How terrible is the threat of abortion? Is there a chance to bear a healthy fetus before the due date with the threat of termination of pregnancy?


Throughout pregnancy, a woman can experience various disorders: toxicosis, gestosis and the like. One of them may be the threat of abortion.

The threat of abortion - causes

This complication is dangerous both for the health of the expectant mother and for the life of the fetus. But, if you were given such a diagnosis, you should not panic right away, since it happens in almost every second woman. The key to success is timely competent treatment, or as it is popularly called "preservation".

The normal gestational age for the birth of a healthy full-term fetus is considered to be 37-42 weeks. Aborted pregnancies before 22 weeks are considered spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), after 22 weeks - premature birth. It is calculated because, from the 22nd week of gestation, the embryo is considered to be a fetus which, with proper supervision and help from high-class neonatologists and resuscitators, is able to "grow" to normal sizes outside the maternal womb. According to the law of our country, doctors must fight to the last for the life of such a tiny child. Which, on the one hand, is humane, and on the other hand, it is extremely difficult and not always justified, since children born at such an early stage almost always die from various complications. Most often from fetal distress syndrome (under-disclosure of the lungs). For the baby, every day is important intrauterine development. Modern medicine can save deeply premature babies, but unfortunately, this does not happen often.

That is why it is important for the future mother and obstetrician-gynecologist to keep the pregnancy to normal. To achieve this, you need to remove all the reasons that may contribute to the threat of termination of pregnancy. We will analyze the main factors that adversely affect gestation.

1. Increased tone of the uterus - usually the anterior or posterior wall. A fairly common pathology. In the early stages, the expectant mother may not feel anything at all. Closer to the middle of the second trimester, a woman begins to suffer from pain in the lower abdomen and in the back. Unpleasant sensations can be of varying intensity. Treatment depends on the strength of the tone (from taking antispasmodic drugs to strictly bed rest throughout the entire gestation period).

2. Hormonal disorders - hormone imbalance can be at different levels. Lack of luteinizing hormone - progesterone, as a rule, manifests itself in the first trimester of pregnancy. This suggests that the corpus luteum does not function properly. This may violate the production of tropic hormones and release factors. The pituitary and hypothalamus are responsible for this. With this pathology, bloody discharge from the genitals is often observed.

3. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (cervical insufficiency to stay in closed position). This pathology is most often found in women who have undergone medical interventions on the organ (curettage, abortion, suturing of gaps at the time of delivery). There is a violation in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow actively. The treatment is done by suturing the cervix. Sometimes obstetrician-gynecologists wear a special ring on the organ - the obstetric pessary.

4. Hormonal factors. We are talking about chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, they are more often manifested in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the pathology is extremely complex, the embryo becomes unviable and dies in the womb.

5. Extragenital Maternal Diseases - especially endocrine disorders, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. In many chronic and acute pathological processes, the development of a threat of abortion is possible.

6. Pregnancy Complications - gestosis, toxicosis, placental abruption, gestational hypertension and diabetes mellitus - all this extremely negatively affects the normal bearing of the fetus.

7. Stressful situations - A sharp fear, depression, neurosis. Pregnant women are not in vain contraindicated to worry. Stress hormones have a peculiar mechanism of action. They try to save a woman from pregnancy, since during the "war" it is better not to give birth.

The threat of abortion - diagnosis

In order for the expectant mother to be able to endure a healthy baby, she must comply with all planned appearances in the antenatal clinic. And if she noticed disturbing symptoms in herself - do not wait for the scheduled visit, but immediately visit the gynecologist. The doctor will collect a medical history and ask about complaints.

The doctor will pay special attention to the presence of painful sensations and the nature of the discharge. Also, the history of previous pregnancies and their completion (childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, missed pregnancy) is also important for the gynecologist. The doctor will definitely ask about complications in the past gestation.

If a woman enters an outpatient department (antenatal clinic) in an emergency, and immediately to a hospital, then it is advisable for her to have an exchange card in her hands. It is in her that the gynecologist from the clinic records the development of pregnancy and records all deviations from the norm.

Special research methods are ultrasound of the pelvic organs, on which you can see the tone of the uterus and evaluate its appendages, as well as evaluate the placenta and the fetus. Also, the doctor prescribes blood tests for hormones - in order to prescribe supportive therapy in case of deviation. At later dates (from 22 weeks), a woman must undergo CTG and dopplerography. All these methods have proven themselves in the early diagnosis of the threat of abortion.

The threat of abortion - what to do?

If you notice any discomfort or abnormal discharge in yourself, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. But the most important thing is not to panic and not to run in the direct sense of that word!

As we wrote earlier, stress is always detrimental to the development of the future baby, and physical activity with the threat of termination of pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated. Keep calm. In case of intense pain or spotting, call an ambulance. This fact often allows you to save the pregnancy.

IMPORTANT! From the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, in addition to spotting, it is worth being scared and transparent. The fact is, it is possible leakage of amniotic fluid, which is a dangerous pathology that requires emergency medical care.

The threat of abortion - how dangerous is it for an unborn baby?

This question can be answered unambiguously - the threat of abortion is dangerous for the unborn child.

First of all, the fact that with the negligence of the future mother, pregnancy can simply simply end in one moment.

In the second - if a viable fetus has already been formed - for example, there is 32 weeks of gestation - for its full health neonatologists will have to make a lot of efforts. And there are no guarantees that they will be justified.

There are also situations when an unborn baby dies in the womb (placental abruption). Do not bring the situation to such risks.

It is necessary to remember once and for all: a pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself, in her hands are the life and health of her own child!


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