How to apply tanning on your skin beautifully: the secrets of professionals


Do you dream of turning into a dark-skinned beauty, but there is no time to visit the solarium, and the summer season is still far away? Use tanning cream. Using this inexpensive product, you will give your skin a luxurious shade.

Not everyone knows how to use tanning. Therefore, often on the streets you can see pretty girls with ugly stains on the skin. Sometimes they are barely noticeable, and sometimes they immediately catch the eye. To prevent this from happening to you, learn about the rules for applying tanning on the face and body.

How to achieve a perfect tan

Before using the product, be sure to simple allergy test. Put a little cream on the skin at the bend of the elbow, rub well and leave for 12 hours. If after this time at the place of application of the product does not appear redness or peeling, then the product is suitable for you. So where to start?

  1. First you need to clear the skin on the face and body from dead particles. To do this, use a scrub. If this product is not in the house, use a hard washcloth. Especially carefully treat the skin on the elbows and knees. After that, apply a moisturizer to your face and body.
  2. The skin must be completely dry before applying a tan.. If drops of water or cosmetics remain on the body, the tan may turn out to be uneven. Your actions should be quick, accurate and accurate.
  3. So, squeeze a small portion of the tanning product on your palm, and then quickly spread it over the body. Do not forget about the neck, the area behind the ears and the armpits. When all actions are completed, wash your hands with soap, otherwise the skin on them will become darker than in other parts of the body.
  4. After applying the cream stay naked for 20 minutes. Otherwise, you risk lubricating the product from the skin or completely removing it in some places. After 20 minutes, put on comfortable clothing, but remember that the product will stain the fabric. Therefore, in advance, prepare things that do not mind spoiling.
  5. To make the skin color perfectly even do not shower for 12 hours after applying tanning. Also at this time you can not play sports, so that drops of sweat do not wash away the pigment in some areas of the skin.

For an ideal result, it is desirable do hair removal in advance. If this procedure is neglected, then small dots will be visible on the body after applying tanning, as the product will thicken around the hair holes.

Very important choose the right shade of the desired tanbut. Here focus on the color of your skin. The lighter it is, the less dark the shade is worth choosing. Follow all the rules for applying tanning, and the result will be perfect.


Watch the video: My Sunless Tanning Routine. Jaclyn Hill (June 2024).