Information for those who have long and unsuccessfully been looking for the best diet to lose weight quickly and become perfect


Every year more and more people are faced with the problem of excess weight. According to the World Health Organization for 2016, 39% of the population over 18 years old were overweight. This is approximately 1.9 billion people. Half of them are women and girls.

We will not delve into psychology, and look there for the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds, we will not talk about the dangers of certain products, we will not talk about the miracle pill for quickly getting rid of hated deposits. We will give some practical, simple tips with which to help the process of losing weight become simple, and the result is impressive.

Say the definitive "No" to diets!

The number of diets existing today is simply unbelievable. A small part of them has the right to exist, but for the most part these are useless, and often openly harmful to the body, restrictions.

Protein, carbohydrate, low-calorie and other diets are primarily restrictions. Such food is completely unbalanced. The body receives in excess one thing at all, without completely receiving the other necessary substances, which in the end cannot but lead to health problems.

!!! The diet gives a short-term effect, and after a short period of time, the weight, as a rule, returns in a larger volume. !!!

Therefore, we say "No" to any diets.

PP - eat right

The first and most important thing you need to understand about proper nutrition is delicious! And the main thing is simple. Yes, you still have to give up going to McDonald’s, but this future reflection in the mirror is worth it, believe me.

So, let's begin:

  • You can lose weight while continuing to eat your favorite foods. You just need to change the way you cook! Cook, stew, steam, bake in the oven. If we fry it, then in a non-stick pan, grease it (just grease it! With a pastry brush or a piece of gauze) with a drop of oil.
  • We change sunflower oil to any other: olive, linseed, sesame, pumpkin. Serving of oil - 3 teaspoons per day.
  • Do not starve. In no case. We eat fully 3 times a day, plus 2 snacks. We will have dinner no later than 20:00 or 2 hours before bedtime. Important! After eating, do not go to rest. Any activity, whether it is a walk with a dog, washing dishes, washing, ironing is welcome.
  • Sugar, ready-made seasonings and store sauces are best eliminated. A teaspoon of honey or a slice (not a bar) of dark chocolate 76% will help to survive the rejection of sweets in the first days.
  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.except sweet (bananas, persimmons, grapes). Eat carrots, beets, pumpkin in the morning.
  • Keep in a refrigerator a jar of tuna in your own juice or boiled / baked chicken breast. If there is no time to cook, a salad of green vegetables and 100 grams of tuna or chicken will help you out for dinner.
  • Do not get carried away with low-fat dairy products. They do not carry any good in themselves, and you will remain hungry. Cottage cheese 5%, kefir 1.5-2.5%, hard cheese up to 30% fat can be safely afford.
  • Buy a kitchen scale. Be sure to weigh the food. 250-300 grams of food at a time. If with meat - 100 grams of meat, the rest is vegetables, broth, cereals. Get a notebook and write down everything you eat. Scientists have proven that people who keep records eat less, are not tempted and lose weight faster.
  • Dishes. Eat from small plates. The portion seems bigger on them. If it is difficult to refuse store drinks (sweet water, juices), take a tall and narrow glass. So you drink 25-30% less harmful liquid.
  • Flour products - they will not have to be completely abandoned, but there are limitations. Prefer whole grain bread. Buy pasta only from durum wheat.

Drinking mode

A huge role in the metabolic processes of the body, and therefore in weight loss, is played by pure drinking water.

Different nutritionists, trainers, and doctors calculate its number differently. Some people consider 30 ml * mass = the volume of water per day, some believe that half of the amount obtained can be replaced by other liquids (tea, coffee, first courses). In any case, you need to adhere to the rule - 1.5 liters of water per day.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of clean water. If there is no problem with acidity, you can add lemon juice to it. During the day, do not forget to drink water. Make it a rule to drink 30 minutes before meals and 30-40 minutes after.


It is very important to remember that the approach to losing weight should be comprehensive. Without changing the diet, hours of training in the gym will be ineffective. Press, of course, you can pump up, but it will be hidden under a layer of fat. Also, proper nutrition will not give a result, if there is lying on the couch.

But! As soon as you start to eat right and give the body at least minimal physical activity, the result will not be long in coming. Entrust the training program with a professional instructor, informing him of all possible problems.

If it is not possible to attend the gym or any other activities, refuse public transport as much as possible. 10 thousand steps a day is a completely real goal, bearing a lot of benefits. You will save on travel, will not stand in traffic jams in stuffy trams and minibuses, you will lose weight comfortably and easily.

If you wish, you can do it at home.

The most elementary exercises are at the same time the most effective:

  • squats - burns the maximum number of calories due to the work of the largest muscle in the body;
  • push ups - form a posture, strengthening the muscles of the back, strengthen the pectoral muscles;
  • strap - all the muscles of the body work, especially the straight, oblique and lateral abdominal muscles.

An interesting fact - 20 squats will help get rid of the obsessive desire to eat something forbidden.

Remember the most important thing - there are no miracles! Losing weight is a job. Painstaking, systemic and quite long.

Fukutsuji Method

The Japanese Fukutsuji method does not directly help us lose weight, but miraculously relieves 10-12 cm of extra waistline in just a couple of weeks.

What's the secret? There are no secrets. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture, our internal organs are strongly shifted forward, pressing on the intra-abdominal region. Because of this, even in incomplete people, the tummy often bulges.

This exercise returns all organs to their places, visually reducing the abdomen and actually reducing the volume.

What is the exercise:

  • We twist the bath towel or a small plaid into a tight, tight roller. Its width should be equal to the width of the back. We fix with tape, twine, elastic.
  • We sit on the floor, place the roller at the back so that it is directly under the navel when we lie on it. We carefully go to bed.
  • We stretch out our extended arms back, lay our palms down on the floor and touching them with our little fingers. We spread our legs shoulder-width apart, we bring our feet inward so that the socks touch each other.
  • Lie down for 5 minutes. The first time may be uncomfortable. Discomfort may occur in the lumbar region. Lie as much as you can. Taking a few minutes every day for this lesson in just a few weeks, you can see the result - a beautiful posture and waist.

Attention! Before performing this exercise, consult your doctor about its safety for your spine!

And in conclusion: do not weigh yourself every day. During the day and week, the weight may fluctuate or stand still for several days. In order not to lose motivation and avoid unnecessary disappointments, choose one day, for example, Sunday. Weigh in the morning, on an empty stomach, after hygiene procedures.


Watch the video: How to Be on the Keto Diet the Healthy Way (July 2024).