Why do I dream about earrings: precious, antique, unusual? The main interpretations of different dream books - what are the dreams of earrings


In a dream you can see the most diverse, even extraordinary events. Why dream of gold earrings? How to interpret such a dream?

What are the earrings for?

It is pleasant to receive jewelry as a gift, it is pleasant to buy. But what if you dreamed about earrings? How to interpret such a dream? What can he mean? In order to fully interpret - you need to take into account all the little things and details of sleep:

· Are your earrings in a dream;

· Do you wear them;

· Is there a stone in them;

· Are they new?

What metal are they from?

It is also important to remember your emotional state during sleep and after waking up. If you experienced joy and happiness during sleep, most likely you will in reality encounter very pleasant and joyful events. If during sleep you felt confusion and distrust - in reality you will also be disappointed in everything that will happen around you.

If in a dream you find gold earrings on your doorstep, and they seem old to you, worn by someone for a long time - such a dream means that happiness will not last long. Perhaps you were planning something grand, acquiring something new, planning some kind of family, joyful event. After such a dream, you will have to postpone your plans for an indefinite period, otherwise you will encounter insurmountable difficulties.

Events from the past will not give you the opportunity to realize your plans in the future. The dream in which you find on your doorstep new earrings, beautifully packaged - speaks of a gift of fate and the opening of new opportunities for you. Perhaps you can re-see what worries you so much, perhaps you will get a good offer. The dream book advises in the near future to take full advantage of the possibilities of life and not deny yourself anything.

The dream in which you buy earrings in the store indicates that you are going to open your own business, start something new. If you buy earrings in the store not for yourself, but for a loved one - such a dream means that you will take care of someone much more than yourself. You will become a real friend and real helper for some person.

The dream in which you buy gold earrings with diamonds - advises you not to rush into making an important financial decision. Better weigh the pros and cons once more and make an informed decision. Do not rush and try to anticipate all the nuances of the case. The dream in which you buy silver earrings speaks of success among colleagues, which will not be long. He, most likely, will have a short-term character and will not bring you joy.

The dream in which you see how someone chooses earrings for a gift and you really like them - says that you will be envious of other people's successes and other people's successes. You will observe someone else's life and forget about responsibility for your own. The dream book advises you to be more careful about everything that happens in your life.

The dream in which you buy earrings made of base metal can indicate a deterioration in your life and the presence of disappointment in it. What until recently seemed so important to you will now become practically inaccessible to you and not so valuable. The dream book advises to wait out this alarming time and not to worry much about those events that will continue to happen in your life.

A dream in which you cannot find earrings for a long time at home means that for a long time you will not be able to agree with your loved ones about mutual assistance and mutual support. You will suffer defeat after defeat, failure after failure, and you will not be able to figure out their reasons.

If you have been looking for earrings for a long time and find only one of the earrings, it means that you will have very few opportunities to realize what was planned. Perhaps you can’t even help yourself or your loved ones with anything and will try to say goodbye to your debts for a long time. Ultimately, life will give you the opportunity to partially resolve the situation.

The dream in which you put on the earrings, and they seem small to you, means that all the important possibilities and important options have already passed. Either you did not notice them, or did not appreciate their significance in your life. The dream in which you put on the earrings, and they do not fasten on you, indicates that it is time to free yourself from the burden of the problems of the past and actively move forward. Also, such a dream may indicate your genuine desire for change.

You want to get out of life, which seems to you a real hard labor, you want to relax and stop losing heart. You can do this when you allow yourself the very life that you have wanted for so long.

The dream in which you see the earrings, and they are rusty - indicates the need to deal with one of your old friends. Perhaps this person owes you something, or you owe him. These debts will oppress you and prevent you from living a full life.

The dream in which you wear different earrings in your ears means that in reality you will very actively strive for changes. Your life will not be ordinary and ordinary. You will strive for new opportunities and new perspectives. Try to realize as many plans as possible in the near future.

The dream in which you see earrings with huge beautiful stones, but they turn out to be fake - suggests that you should not sincerely and openly trust people. You can be betrayed, you can be deceived. In the near future, trust only yourself and your intuition.

The dream in which you try to pick up a ring to your earrings and you succeed in it means that you will be able to complete more than just an important job for you, you can achieve a lot and complete a lot of important things.

If in a dream you don’t find rings to your earrings and you don’t get a set, it means that you cannot realize yourself and you will not be able to move on to the designated goal. Such a dream means that you will soon fall into a trap.

Why dream about earrings on Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that earrings dream of a gift of fate and great success in personal life. Such a dream may mean that soon you will be able to solve most of your questions and problems in your personal life. Perhaps you will even become somewhat more pragmatic when choosing a partner if you dream about earrings made of white gold.

Old, worn earrings dream of problems with their other half, which are chronic. You may not even notice, but problems in your personal life will unsettle you.

The dream book, in which the girl loses her earring, speaks of the need to ponder her words and actions, otherwise she will be very unprofitable to look in the eyes of her lover. If a pregnant girl dreams that she was presented with gold earrings, she will be happy.

Why dream earrings on the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that gold earrings dream of something from the past. To something that will make you suffer and worry. Silver earrings promise lightness and happiness. They will be almost constant companions of a person who had a similar dream.

Why dream of earrings that you measure in front of a mirror? Such a dream means that you will rather carefully look at yourself and your environment. This means that you will more actively seek out flaws in them without noticing your flaws.

Why dream about earrings on other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that the earrings dream of as a symbol of prosperity and happiness. Perhaps you are trying on a lot of sets of jewelry in a dream and just can’t find the right earrings for your outfit? Such a dream means that you will not be constant in your choice and will hesitate for a long time.

The dream in which you receive gemstone earrings as a gift indicates that you will soon be able to receive a good present from a loved one. It can be not only a thing, but also a pleasant word, support.

Why dream earrings on Aesop’s dream book? They dream when you have an important event and an important meeting. Such a dream may indicate that your life will soon acquire new colors. Such dreams dream when you are on the verge of important achievements. It remains only to wait a bit, and you will get the result from the efforts and efforts that you put into an important business for yourself. Justice of decisions will be on your side if you dreamed of smooth round earrings. In your life everything will be smooth and measured. Try to restrain emotions and prevent tears after such a dream.


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