Massage and other treatments for rhinitis at home. Folk recipes for the treatment of rhinitis at home


Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by mucus secretion, itching, burning. The causes may be viral or allergic in nature. Before treating rhinitis at home, it is necessary to find out the root cause of the pathology in order to begin competent effective therapy.

Causes of Rhinitis

The causes of pathology can be divided into two large groups:

1. Violation of local immunity. This paragraph may include some physiological features of the structure of the nasal cavity. They take an active part in protecting against the ingress of dust and other small particles, which together with themselves entail viruses and bacteria.

2. External damaging factors. Such factors reduce the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms of the nasal mucosa. For this reason, an inflammatory reaction begins to progress. They lead to a disease of the nasal mucosa. These factors include:

· The effect of local and general hypothermia, as a result of which the body's ability to protect against microbes is reduced;

· Injuries of the nose and various foreign bodies in the cavity;

· Surgical interventions also act as a traumatic factor;

· Production malware;

An allergic factor, for example, plant pollen, house dust, fur, animal hair.

Whatever the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to start the competent treatment of the disease in a timely manner.

Massage for the treatment of rhinitis at home

The cure of rhinitis can be not only medication, but also with the help of various folk recipes. High performance shows a special massage. To get the effect, you must adhere to the manual:

1. There is a method of curing pathology by simultaneously pressing a point between the eyebrows and pressing the tongue against the upper sky. With this exercise, breathing returns to normal.

2. There is a Chinese massage. This is a seven point method. It is contraindicated in case of elevated body temperature. Manipulations are performed on acupuncture points. They are located in the temporomandibular-oral areas. These points should be massaged in circular motions for one and a half minutes each.

To facilitate breathing in rhinitis, you can use breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. For this:

1. Exercise Ladoshki. The patient should be straight, bend his arms at the elbows, and turn his palms away from himself. It is necessary to take noisy breaths and simultaneously clench your hands in fists.

2. Pogonchiki. Straighten, brush your hands into fists. Hands pressed to the stomach. When inhaling, lower your hands sharply to the floor. After the brush put in its original place.

3. The pump. Stand straight and place your feet shoulder width apart. Extend the upper limbs along the torso. Bend forward and take a breath in parallel. It should end with a bow. Get up a little and bend again. At the same time take a second breath.

4. The cat. Stand straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Do a squat and simultaneously turn to the side. At the same time take a sharp breath. Knees bend slightly.

Exercises should end with the use of hot tea with lemon.

Treatment of rhinitis at home with ginger and honey

The most effective remedy for pathology is ginger with lemon and honey. The body is saturated with vitamins and beneficial substances that strengthen the immune system. The high effectiveness of ginger in combination with lemon and honey is explained by the therapeutic effect of each component. These include:

1. Ginger contains amino acids, vitamins, volatile, and other biological substances, which are characterized by tonic, immuno-strengthening, warming, antiphlogistic and diaphoretic effects.

2. Honey is known for its vitamin and mineral composition.

3. Lemon contains the highest concentration of ascorbic acid.

To prepare a healing composition, you need to peel 300 g of ginger root from the skin and grate it on a fine grater. Cut the lemon, eliminate all the bones. Grind its flesh with a blender. Place both ingredients in a container and mix thoroughly. After pouring 150 ml of honey and beat with a blender. Daily use a teaspoon for half an hour before eating.

There is another recipe and for its preparation, peel the ginger root from the skin and grate it on a fine grater. Place 2-3 teaspoons of gruel in a bowl and add grated lemon. Pour boiling liquid over the entire mass. Cover the glass with a saucer and leave for half an hour. After this time, add as much honey as in the first recipe. Healing tea is ready to drink. Drink tea three times a day.

Thuja oil in the treatment of rhinitis at home

In oil, thuja has a content amount of volatile, glycosides and tannins. This is an excellent natural remedy, which is characterized by antiflogistic, fungicidal and bactericidal action. It is not recommended to use oil as an independent remedy, as it does not reduce the amount of mucus, does not constrict capillaries and does not eliminate swelling. With a regular instillation of the drug, you can strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to drip oil in case of dry runny nose, when the mucous membrane is inflamed and thinned.

Effective recipes are:

1. Oil drops in the nose. It is recommended that adults and children bury 4 drops of thuja drys daily before bedtime. First you should blow your nose and clean out the cavity. This is a great alternative to moisturizing the mucosa with saline.

2. Drops from coniferous broth. If the runny nose is strong and there is a strong separation of mucus, then instead of oil, you need to use a decoction of thuja. On a large spoon of dried needles, you need 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse the product in a sealed container. The resulting product is instilled in 4 drops in a cleaned passage.

Needle recipes can cause a severe allergic reaction. Cheeks are covered with scarlet scab. They begin to swell and itch. If this is observed, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline.

Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of rhinitis at home

Kalanchoe juice helps get rid of the pathology, but in some cases its use is useless. The plant has such positive aspects:

1. The bactericidal effect. The composition has a large number of volatile, so you can stop a bacterial infection. To cure the pathology, it is recommended to drip a couple of drops three times a day daily.

2. Antiflogistic impact. The juice of the plant very quickly eliminates puffiness and the inflammatory process. But you can not use drops if rhinitis has just begun and the disease is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

3. Kalanchoe against the secretion of mucus from the nose. The juice of the plant after getting on the mucous membrane of the organ of smell causes itching and sneezing. This helps eliminate mucus that is deep in the nasopharynx. Using ordinary blowing nose to clear the nasal passages is not possible. But too intense sneezing can lead to injury to the nasal mucosa. Therefore, the treatment of rhinitis with juice should be neat and strictly dosed.

There are several rules for using Kalanchoe with a cold:

1. Do not bury juice in case of temperature increase.

2. Do not resort to this method for allergic, vasomotor and viral rhinitis.

3. Start curing the pathology with the help of juice no earlier than on the fourth day of the onset of the disease.

4. At the first allergic manifestations, it is necessary to stop using this method.

5. Before treatment, a skin test should be performed.

6. Do not bury the drug for more than five days in a row.

7. Use the product only in case of a cold of a bacterial nature. The mucus from the nose should be yellow-green.

In exceptional cases, this technique, carried out at home, can lead to:

· Thinning and drying of the mucous membrane, up to atrophic rhinitis;

Allergic reactions such as urticaria, Quincke's edema;

· The transition of rhinitis into a chronic form due to a muffled island-inflammatory process;

Aggravation of a common cold;

· The focus of the disease may fall below or give a complication to the ears, otitis media occurs.

Before using any prescription of traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Perhaps recipes will be included in the complex treatment of the disease.
