Composition, harm, benefits of boiled eggs. Is cholesterol in boiled eggs so harmful and how to cook them correctly?


Eggs are an integral part of the diet of modern man. Baking and sweets are not indispensable without this simple product, but also the first and second courses. In this article we will talk about boiled eggs - one of the most popular breakfasts.

Composition of boiled eggs

In one boiled chicken egg:

● 575 mg of cholesterol;

● 1 g of ash;

● 0.70 g of disaccharides;

● 3 g of saturated fatty acids;

● 73 g of water.


● 1 mg of vitamin A - 40% per day. norms - slows down the aging of the skin, helps fight skin rashes, neutralizes free radicals;

● 0.19 vitamin PP;

● 0.071 mg of vitamin B1 - 35% per day. norms - necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, liver, heart and for the treatment of skin diseases;

● 0.444 mg of vitamin B2 - 20% per day. norms - needed for protein synthesis and the formation of red blood cells, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, heals wounds, reduces wrinkles;

● 1.31 mg of vitamin B5 - 10% per day. norms - does not allow excess fat to be put off;

● 0.14 mg of vitamin B6 - 5% per day. norms - reduces the effect of stress and strengthens the body's immunity, is responsible for the condition of the skin of the face, head and hair;

● 7.07 mcg of vitamin B9;

● 0.52 mcg of vitamin B12 - 11% per day. norms - reduces cholesterol, stimulates blood formation;

● 2.22 mcg of vitamin D - 32% per day. norms - strengthens bones, improves the thyroid gland, fights depression;

● 2.60 mg of vitamin E - 10% of the daily norm - helps in the absorption of other vitamins, is responsible for the state of muscle tissue, prevents cell death, is very necessary during pregnancy for the normal formation of the baby;

● 20.40 mcg of vitamin H - 19% per day. norms - needed for the functioning of the skin and mucous membranes;

● 0.3 mcg of vitamin K;


● 2.52 mg of iron - 10% per day. norms - together with proteins, forms hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transfer of oxygen to all cells of the body;

● 1.12 mg of zinc - 25% of the day. norms - stimulates the formation of collagen, improves skin condition, fights acne;

● 20.2 mcg of iodine - 10% of the day. norms - necessary for the production of thyroid hormones;

● 83.84 mg of copper - 4% per day. norms - participates in the formation of red blood cells, prevents dry skin;

● 0.02 mg manganese;

● 32.02 mcg of selenium - 32% per day. norms - strengthens the heart muscle, increases vascular elasticity and immunity;

● 4.04 mcg of chromium - 4% per day. norms - fights obesity, maintains sugar level at the right level;

● 55.56 mcg of fluoride - 8% of the daily allowance - is necessary for beautiful healthy teeth;

● 6.06 mcg of molybdenum;

● 10.01 mcg cobalt;

● 177 mg of sulfur;

● 157 mg of chlorine;

● 193 mg of phosphorus - 35% per day. norms - helps to restore and build cells, regulates the nervous system;

● 141 mg of potassium;

● 135 mg of sodium 5% per day. norms - regulates blood pressure, supports the normal functioning of nervous and muscle tissue;

● 12 mg of magnesium;

● 55.5 mg of calcium - 10% per day. norms - the main component of nails, bones and teeth, regulates the nervous system, strengthens blood vessels, is responsible for blood coagulation.

What is the use of boiled eggs

The main 9 beneficial properties of boiled eggs:

1. A large amount of vitamin D. By its content, eggs are second only to fish oil. And this vitamin is essential for the good condition of bones and teeth. A person can feel a deficiency of this vitamin especially in the winter season. At this time, the eggs will become an indispensable helper.

2. Egg white is able to normalize blood and intracranial pressure, and even relieve headache.

3. From a boiled egg, the body receives a large amount of tryptophan. This amino acid contributes to the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy. Another reason to eat eggs in the autumn-winter period is uplifting, helping to fight depression and spleen.

4. A large amount of omega acids cleanses blood vessels, normalizes the cardiovascular system and improves the condition of hair and skin.

5. Due to the good combination of amino acids and proteins, boiled eggs are recommended for athletes. They help fight body fat and strengthen muscle tissue.

6. Eggs can stop bleeding, so they are recommended for heavy bleeding. They will also help restore blood volume and hemoglobin levels after heavy bleeding.

7. The eggs contain a fairly large amount of vitamin A in its various forms. Thanks to this, the regular use of boiled eggs can improve vision, and prevent the formation of cataracts.

8. Only two eggs per day are able to give you 50% of the daily intake of most of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

9. A large amount of antioxidants cleanses the body of free radicals, thereby preventing the formation of cancer.

Boiled Egg Cholesterol

Surely you noticed 575 mg of cholesterol. We are all afraid of the word. After all, it leads to blockage of blood vessels and can even lead to a heart attack or stroke. However, it is worth remembering that there is the so-called "beneficial" cholesterol and "harmful". For the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, a moderate amount of “good” cholesterol is needed.

Egg cholesterol is considered that way. However, you should not go too far with him. The largest amount is found in the yolk. If there are no problems with cholesterol, it is recommended to consume up to 6 eggs per week. If the level of cholesterol is elevated, you should limit the intake to 2 yolks and 6 proteins.

Harm boiled eggs

Like any other product, eggs can cause allergies if overused. It is also worth remembering the individual intolerance of the product.

Do not eat eggs in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and diabetes.

Inadequate heat treatment or poorly peeled eggs can lead to salmonella infection.

How to choose eggs

What do the stamps on the eggs mean, and which eggs are better: with a brown shell or white? Should the yolk be bright orange or pale yellow?

Most often you can find on the eggs marking "C" - table. The category of eggs is indicated below. “B” - eggs more than 75 grams, “O” - perfect, from 65 to 75 grams, “1” - category 55-65 grams, “2” 45-55 grams, “3” - the smallest, 35-45 grams .

The color of the shell does not mean anything special, it only shows what color is the chicken that laid the egg. And the color of the yolk indicates the nutritional characteristics of the animal.

How to boil eggs

First you need to determine the freshness of the product. The first option is to dip the egg in water. If it emerges, it is strictly forbidden to use such an egg. If it remains at the bottom - it is completely fresh, up to 4 days. And if it hung in the middle of the glass, the egg is not the first freshness, but not spoiled.

By law, only clean eggs without traces of chicken droppings should be sold in stores. However, you can often find quite dirty. It’s better not to take these at all, because that’s how you can catch salmonellosis. Even if traces of litter are not visible on the eggs, it is best to wash them before cooking.

After each contact with the eggs, wash your hands with soap, otherwise the bacteria can be transferred to other products.

Cook only whole eggs, without cracks and chips. If the egg cracked during cooking, it is better not to eat it. To avoid this problem, you can immediately boil an egg without shells. The egg is cooked in a pouch for about 5 minutes. Soft-boiled - 3 minutes, hard-boiled - 8 minutes.

Eggs is a unique product that can bring many benefits if you know the measure.


Watch the video: What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating 2 Eggs a Day (July 2024).