Why can't you pull your hair out of your nose? Doctor's opinion


Nose hair - coarse hair in the area of ​​the nasal inlet that has the function of an “air filter”. They can be several millimeters long and directed into the nostril. If the hair sticks out of the nose, it seems to some women or men unaesthetic. However, sometimes the elimination of hair in the nose promises a fatal outcome.

Nose inflammation can be life threatening.

Nose hair should not be plucked in accordance with medical recommendations. The procedure is not only painful, but also involves a significant health risk. Hair follicles can also form boils that cause fatal infections.

The nasal veins connect with the vessels leaving the brain. Therefore, bacteria can spread in the event of injuries and, for example, lead to meningitis or brain abscesses.

Otolaryngologists and the German Association of Otolaryngologists also warn against thoughtless pulling of hair from the nose. Hair removal increases the risk of life-threatening complications, experts emphasize.

Nose hair is the last link in the chain that connects the nose through the blood and lymph channels to the brain. Spots on the hair follicles (where the hair root is) can quickly become inflamed. The nose contains pathogenic microbes that cause fatal infections in the brain.

In the "danger triangle", that is, between the nose and the corners of the mouth, doctors usually advise against squeezing acne and not contaminating small wounds. Dirt particles and dust are absorbed through the olfactory organ. Nose hair protects against these dirt particles.

Nose hairs also serve as a kind of “border station” for tiny insects or parasites, which can be a problem when cycling. For them, the terminal station is located on the nasal hairs.

Proper Nose Hair Removal

Hair becomes annoying if it grows very quickly and peeps out of the nose. In the end, some nose hair can become several centimeters long. Doctors advise in this case to carefully trim the hairline with an electric trimmer.

It is recommended to reduce the minimum number of hairs. Because sharp blades can cause small wounds in the nasal mucosa. You can also use round nail scissors to reduce hair.

Asthma is not a hindrance for people with nose hair

A common problem with hay fever is that it is difficult to avoid circulating pollen. Thanks to the wind, it can fly at a speed of up to 500 kilometers. For healthy people, pollen is harmless, but in people with allergies, it causes a false reaction of the immune system.

As soon as allergens enter the body through the mucous membranes, they are falsely recognized as enemies, so the immune system begins to fiercely resist. In this internal struggle, the tissue hormone histamine is released, which causes, among other things, itching.

Many people who are allergic to pollen can hardly sleep, work, study. It is important to have a healthy and immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, recent studies have found that nose hair protects against asthma.

In 2018, a study was conducted that showed that people with a high density of nose hair are less likely to suffer from asthma.

According to the latest scientific data, hair filters pollen, allergens and other toxic substances.

Scientists studied 1220 patients with and without nose hair. 54% of patients with asthma had a very low density of hair in the nose. 20% had mild asthma symptoms if nose hairs were present.

In patients who had completely no hair, the most significant allergic reactions were observed. Specialists came to the conclusion that hairs can significantly reduce the risk of developing serious conditions - anaphylactic shock, for example.

Modern scientific communities do not recommend removing hair from the nose if there is no medical indication. The potential health risks, scientists say, far exceed the potential benefits. Therefore, before removing hair, you must consult your doctor.
