The meaning of the name Arina: history and origin. The character and fate of a woman named Arina


Choosing a name for your first-born, be sure to familiarize yourself with its interpretation. You will find very important information in it. What does the name Arina mean? How to interpret it?

History and origin of the name Arina

The name Arin has several generally accepted meanings. The first of which is "peace" and "peace." It is believed that the name could come from another ancient name, Irina. Also, scientists do not exclude the version that the name Arina came from the Slavic name Yarin. These names have one origin - the old Slavic Yarilo.

The history and origin of the name Arina has another version. Perhaps the name came from the Jewish male name Aaron. What does the name Arina mean in this version? It means “enlightened,” possessing knowledge.

The name Arina gained the greatest distribution in the eighteenth century; it was popular among noblemen. Today the name Arina is not so popular and widespread. Arina celebrates the birthday on the day of Irina's birthday - January 12 and 16, February 8 and March 8, March 7 and April 29, May 18 and May 26, August 10 and 17, September 30, October 1.

In the Christian tradition, Arin decided to baptize under the name Irina. The meaning of the name Arina also determines the planet of the patron saint of the girl - this is Venus. She makes her sensitive, emotional, amorous. A little shy and very vulnerable.

The patron of the zodiac signs is Taurus. From this, the girl becomes quite stubborn and selfish. She can even very actively defend her own interests, while encroaching on strangers.

Lucky colors for Arina can be considered yellow, blue and blue. A good day for the girl will be Friday. For Arina, the totem plant is the lily of the valley. He is able to accelerate the solution of many issues in the life of Arina, to give her peace.

Owl will become a totem animal for Arina. She gives wisdom and endurance, although Arina is sometimes very lacking. The girl’s mascot will be opal, topaz. Both of these stones will bring her joy and prosperity.

The character and fate of Arina

The positive character traits of Arina include:

• straightforwardness;

• Honesty;

• Sense of tact;

• Self-esteem;

• Emotional stability.

Little Arina pleases parents with her calm and restrained disposition. She listens to elders in everything and does not allow anyone to offend peers. To quarrel with her is almost impossible, but to offend is easy.

Arina is too vulnerable and can be offended by trifles if she has a broken connection with her mother. It means, if a girl does not get enough affection and attention from her mother, then Arina will have problems in her personal life and in communication with men.

If she has a strained relationship with her father - in her personal life, on the contrary, she will try to have an open, honest, close relationship. Will not run away from intimacy and affection, will be open to men.

You can’t put pressure on Arina, you should not actively argue with her. She always hears other people's arguments, but she needs to be given time so that she can master these arguments. If Arina thinks she’s doing practically nothing, if she thinks she doesn’t need her, then tears and feelings may begin, as it is very important for a girl to have outside support, recognition and encouragement.

Little Arina studies well, seeks to listen to her mother in everything, does not try to prove something to someone, does everything only as she herself needs. Sometimes she asks for hints and support, and her loved ones like it a lot.

When Arina cries, she cannot immediately explain what happened. If you have already brought her to tears, then you have been doing something wrong for a long time, trying not so hard, trying to offend, trying to prove something. Arina could endure, but then she was tired of it, and she was upset, burst into tears.

It is very easy to comfort both small and matured Arina - just hug her and hug her. She is very sensitive and immediately understands when she is sincerely treated with love, and when, it's all a hoax and a game.

At school, Arina is very friendly, obedient and complaisant. Teachers rejoice that there are children like her. This is a real experimenter. Arina is ready to try various methods for the result, if she wants to become a needlewoman - she will start attending a lot of circles.

The only thing parents should not do is to impose on Arina their vision of her hobbies. If you dreamed that your daughter would be a singer, but Arina is against such a hobby - do not insist. Release the situation. Nothing good will come of it. You just waste your time. And you will be nervous, but no one will appreciate your efforts.

Be careful if Arina is silent for a long time - she is seriously upset and offended. She really needs your help and support. She could quarrel with someone from the class and now you have to personally resolve the conflict. The main thing is to talk to the girl, because she has problems in herself.

What does the name Arina mean, the girl’s health

Arins can often catch a cold, they are characterized by prolonged respiratory diseases. Such diseases are very strongly affected by the emotional state of Arina. For example, if a girl quarrels or scolds the girl herself very often, she will often catch a cold and will often have problems with the respiratory system. Try not to put pressure on it, not to create adverse conditions for its development.

Arina may develop problems with the nervous system amid loneliness. The child cannot be rejected. And the adult Arina will also very sharply react to rejection, to your prejudices towards her. If she fails in her personal life, she will be painful and anxious for a long time.

The meaning of the name Arina and her career

Arina does a wonderful job with children, therefore, she would be happy to work as a teacher, nanny, teacher. Arina will show herself well in psychology. She will very accurately be able to understand other people's problems, but she will be very difficult to understand her own.

This kind of helplessness will make her look for many more hobbies and hobbies. She will be filled with determination to help other people, but she will forget about herself all the time. Arina wants to feel necessary, and she does not understand what is needed, without extra words and deeds, she just needs to find exactly those people who will cherish her.

Arina has a rather strange perception of reality. She can go to study as an economist, while dreaming of performing on a large stage. Such an imbalance will lead to some problems with Arina's personal life. Since, not realizing herself in a vocation, she will not be able to completely surrender to love.

Arina is a good subordinate, but she does not really like to lead. It is easier for her to stay in the shade and not bear the burden of responsibility on her shoulders. Arina will always have new opportunities to settle in life, the main thing is not to miss them and not deny herself changes.

The meaning of the name Arina and her personal life

Arina is quite romantic and often confuses her inner feelings and the real situation in her personal life. She may very much want to be a beloved woman, but not dare to admit it. She can watch a man for a long time and see her future husband in him, but do not dare even think about the fact that something can develop between them.

She can worry and suffer for a long time because of a fictional unrequited love, and it can begin in childhood itself. It is worth trying not to provoke such situations in little Arina. Do not tell her that you don’t like, that she’s terrible, not like the others — it greatly affects her pride and feelings of life. Stand your ground if you see that she refuses the relationship.

If Arina says she does not love you, this does not mean dislike. This can mean huge, deep feelings, just a girl is confused and she needs time in order to realize what is happening.

Arina will only marry the man who will do everything for her, who will decide that everything should come to the wedding in their relationship and it is high time to finish the prelude and move on to serious plans. She will not resist.

Yes, Arina can marry a man she doesn’t love if she sees that he is ready for anything for her. She usually falls in love fatally with a lot of problems. As they say, she likes very bad men, she does not want to lead a quiet life in her youth.

But, getting older, Arina realizes that peace and comfort are the most important for her. She really wants to be important and loved. She may even try to recapture her man from another woman, but only then will she always remember his betrayal, betrayal

Arins are jealous, but in moderation. They themselves do not betray and do not change. For them, this is unacceptable and generally unreasonable. Therefore, do not expect Arina to quickly get carried away by others. Rather, she will remain faithful to the end.

Arina may have strange fad in relation to children. She may be afraid to stay with them alone and this fear will bind Arina. In order to overcome it - she will need not one, but many days. She can always doubt and look for an occasion to once again doubt herself and the man.

But, with the advent of children, everything will end. She will fully switch to their education and she will no longer have time for doubts. Everything will be decided. If you are planning a long and happy life with Arina - pay more attention to her, give more affection. Then she will answer you the same, and you will both be happy.

If you don’t know what to do, release the situation. Let it develop itself. But do not deny Arina attention. Otherwise, she herself will lose faith in your love and will seek solace in another man.


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