Why dream, cry in a dream, wipe someone’s tears? Basic Interpretations - Why Do Tears Dream of Versions of Different Dream Interpretations


Due to life circumstances, sometimes, each of us cries. But why do tears dream?

Does such a dream portend troubles and difficulties, or does he speak of future joy?

What tears dream of - the main interpretation

Dream Interpreter speaks about how to interpret the dream of tears, it is necessary to delve into its details, namely:

• Did you cry in a dream;

• What are the causes of crying;

• How long you cried;

• Has anyone comforted you;

• Who else appeared in a dream.

It is important to observe your psychological state after and during sleep. What did you feel, were you happy, or were you upset and upset. If in a dream you cried from great grief, something embarrassed or disappointed you - such a dream means that soon you will be happy and having fun.

The dream book says that you should not worry about your future if you dream of tears after the funeral. If you bury someone in a dream and cry bitterly, such a dream means that you will abandon past problems and worries and begin to live differently. You can even happily finish the work that you have been putting off for a long time.

It may seem strange that a dream of tears portends auspicious events. In fact, when you dream of tears, you most likely did not express much, did not accept it in real life. You really want someone to pity you, caress. You lack care and tenderness. You really need to share life problems with someone.

Try to analyze your emotional state recently. Perhaps you give too much time to work. This will be indicated by a dream in which you cry on a gravestone. You, as it were, mourn for yourself and your hard life.

The dream in which a friend comes to you and weeps bitterly indicates that soon you will solve other people's problems, but not your own. A dream in which you see that a friend is crying precisely because of serious problems, says that she really will need your help in reality. You should discuss with her in advance possible problems and difficulties.

The dream in which the baby cries speaks of pleasant and joyful news, which you will soon learn about. It will be a real surprise for you. It can be a gift or a pleasant meeting.

The dream in which you cry in pain means that you are creating trouble for yourself, in fact, everything is much simpler. Try not to think of a reason for suffering day and night, rejoice at what life gives you, because it has accumulated real gifts for you.

If you dream that you have tears from cutting onions, it means that soon you will have a series of strange and unpleasant situations. Permanent empty trifles and chores will simply spoil your life. You now need to prioritize and not be discouraged. It will be empty chores in reality, just like empty chores in a dream.

A dream in which you see a little boy whose toy breaks down and cries - means that you will feel sorry for the man who really does not deserve pity. He speculates with your kindness. He plays on your feelings.

A dream in which you see a lot of children playing on the playground and one of them starts crying loudly and for no reason indicates that soon you will encounter misunderstanding on the part of a loved one. He simply does not want to enter your position and live life with you.

A dream in which you see someone crying near a short one means that you suddenly find out good news. It may concern work and then you will learn about career advancement. If such a dream is dreamed of by a woman who has no children, it may mean that she will soon be expecting a baby.

A dream in which you will see how several women cry means that you will find yourself in a pleasant company and will have fun. You will be happy and indifferent to the ups and downs of life. No more waiting for a trick from fate. From now on, everything will turn out fine with you.

A dream in which you cannot put your child to sleep, and he cries all the time, means that you cannot agree on a deal with partners. You cannot accept the fact that you just have to wait. The deal will take place, but a little later, so you should now focus on your development, your health. And only then, return to financial health.

A dream in which someone wipes your tears speaks of a very beneficial acquaintance. You will meet a person who will become for you not only a mentor, but also a friend. A dream in which you will shed tears many times, and then calm down - means that you are not ready for a joyful and carefree attitude to life. It’s easier for you to suffer and worry than to decide something. The dream book advises to change the approach and everything will work out in life.

Why do tears come from Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that tears dream of joy and joy. You won’t have to worry about the little things. In the near future you will be surrounded by male attention and will find a real relationship.

Why dream of the beloved's tears? Such a dream may indicate his frivolity and neglect of you. Try to look more and more often at his behavior, perhaps soon he will show you his true face. Most likely, your partner is somewhat wayward and has not completely decided that he wants to connect his life with you.

Understand correctly, if in a dream you cry and cannot stop, do not be afraid. Soon you will be so cheerful that it will even be unusual for you to be strange. Try not to worry about this. And even if life had never before given you such a chance to relax and be happy - now such a chance comes into your hands.

A dream in which a pregnant woman sheds tears indicates that you cannot build a family with the partner with whom you are currently in a relationship. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying over her newborn, it means that the birth will go well, she and the baby will be all right. Do not worry if you dream that you are crying from injuring your arm.

Such a dream means that you will get rid of unnecessary communication and will live in a full and happy relationship, but with another partner. The dream book also says that the dream in which you comfort the child, wipe his tears from him - prophesies you wonderful prospects in life.

What are the tears for the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that tears are dreamed toward the end of suffering and experience. Your enemies will fade into the shadows. If you have quarreled with someone for a long time - you have a reason to make peace. Now is the time when long-standing problems can be resolved.

Why do tears dream if they are empty - such a dream means that you will have empty chores, empty conversations. Perhaps you were planning to leave somewhere, but now it will no longer be real. Your trip will be empty. You will not conclude the contracts you need after such a dream.

The dream in which you read the letter and cry bitterly means that soon a person from the past will appear in your life who will give you pleasant moments in the present. Try not to betray the little things if you have a dream in which you cry because of someone else's grief.

Do not trifle after such a dream in anything. Most likely, you will soon take the initiative in an important matter, but your suspicion will not give you the opportunity to implement your plan. It is worth listening to the good advice of a friend in this matter.

What are the tears for other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said, tears dream of joy in life, genuine happiness and fun. You will receive a reward for your efforts. You will receive recognition and understanding. But do not relax. Try to pay more attention to life advancement.

In Aesop's dream book it is said if you dream of hysteria, tears, resentment - this is a dream, which means imminent difficulties in personal life. You are paying more attention to your partner, but at the same time, you do not see the bestowal. Your partner does not value you, does not value attention and affection. Maybe you should reconsider your approach to relationships?

Do not be discouraged if in a dream you weep bitterly. Your tears are a sign of renewal, a sign of joy, a sign of future happiness. It remains only to wait a bit, and you will get everything. Do not worry if luck has not been on your side for a long time. Soon you will feel all its charm. You will not only become a happy person, but also will be able to share joy with loved ones.


Watch the video: What does crying dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).