The meaning of the name Yesenia: history, origin. The character and fate of the girl with a romantic name Yesenia


A person’s name contains a lot of hidden, unknown information. Nowadays, parents carefully choose the name for their child, and they are right.

Do you like the name Yesenia? What does it mean?

The meaning of the name Yesenia

Yesenia is a clear sky. A girl with a pure soul and easy disposition. Cheerful, always ready to help those who need it. Yesenia has a moving mind and she brings great happiness to the life of loved ones.

There is also another variant of the meaning of the name - spring. According to him, the name is given to those children who were born in the spring, were long-awaited in the family, and parents were finally able to receive such a gift from life - the birth of a daughter.

The origin and history of the name Yesenia

The name Yesenia has Old Slavonic roots. Affectionately the girl was called Senya, Yesya, Yoshi. Scientists put forward several theories of the origin of the name Esenia. According to one of them, the name came from the male Slavic name Yesen.

Some scientists believe that girls born in the spring were called by this name. There is another theory of the origin of the name Yesenia, according to which, the name came from the name Yesenin. The origin and history of the name Esenia can also have ancient Greek roots, according to this theory, the name comes from the male name Hassan, which means "good."

The name gained its special popularity after the release of the Esenia movie on television. Then parents actively began to call their daughters Yesenia. It is worth noting that in the Christian tradition there is no St. Yesenia, therefore, the girl Yesenia does not celebrate a birthday.

The signs of the zodiac that patronize Yesenia are Aquarius and Capricorn. They make her rather domineering and stubborn. It is worth saying that she has a difficult disposition, which is difficult to explain. She can love a person, while being angry with him for all sorts of little things.

The planet that governs the life of Yesenia - Venus. She gives her a subtle sense of tact, charm, appeal to men. A tree from which you can make a talisman for Yesenia - ash. Yesenia Talisman Stone - opal.

The nature and fate of Yesenia

Yesenia has a huge number of positive qualities of character:

• kindness;

• perseverance;

• Willpower.

It is worth noting that Yesenia sits in place only when she needs it. When she clearly knows that her chosen business will bring good income in the future. Yesenia loves money and prosperity from an early age. She really enjoys a prosperous life, so the girl tries to find financially profitable options and not spend her time on those earning options that obviously will not bring profit.

Yesenia has a very developed willpower from early childhood. If she is up to something, it’s hard to stop her and it’s hard to explain to her that you shouldn’t be so nervous, everything can be fixed. A girl can even be punished for her perseverance, but she will not back down from her plan. Parents often indulge their daughter in her zeal to achieve something and do it right.

She is active in sports, can attend several sections simultaneously and look for herself in new sports. The girl strives for excellence and does not recognize defeats; she can be so active in sports that she will not even have time to relax with friends.

She is friends once and for a long time. Trying not to leave friends in difficult times. Never refuses attention. He can meet friends anytime, even when he is busy with other things, he will find time for a friend.

Character and fate determine her craving for wealthy and educated people. She really likes the company of such people, she is ready to listen for hours to other people's stories about travel and beautiful life. She has a developed fantasy, she often comes up with an ideal life for herself.

Because of such fantasies, she can fall out of reality, quarrel because of this with loved ones, afraid to find out the truth. As a child, Yesenia can play with fictional friends, which will frighten her parents.

It is not necessary to force the girl to help with the house, she herself strives to do it, helps her mother and father in every possible way, tries to live up to their expectations, does everything possible to be paid attention to. Yesenia loves to walk, she often asks her father to walk with her in the park, in nature.

If Yesenia grows up in an incomplete family, then she often yearns in adulthood, considers herself not like everyone else. Yesenia sometimes tries to provoke people into emotions, so that they prove that they need her. But such attempts often do not have the desired effect.

Yesenia loves animals and often asks her parents to have a pet, which will later become her best friend. She loves affection and care very much, and she herself is ready to take care of her neighbors.

The negative character traits of Yesenia include:

• distraction;

• Nervousness;

• Suspicion;

• Impressiveness.

Little Yesenia often forgets what her mother asked her to do. She can neglect requests in a second if she has something planned. Often she is scolded because of distraction, this negatively affects her training.

She does not show remarkable learning outcomes, but is rather obedient and never swears with teachers.

Yesenia worries too much about who and what thought of her. She hates quarrels and gossip. She tries to smooth out any conflicts, but she does not always succeed. Because of her increased nervousness, Esenia is often sick, can catch a cold year-round, and constantly suffer from allergic reactions.

Parents, plagued by her constant illnesses, try to give the girl to various sports in order to strengthen her immunity and improve her physical condition. Yesenia loves nature and the best wellness treatments for her are walking in nature under a clear sky.

Yesenia loves the sea and can even draw pictures that depict sea waves, travels, huge ships and the ship's captain in love with her. Esenia loves adventure with all her heart and is ready to read many books about them.

The meaning of the name Yesenia and her career

The love of money makes Yesenia a careerist. She may not well understand the essence of her job duties, but she can clearly see the opportunities that this work gives her. She can very quickly move up the career ladder and get a promotion only due to the fact that she will persistently follow her goal.

She shows herself well as a subordinate, and as a leader. But always seeks to control the situation and manage it. Yesenia is not ready to improve her qualifications, to receive another education, she believes that she already has enough knowledge and skills.

Yesenia has too developed ambitions and because of this there are conflicts at work. She easily changes direction, realizing that in the new business she will receive more money and success. Yesenia does not know how to obey those instructions that she considers not rational. She does a lot in her own way and as a result receives praises from her superiors.

Yesenia is afraid to look stupid, so she avoids public speaking. He monitors his health and keeps himself fit. He does not seek to have a romance at work, he always shares his personal life and career.

If Yesenia is building a business, then she devotes herself to all the work. For her there are no prohibitions in this matter. She is ready to devote a huge amount of time to her personal business, create her own company and increase wealth herself.

Esenia shares the joy of victory in business only with relatives and friends. It is difficult for her to share it with strangers. Yesenia has a rather limited circle of contacts, because many are simply envious of her. She eventually gets used to such a reaction of people, but in the beginning she is very upset because of this.

Yesenia: her personal life

Esenia is happy in her personal life. She is loved and joyful. She has been looking for her only man for a long time. She may fall in love many times, but she quickly becomes disappointed and continues to search for her only man.

Yesenia needs a calm, balanced, kind man to make her feel like a beloved woman. She often stares at men older than herself, often trying to learn from them the experience of communication.

Yesenia loves when her man makes surprises for her and gives her presents. Yesenia is a wonderful hostess, everything is arguable in her kitchen, she cooks with love and loves to receive guests.

Yesenia has a special fad - everything in her kitchen should be perfect, therefore, she does not allow her husband or any of her relatives to go there. She tries to do everything herself in the best possible way. Even if she comes home late due to the heavy workload, she finds the opportunity to prepare a delicious dinner for all family members.

Yesenia has great plans for the future. She plans a lot and she can achieve a lot, especially if her beloved man supports her. Yesenia believes in fate and that if a man is with her, then there is a special connection between them. Only a man truly in love with Yesenia can understand this.

She also loves children, and seeks to devote a lot of time to them. At the same time, he does not forget about the need to perform household chores. Life does not absorb it. She is ready to do household chores at least around the clock, if only this would not interfere with her earnings.

She is not ready to quit her job completely in order to stay at home with her children. She will try to combine her mother’s favorite work and duties. The husband will support Esenia, as she feels comfortable only when she implements all her plans. When she really understands that she received the desired result and the support of loved ones, her like-minded people.


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