Zodiac signs: what type of love are you inclined to, according to ancient Greek philosophy


Perhaps you know your language of love: how you behave in relationships, and how you become attached to your chosen one or, on the contrary, keep him at a distance. What about your kind of love - according to ancient Greek philosophy? So, the Greek philosophers identified six basic types: Agape, Eros, Ludus, Mania, Pragma and Storge. Each person (and each zodiac sign) is prone to one of these types, which corresponds to how he feels and shows his love.

1. Agape

If you feel unconditional love for your partner and are ready to place his needs above your interests, then you are an Agape. You are disinterested, give all of yourself, show maximum attention and do not really expect gratitude and care in return. Such a sign of the zodiac can be Virgo, inclined to push herself into the background for the sake of an adorable partner and doing everything possible to prove her love - partly also because of her perfectionism. And also it Libra, because they are constantly tormented by doubts that they are not doing enough for a loved one, and therefore are constantly looking for a balance in their relationship.

2. Eros

When we start a relationship, we are usually at the “honeymoon” stage, and this is a period of crazy love, crazy butterflies in the stomach and loss of common sense. Eros is a nature passionate in love, and you persistently expect and even rush the next step in a relationship (emotional or physical). Yes, Aries - it's all about you. Love at first sight? This is your element. Your flame of feelings and emotions flares up instantly and does not fade away for a long time. Such love may seem to your partners even too strong and oppressive.

3. Ludus

For those of this type, love is a game, and they intend to win it. These people prefer physical attraction more than compatibility and determination. Random communications and profitable partnerships are exactly what you need. They are usually emotionally distant and not very attached. If you Sagittarius, then you know that quick novels are ideal for you, because each new person is a new adventure and a new game. If you Scorpio, then you are partly enjoying revenge, and there are still things that you will never forget. Maybe that’s why sincere relationships without bias are not your forte.

4. Mania

"Obsessive" and "obsessed" - something like that. These people are emotionally dependent and constantly need confirmation of love for them. In addition, they are very easily jealous. They just want to feel safe in their relationship. If you Crayfish, you love affection and strong bonds, because it is encouraging, and because you need a family and a permanent partner for the rest of your life. If you Fish, you are very sensitive and vulnerable, you very subtly feel the ups and downs of relationships, but do not want to change anything. If you Taurus, you crave confidence and stability: you just want to love, be loved and feel support and recognition from your partner.

5. Pragma

Practicality and logic are your two best friends. You are looking for the maximum reasons for making decisions, and you analyze for a long time to find at least some compatibility with the chosen one. You cannot be called an insensitive robot, but your relationship is more dependent on practical aspects than on the romantic side of love. If you Twins, you tend to listen to your head more than your heart. You think of your relationship as something rational and right. If you Capricorn, you know that sometimes it takes you time to open up and show love, but as soon as you do this, you will begin to build the corporate ethics of your personal family company, rather than a romantic relationship.

6. Storge

The most important things in a relationship are trust, intimacy, and unity. People who belong to this type of love value this above all. Friendship is ideal in a relationship, and they prefer to be friends with their chosen one first. If you a lion, you are very loyal and you have a big heart (it does not matter whether you show it or not), and therefore friendship before or in a relationship is very important for you. If you are wise Aquarius, you prefer like-minded partners to grow and develop together. You know that a companion lover and a partner lover is the perfect choice for you.


Watch the video: The Importance of Understanding the Past: Greece, China, and Mesopotamia (June 2024).