Thailand: Exotic fruits that can only be tasted there. What is durian, mangosteen, dragon - how to choose and eat them?


Are you going to Thailand? Get ready - there is something to try!


As soon as they call durian, and that just do not talk about its taste and smell! It is customary to call this exotic fruit the "king of fruits." Perhaps he really is the "king", but very specific: the Thais compare the smell of durian with ... the defecation of a hyena. Only such a comparison is unlikely to help Russian tourists determine its true smell: how do we know about the smells of hyenas!

Due to the aggressive aroma, durian should not be carried and kept indoors. After being located, for example, in a hotel room, the smell is then extremely difficult to weather. Moreover, in every hotel in Thailand you can find a sign prohibiting the transport and storage of durian. Do not try to do it - locals are well aware of the taste and smell of fetid fruit, and you can pay a considerable fine.

In size, durian resembles a medium melon. Only the peel, in contrast to the melon, is covered with sharp spikes. Since it is very dense and prickly, it is not recommended for tourists to buy an unbroken fruit - cutting will take a lot of time and effort.

Its edible part is a flesh of light yellow color. Residents of Thailand, however, as well as other Asian countries, consider durian a delicious and very healthy fruit. You can even find such a description of the fetus: the taste of paradise, but the smell of hell. And the male population considers him an excellent aphrodisiac.


Slices in appearance are similar to garlic, and the taste does not lend itself to an unambiguous description. Someone may say that peaches and grapes are guessed here, someone - that apricot, melon, rose and lime.

How to choose a good mangosteen? Take the fruit in your hand and squeeze a little. Its peel should not be as dense as a tree. If the fruit easily misses, this indicates its corruption. Do not take small fruits - they have less tasty pulp. When cutting, you should carefully handle the peel - it can stain your bright things. For the same reason, some hotels do not allow the transfer of mangosteen to rooms.

This fruit can be eaten raw, it goes well with seafood and cools the body, which is especially valuable in the heat. Often it is eaten after durian, which, on the contrary, as it warms up.

Mangosteen is very popular with both locals and visitors. It tolerates transportation well and therefore is exported in large quantities. This, as well as the fact that growing mangosteen requires patience (the tree begins to bear fruit only after a few years) has led to the fact that the fruit is one of the most expensive in the Thai markets.

Dragon fruit

This fruit is a type of cactus that has been grown in Central America. In the century before last, they were introduced into the territory of present-day Vietnam and from there spread to all of Southeast Asia.

Dragon fruit has large flakes and an oblong shape. The pulp is juicy, white, interspersed with black seeds. Tourists figuratively call this fruit "radish with poppy seeds". Obviously, this is only a visual image.


Mango fruits contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant for the body. One of its positive effects on the human body is the protection of the skin from aggressive environmental factors, for example, from ultraviolet radiation


Watch the video: Mangosteen review - Weird Fruit Explorer : Episode 10 (July 2024).