may appear.

The best time for a melon is the first half of the day, and it is recommended to eat it after a small snack.

Is melon possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Given all the beneficial qualities of melon, you can eat melon during pregnancy. It is necessary to choose it correctly and carefully. It should be ripe, without violating the integrity of the peel: fruits with cracks, scratches, impressions, spots should not be bought. Ripe melon has a strong aroma, if not, the melon is unripe.

It is not recommended to eat and overripe melon. You need to buy melon only during the season: August - September. At this time, the probability of containing nitrates and other chemicals in it is small. During pregnancy, this is especially important, since the poisoning of melons containing nitrates is very difficult and with serious complications for the health of the mother and child.

Can a melon be nursing mom

Is it possible for a nursing mother to melon - the answer to this question is ambiguous. Melon is generally not recommended for several reasons:

1. Melon leads to the development of fermentation, accompanied by flatulence in the pregnant woman. In this case, the baby will suffer: he will have bloating and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Melon is a strong allergen, its use can cause diathesis in the child.

3. Poisoning of melons containing nitrates is very difficult not only in the mother, but also in the baby, it poses a threat to the health and even life of the mother and baby.

Recently, the ban on melon while breastfeeding is not as tough and categorical as it was before. Given the useful qualities of melon for a nursing mother, and, therefore, for a child, the attitude to its use during lactation has changed. It is believed that in the absence of contraindications for mother and child and with the correct selection and storage of melon, it can be eaten by a nursing woman. But you need to adhere to the golden rule - do not overeat. Only in this case, to the question: is it possible to give a melon to a nursing mother, the answer will be positive, just like the result of using this wonderful product.


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