Best books for children: how to interest a baby? Best books for children - which book will the student choose?


When parents go to the bookstore, their goal is to choose the best book for their child. Which book will be interesting for a child is a dilemma for many of them.

The book should be not only interesting, but also informative.

"Very Hungry Caterpillar," Eric Carl

This is the best book for children from one to three years old. She will absorb all your baby’s attention thanks to an amazing story and wonderful illustrations. The story of one hungry caterpillar will help kids plunge into the magical world and realize that a beautiful butterfly can turn out from a nondescript caterpillar. The book is written in a language accessible to two-year-olds and has been a bestseller for almost half a century.

The Golden Key or The Adventures of Pinocchio, Alexey Tolstoy

You have not noticed how your baby has grown up, but it is time for him to distinguish good from evil, then this is the best children's book. Why? Reading this story, the child will encounter concepts such as cruelty, aggression and greed, learn how important it is to show love and care for people, and learn to believe in a real dream. But in order for good to triumph, one must make efforts, act, and not sit idly by. A fairy tale teaches children to be active and purposeful in achieving their goals. She shows the reader that cunning and flatterers are bad friends.

"Carlson, who lives on the roof," Astrid Lindgren

If your baby is already 4-5 years old, then going past this book will be just a crime. She will teach your child such simple, but at the same time necessary concepts, such as friendship and mutual assistance. Each parent will spend an unforgettable time with his son or daughter, reading this kind and wise best book for children. And be sure that it will help your child find friends.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain

This best book for primary school children is definitely a classic and everyone should read it. The novel contains many serious thoughts and will reveal the secret of the relationship between the world of adults and the world of children. The problems of morality and growing up are raised in this book. This entertaining story with sparkling humor will teach the child to draw conclusions. And the main conclusion is that if you have a true friend, then you can overcome all obstacles and difficulties with him.

"Artemis Fowl. Counter Strike," Jon Kolfer

The best fantasy book for kids. Recommended age - for secondary school age. This is a breathtaking story about computer genius. The guys will experience the delight of the author's science fiction and his use of fantasy elements. In the age of computer technology, this is what students need.

The Mystery of the Egyptian Tomb, Alan Frevin Jones

In the adventure genre, there is no better book for children than this book in the new adventure series. It is written in the best traditions of the Indiana Jones saga. But the guys will be delighted because the main characters here are children, and the scene is excavations in Egypt. Reading the book, you and the heroes will find an Elephantine stone with an inscription that will show the way to the Lunar Talisman and, holding your breath, try to find the Scroll of the Dead. This is a wonderful excursion into the history of Egypt, getting to know interesting legends and solving a variety of puzzles.

"In a country of unlearned lessons," L.B. Geraskina

This book is not only the best, but also a favorite among younger students. With the main characters, punctuation marks and a boy, Vitya, your children will not only remember the rules of the Russian language, but also learn them. Plus, add humor and positive emotions. The book itself, its vivid pictures and funny situations will cause great interest among the children. After reading the book, the guys will come to the main conclusion that the knowledge gained at school, they will certainly be useful in their adult life. And one who does not want to have difficulties in the future must study diligently. This story teaches you to reason and think before you do something. And the ability to reason helps to make the right decision, which is so important in life.

The Endless Story, Michael Ende

If you did not read this book, you did not have a childhood. So read it with your child and you will find yourself in the center of the most incredible events with the main character, the boy Bastian. The book is like a bright puzzle, which is to be assembled in pieces. The book is instructive, it teaches good and raises absolutely childish problems that have to be solved in life. Reading her child embarks on a journey into a fantasy world. This book is the best, because it teaches us not to be afraid, always to go forward and win.

The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This iconic work is the best children's book. The story of the little prince will help the child get answers to many questions about the planet and what is happening on it. How to develop in a child habits to follow the rules? Put yourself in order, and your planet will be in order. The child is always ready to ask questions and he will receive them in this book. This is a guide for children on how to live on a planet of people.

"Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

For any child, the best book is uniquely because it helps to understand that he wins in the eternal struggle of feelings and reason. If crazy Alice is close to him, then he is inclined to logical thinking and will quickly learn to draw the right conclusions. The kid will learn to believe in miracles, which is very important for the imagination process at an early age. In order not to get lost in this life, the book is worth reading. In the image of the main character is the whole complexity of being an adult, she will teach to think. This is a real rebus with logical chains that make the whole work harmonious and correct.

Reading books with his child, describing illustrations and discussing funny stories and interesting moments with him, each parent will be able not only to get close to him, but will also return to childhood. In this list of the best books, any young reader will find truly unique works that will enrich his inner world.


Watch the video: Motivating Students With Book Choice (July 2024).