White beans - what are the benefits of its presence in the weekly menu? What is harmful white beans and how to cook it


For about five millennia, white beans have been known as a high-yielding, undemanding crop that brings delicious beans suitable for a variety of dishes.

The nutritional and beneficial properties of this variety are distinguished by a unique combination of vitamins and minerals, protein and fiber, which together determine white beans in the ranks of the most healthy products in the world. Scientists, doctors and nutritionists do not get tired of talking about the need to introduce it into the diet both with a variety of diseases and with excellent health, the support of which, under adverse conditions of the modern environment and other factors, of course, cannot be unnecessary.

But there is another side to white beans. The harm that it can cause should be well known so that its inclusion in the diet is tasty, healthy and safe.

The use of white beans for beauty

White bean beans are used in cosmetology for the manufacture of creams and masks for skin rejuvenation, but similar and many other effects of maintaining youth and beauty can be achieved by eating beans:

· Sulfur contained in it fights against rashes, acne, redness, heals the skin not only on the face, but on the whole body;

· Vitamin H (biotin) is known as the "beauty vitamin", it is important for health, abundant growth and silkiness of the hair, the strength of nails and their resistance to fungal diseases, smoothness and radiance of the skin.

The benefits of white beans for weight and digestion

Often, beans are present in a diet menu aimed at weight loss. Providing a person with necessary substances, including carbohydrates, it contains only 102 kcal per 100 g of product, contributes to the rapid removal of water from the body, and also saturates it with fiber - one glass of beans provides the daily need for it.

Eaten beans for a while lingers in the stomach, due to which a small portion of food with it is well saturating, for a long time removes the feeling of hunger.

Bean dishes, consumed several times a week, gradually, but thoroughly, improve the digestive system, in particular, stimulating the production of gastric juice. It is often worth eating for those who are concerned about gastritis with low acidity and nausea after fatty foods. White beans have a positive effect on intestinal function, contributing to the disappearance of regular constipation.

How composition affects the benefits of white beans

White beans are known as one of the best protein products that replace meat:

· 100 g of beans contains 7 g of protein and in this white bean is superior to other bean varieties;

· Protein digestibility is 75% and this indicator exceeds the digestibility of animal protein.

Thanks to this, beans are regularly found in the diet of vegetarians and those on a diet. According to the historians of everyday life, it is thanks to her, throughout history, that millions of people, in the absence of a sufficient amount of meat in the diet, were able to fully eat.

Of the number of vitamins present in it, it is especially worth noting vitamin C, which is contained in the greatest quantity, as well as vitamins of group B, vitamins A, K, PP.

Vitamin E is absorbed from white beans especially well, due to which its properties as a natural antioxidant are fully manifested.

Also, it contains potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, fluorine, zinc, phosphorus, nicotinic acid, iodine, copper. Amino acids are represented by lysine, arginine, tryptophan and tyrosine.

For what diseases is the benefits of white beans tangible

White beans for a number of reasons are recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus:

· Characterized by a low glycemic index, it avoids sudden jumps in insulin and sugar;

· Prolonged use normalizes the pancreas;

· The amino acid arginine contained in it is involved in the production of urea and helps lower blood glucose levels.

Due to the high content of folic acid, the regular use of beans supports the body in the fight against atherosclerosis, moreover, we are not only talking about the disease in stock, and about preventing its development.

Of particular note is the effect of white beans on the genitourinary system, in relation to which it contributes to:

· General normalization of its work;

· Dissolution of kidney stones and sand and facilitating their withdrawal;

· Reduction of various edema;

· Being a diuretic product in itself, white beans enhances the effect of drugs and dietary supplements taken for this purpose.

What else is the use of white beans

The beneficial qualities of white beans apply to many diseases and disorders of the body and in general, the positive effects of beans on the body include:

· Stimulation of the regeneration processes due to the content of antibacterial substances, which can manifest itself in wound healing, recovery after operations and injuries;

· Reduction of inflammatory processes in the liver;

· Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases;

· Support in the formation of red blood cells, the production of hemoglobin and the supply of oxygen to cells;

· Normalization of metabolism and acceleration of metabolism;

· Strengthening the skeletal system and teeth, on which, in addition, tartar is less formed;

· Accelerating the treatment of joint diseases and rheumatism;

· Reduction of the risks of diseases in general and complications after them, in relation to cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension and arrhythmia;

· Improvement of the respiratory system.

A delicious white bean dish will not only please, but also a good, soothing effect on the nervous system.

What is the harm of white beans and how to make it useful

Beans are strictly forbidden to eat raw, and you need to cook it until cooked, as it contains toxins. The first step in getting rid of them is about ten hours of soaking white beans in water. The harm from the released toxins completely disappears after the first boiled water is drained from the pan with boiled beans. Further, beans can be cooked as usual to make it tasty.

Giving preference to canned beans in jars, one should remember about the increased content of salt and acetic acid in it, and for more good dishes cooked with it, it is recommended to wash the beans before cooking.

It is worth remembering that excessive portions of white beans in any form, due to the oligosaccharides contained in it, provoke increased gas formation and bloating.

The coarse fibers (fiber) contained in the beans play the role of a “sponge”, which absorbs harmful substances from the human body, then naturally excreted along with the beans from the body. But beans are far from easily digestible, they are digested for a long time, and fiber is not completely absorbed, and some people experience heaviness in the stomach after eating dishes with beans.

Firstly, one should not, as has already been said, go too far with the amount eaten. Secondly, beans are better absorbed, being flavored with spices and spices, which have been known to improve digestion properties since ancient times.

And the absorption of nutrients from beans, from vitamins to trace elements, is facilitated by its supply with vegetables and herbs rich in vitamin C. These include, in particular, young potatoes, cabbage, bell pepper, parsley, green peas, carrots, sorrel, radishes , tomatoes.

To whom white beans are contraindicated and harmful

White beans due to the decent content of purines, it is extremely undesirable to include in the diet of the elderly. Reasons to limit the use of white beans are diseases such as gout, exacerbation of gastric diseases, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and nephritis. Also, in rare cases, individual intolerance to white beans occurs.


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