Hair masks for dandruff: what effect to expect? Homemade masks for seborrhea with cognac, honey, clay, vinegar


Dandruff is a disease that occurs due to damage to the scalp by a fungus, with various hormonal disorders, as well as with improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

It is necessary to treat seborrhea by identifying the causes of dandruff, proven medicines and traditional medicine methods. Only after a detailed study of the problem can a positive result be achieved.

Indications for the treatment of seborrhea

With the initial appearance of dandruff, do not worry and go to the doctor for advice. It is possible that her education is associated with the use of expired, inappropriate cosmetic, hygiene hair care products. It is necessary to begin treatment of seborrhea when the following symptoms are detected.

1. Increased peeling of the scalp. The destruction of the epidermis indicates hormonal disruptions that need to be optimized with hair masks in combination with the intake of vitamins C, E, D.

2. Oily shine of hair occurs when the sebaceous glands are disturbed. Sometimes the patient washes his hair every day, several times, which leads to increased receptor activity. It is very difficult to get rid of the symptoms, so starting treatment in this case is simply necessary.

3. Hair loss, partial baldness and seborrhea occurs for many reasons, including due to the activity of the hereditary gene. To avoid such a nuisance, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hair, including anti-dandruff treatment masks, which allows you to save the hair follicle.

4. Irritation, itching of the scalp are the most unpleasant symptoms that should be eliminated in the first place. Changing shampoo will not lead to the desired result. Only treatment with special means will help the patient get rid of such manifestations and dandruff.

Seborrhea is of two types: dry and oily. The first is characterized by a decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, increased destruction of the epidermis. The skin exfoliates with small scales. The hair at the same time looks as if they were sprinkled with cosmetic powder.

With oily seborrhea, increased activity of the sebaceous glands is observed. The destruction of the epidermis occurs by exfoliation of large skin flakes, which very often stick together, forming a dense crust on the head that cannot be removed with the help of cosmetics and hygiene products.

Rules for the use of anti-dandruff hair masks

Any cosmetic and therapeutic procedures should be exclusively beneficial. To do this, it is advised to use only proven means and methods of traditional medicine, as well as follow the rules for using hair masks.

1. Choosing a treatment method, you need to consult a dermatologist, as well as take into account the type of scalp. Seborrhea appears in the presence of dry and oily epidermis, which significantly affects the choice of a particular recipe.

2. The prepared mass must be used immediately after its manufacture, for three, four hours. Apply the mask with smooth massage movements, distributing the composition over the scalp with a cotton pad, dividing the partings with a comb.

3. After applying the mask, the head must be wrapped with plastic wrap, and on top with a terry towel or put on a special hat. Thus, a greenhouse effect is created, which allows to achieve the maximum result from the use of medical, cosmetic products.

4. Any procedure should be carried out within the specified time. If you overexpose the mask, the result will not please, and it can also harm. If the period of the procedure is not indicated in the recipe, then the applied composition should be washed off after thirty to fifty minutes, depending on the ingredients used.

5. Remove the applied mask with warm water, using shampoo or liquid soap. It is recommended to rinse hair with a solution in the prescribed proportions (in one liter of warm boiled water, temperature about 26 - 35 degrees Celsius, dissolve 0.02 ml of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar).

6. The use of hair masks is recommended once, twice a week. You can see the result after the third, fourth procedure. Treatment is carried out for two months, after which it is imperative to take a break, thirty, forty-five days.

Hair Masks for Dry Dandruff

If dry dandruff is accompanied by profuse hair loss, then the causes lie inside the body and are associated with metabolic disorders. In such a case, you can’t do without a specialist’s consultation, but if no concomitant symptoms are observed, then you can safely use hair masks prepared according to traditional medicine recipes.

First of all, it is necessary to refuse to take harmful foods (salty, fatty, sweet, alcohol) and include in your diet foods containing vitamins C, E, D. You can change your usual shampoo.

With dry seborrhea, masks based on natural, plant-based components help well.

1. A very effective remedy - burdock mask. It is heated to room temperature and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements, distributing it over the entire surface of the hairline. Keep the mask from thirty minutes to eight hours. It can be applied at night, and in the morning rinse with warm water during the next hygiene procedure. To make it easier to get rid of oil, shampoo should be applied to dry hair, rinse it, and then carry out the procedure in the usual way.

2. Against the fungus that invokes dandruff, ordinary helps very well garlic. Using a meat grinder or press, grind six to ten large cloves. The resulting mass is poured with boiled water, insisted for thirty minutes. Then the filtered liquid is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with warm, soapy water.

3. Unusual combination chicken eggs and castor It will help not only get rid of dandruff, but also helps to grow and strengthen hair. Grind the yolk with a teaspoon of calendula, pour two tablespoons of the heated castor into the mixture. Apply the mask exclusively for fifteen minutes, no more, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

4. Egg in combination with linseed oil help restore water balance and normalize the sebaceous glands. To prepare the composition, take one yolk, 20 grams of linseed oil, 10 grams of propolis tincture. All are thoroughly mixed, preferably in a blender, until a thick foam is formed. The resulting composition is applied to the scalp, and held for thirty minutes.

Hair Masks for Oily Dandruff

The use of masks for hair from oily dandruff saturates the scalp with the necessary minerals and vitamins, normalizes the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation, and also has an antibacterial effect, which helps to destroy harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

There are many recipes for traditional medicine, allowing you to get rid of oily dandruff. The tested and most effective of them include:

1. Infusion - mask based on oak bark and onion peel suitable for use by people with dark hair, as it contributes to dyeing curls in golden color. For cooking, take crushed husk, about twenty grams, add two tablespoons of oak bark, pour 0.5 liters of water. The resulting mass is boiled for twenty minutes, cooled and 20 milliliters of salicylic alcohol are added. Rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then washed off after forty minutes with purified soapy water.

2. Vinegar combined with nettles - An aggressive composition that will help achieve results after the first application. It should be noted that for the preparation of the product it is better to use natural apple cider vinegar, produced at home from the fruits of garden trees. Twenty grams of dry nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water, cooled, mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar. Rub the composition only in the hair roots for one hour. Then wash off with plain water at room temperature.

3. Cognac mask reduces the sebaceous glands and improve blood circulation. To prepare it, you need to mix one tablespoon of alcoholic beverage with lemon juice in equal proportions, add 20 grams of preheated honey, cool and pour in castor oil. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the scalp and hold for thirty minutes.

4. Blue clay mask help get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair. Two tablespoons of the main component are bred in nettle infusion (400 g of alcohol and 500 g of dry nettle leaves are taken to obtain it, kept in a dark place for a week). The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots for half an hour, then rinsed with warm boiled water, with the addition of liquid laundry soap.


Watch the video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (July 2024).