Diet in the treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home. Folk remedies for gallbladder inflammation


Inflammation of the gallbladder is a very common disease of the abdominal organs that occurs due to eating too fatty foods and an inactive lifestyle. The constant companions of the disease are severe pain and discomfort. The treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home can only be started after a specialist diagnoses it.

Causes of gallbladder inflammation

The causes of inflammation are:

Irregular nutrition;

· Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Constant constipation;

The presence of parasites;


· sedentary lifestyle;

· Constant overeating;

Violations of the immune status;

· Injuries of the liver and gall bladder;

· The presence of foci of chronic infection.

The causes of pathology are frequent overeating and an immobile lifestyle. This leads to stagnation of bile. Irregular nutrition causes gallstone disease. This happens due to impaired motor function in the ducts and gall bladder. Regular constipation and a hereditary predisposition are also important.

Most often, pathogens are microbes that penetrate from the intestine into the gallbladder. The emergence and progression of the disease is facilitated by:

· cholelithiasis;



An acute form of inflammation can occur due to the intake of fatty foods, stressful situations and excessive physical exertion.

Diet for treating gallbladder inflammation at home

With diseases of the gallbladder, it is imperative to adhere to a diet, avoid overeating and fight hypercholesterolemia. It is important to limit the use of:

· Flour dishes;



It is necessary to give preference to low-fat dishes:


· Steamed fish;

Boiled turkey or beef.

All side dishes and vegetables must not be fried. It is necessary to make vegetable salads with the addition of olive oil. You need to add non-acidic greens. Exclude sour fruits. Fasting days should be held every week. Do not drink alcohol, tea and strong coffee.

In case of severe pain, you should refuse lunch, but just drink the juice in a diluted form. Drinking still water is recommended. As soon as the pains begin to recede, attention can be paid to cereals, dairy products and steamed meat. It should be eaten in small portions, but 4 times a day.

Herbs and decoctions in the treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home

Alternative recipes can help with the treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home in the early stages. The most effective recipes are:

1. In the case of impaired functioning of the gallbladder, it is necessary to adhere to a normal outflow of bile. For this, it is useful to use choleretic herbs: knotweed, calendula, dandelion, yarrow. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action. After intake, bloating occurs. Maggot contains the necessary acid for the body, which kills microbes and supports the immune system.

2. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to make microclysters with infusions of herbs. They help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. To cure, 15 procedures are necessary. After this, the patient begins to feel much better.

3. A tincture from horseradish root has a good result. To prepare a healing product, a glass of freshly grated fruit is needed. Pour a liter of hot water into this container. Leave to stand in the refrigerator for a day. Before taking the medicine, it must be filtered and slightly warmed up. Consume 50 g half an hour before eating.

4. Take rhubarb, yarrow and immortelle in a ratio of 2 to 5 to 3. Mix the composition and brew a large spoon in a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour in a thermos. Drink two-thirds of a glass half an hour before bedtime.

5. Take knotweed, smooth hernia, bear ears, corn stigmas and bean pods. Take all components in equal proportions. Mix the composition thoroughly. Take a large spoon of the cooked collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Pour the drug into a thermos and leave to insist for an hour. Filter the entire mass. Drink the resulting drug for the treatment of biliary inflammation during the day.

6. An indispensable remedy for inflammation is tea from the leaves of plantain. Pour a tablespoon of grated leaves with boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the composition drink an hour.

7. A smokestack will come to the rescue. Two large spoons will need two glasses of boiling water. Leave the composition to infuse, and after drinking half a day for 100 g.

8. A decoction of rose hips will help the body recover.

9. Mix 2 small tablespoons of mint leaves with the same amount of wormwood and add 3 small tablespoons of St. John's wort. Prepared collection pour 0.4 l of boiling water. Leave to insist until the composition cools down. Drink half a glass half an hour before eating.

10. Get rid of pain will help a decoction of chamomile.

11. Take in equal proportions mint leaves, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers. Pour in water and put on a small fire. Drink the product half an hour before a meal.

12. Prepare a product from honey and herbs. Mix dried mint and tansy in equal proportions. Add the same amount of bee production. Make a ball with a pea and take it three times a day before eating and before going to bed. It has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. Taking the medicine increases the tone of the intestine and its peristalsis.

Juices and treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home with vegetables

In the treatment of the disease, you must adhere to a strict diet. To diversify your diet, you can use the following recipes:

1. Cabbage contains a lot of healthy vitamins and various substances, so it is recommended to drink half a glass of cabbage juice three times a day. Before use, it must be warmed up.

2. Wash the beets, place in a saucepan and set to boil for 6 hours. The resulting broth should be similar to a thick syrup. Drink such a remedy 50 g half an hour before eating.

3. It is possible to recover faster if you consume a tablespoon of black radish juice before meals.

4. In its pure form, drink rowan juice in half a glass before eating.

5. Apple juice copes with the island-inflammatory process. If the apple variety is sour, then you can add a little honey.

6. In the treatment of pathology, germinated wheat shoots are often used.

7. Every day you need to eat half a glass of steamed dried apricots. She fights congestion in the gallbladder and normalizes bowel function.

8. Cucumber juice. At the time of flowering of cucumbers, it is useful to drink 100 ml of vegetable juice once a day for a long time.

Recommendations for the treatment of gallbladder inflammation at home

In order to get better as soon as possible, you must follow some rules:

1. As often as possible, relax and stay in a horizontal position. Legs should be extended.

2. Once a week, apply a warm heating pad to the liver area.

3. Be sure to follow a strict diet at the time of treatment.

If you follow these simple points, you can normalize the function of the liver and biliary tract. A person can control cholesterol and fat metabolism.

It is forbidden to use fried, smoked, fatty, spices and spices with such a pathology. The diet should be fractional.

Patients with pathology of the gallbladder are prone to nervousness and stressful situations, irritability. Sleep becomes bad, frequent mood swings are observed. This is due to constant pain. The nervous system fails, so you should take analgesic and sedatives.

Immunity decreases, so immunomodulating agents should be taken. It is necessary to resort to recipes of traditional medicine only after consultation with a specialist.

As a preventive measure, do not overeat, do not expose the body to severe stress and overwork. You can not resort to diets with a sharp rejection of healthy foods containing fiber and protein. You should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.


Watch the video: What is a gallbladder attack? (June 2024).