How long does the spleen last?


Spring spleen is a vernacular expression, more accurately called it an exacerbation of depression (although not always). A depressive state develops regardless of gender; it is equally common in representatives of both sexes. It’s impossible to say exactly how long the so-called “spleen” lasts, because a group of factors affects the duration and severity of the condition: from the hormonal background to the current lifestyle, other things. In the most difficult cases, the condition can continue indefinitely. There is, however, the opportunity to get out of the emotional pit. Usually enough of your own efforts.

True depression cannot be eliminated without the help of a psychotherapist and medical correction. I must say that the blues are not always - it is a clinical depression.

How long does the spleen last?

Spring spleen may indicate clinical depression, and may be a temporary phenomenon amid a sharp change in weather and climate conditions, an increase in daylight hours, and insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body. The basis of the problem in this case is a change in environmental conditions, the body begins to adapt to new conditions. This is a lot of stress for the body. A certain role is played by problems in personal life, at work. They exacerbate the already difficult period of adjusting systems to new conditions. The hormonal background is destabilized, vegetative phenomena develop (headaches, dizziness, irritability).

Fortunately, this negative state does not last long. The spleen of spring does not begin according to the calendar spring, but according to its actual occurrence, when the snow melts, the longitude of the day rises, the air temperature rises and the intensity of solar radiation rises. With the "rollback" of weather conditions back, instability of temperature, atmospheric pressure, the condition may become worse.

Such a spleen lasts about 1-3 weeks and ends with a full recovery and a return to a normal emotional background.

True depression is quite another matter, it can disguise itself as spring blues due to adaptation to new weather conditions. In this case, we are talking about an exacerbation of the depressive state. The patient may not suspect him until the seasons change.

Options are already possible here. In most cases, the intensity of the depressive syndrome spontaneously decreases, gradually the person returns to his original, melancholy state with a lowered mood background and lethargy. The acute period, however, lasts on the order of several weeks, possibly more than a simple adaptive instability of the emotional background.

The second possible option is a long, prolonged exacerbation of a depressive state. It is practically not corrected on its own. An indefinite time may continue, intensifying and weakening.

Protracted true depression requires medical attention and psychotherapy under the supervision of a specialist. It’s impossible to get out of this emotional impasse without help. It will only get worse. Against the background of such an intolerable state, suicidal thoughts often arise, a tendency to self-destructive behavior even in completely healthy and psychologically stable people. Regardless of personality traits.

In the latter case, they speak of an independent diagnosis - depression. Spring blues are not a disease. A temporary functional phenomenon that does not require treatment.

How to deal with emotional problems? When to see a doctor?

Spring blues and depression continue for weeks. Does this mean that it is impossible to reduce the time of an unpleasant state? Of course not. But the correction methods depend on the specific condition.

Spring blues involves the use of mild sedatives based on herbal components. However, this is not the main correction method.

As for clinical depression, in any case, it requires medical correction. Antidepressants are prescribed as prescribed by a therapist. But the basis of recovery is the methods of psychotherapy. Positive thinking.

As in the case of spring blues, and in the case of depression, you need to work on yourself. What to do:

  • Find an interesting hobby. This will allow you to throw off the negative and enjoy the lesson. Creativity is a good way, and amateur sports are also effective.
  • If a person is prone to extraversion - communicate more, establish new contacts. Introverts should do what interests them most and improves their moods.
  • It is worth changing the diet. More plant foods, protein foods. The menu should be as diverse as possible. This will cover the need for nutrients and vitamins.
  • Change the way you think. Self-hypnosis techniques will help. It is important to tune in a positive way. It also makes sense to consult a psychologist, if possible. Work through problems, increase self-esteem.
  • As far as possible, it is necessary to eliminate routine duties, communication with negative personalities. This will dramatically improve the mental state of a person.
  • Hiking Adequate level of physical activity. The movement helps to accelerate metabolic processes and restore the emotional background.

In some cases, the cause of depression lies much deeper: unpleasant work, difficult life circumstances, and so on. It is important to plan the elimination of the detrimental factor: change jobs, etc. The main thing is to think over everything.

Spring spleen is an adaptation to the new conditions of nature or the result of the course of depression, a symptom. In any case, it is recommended that a psychotherapist consult (not to be confused with a psychiatrist who works with severe disorders). Especially if self-correction methods do not help.


Watch the video: Spleen Anatomy Song for KidsAnatomy for Kids (June 2024).