Pros and Cons of plastic surgery of stars. 4 deformities and one exception


Once plastic surgery restored a lost appearance, but now it forms it itself. Naughty stars do not want to put up with what nature gave, nor with what it takes away in old age, turning itself into dolls and causing delight, indignation, regret.

There is always a lot of noise around this. Or maybe it’s more important than what’s done, but what’s done? Let's look at examples - we will wash the bones, or rather, we will discuss the noses, eyes and other prominent and not so much parts of the body that we love celebrities.

The first procedures to change the appearance

Operations to restore the appearance were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. People who came from the war, injured in various domestic incidents became the first experimental subjects of the first specialists in this field. But to change the appearance of their own free will for a long time was forbidden.

However, the beauties found loopholes. For example, the legendary Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor managed to change themselves. Rhinoplasty, a lift - it was available, but not as mass as it is now. And then it began ...

Donatella Versace

If you want to scare someone with plastic surgery, show him the hostess of the fashion house Donatella Versace. We love her for her talent, but what she did to her face can no longer be called a face. Unnatural effects after plastic repel most people, isn’t it? Frighteningly, they speak of the results of the perfection of a woman who once said: "If you don’t look like a million, you will never earn two." This was her motive, but the celebrity simply could not stop in time, which often happens with those who stepped on this path. After the death of her brother and her divorce from her husband, a huge responsibility was imposed on her, with which she had to cope. She didn’t like herself, she was possessed by the desire to become someone else, to close herself with a mask, to have an aggressive appearance. It is unlikely that she wanted to become ugly, most likely it happened in an attempt to solve psychological problems with the help of a plastic surgeon. Whether she managed to overcome her complexes is doubtful.

Melanie Griffith

Melanie is another example of failed plastic. This woman has a different story, but also "face" the lack of a sense of proportion. She was pleased with her appearance, millions envied her beauty, and married - the sexiest man in the world - Antonio Banderas, with whom she had been married for about 20 years and who still admits that her feelings have not cooled down.

Uncertainty in the feelings of a partner or in herself plagued her and others with unreasonable jealousy. And when old age began to begin, operations began, one after another, which turned Melanie's face into a mask and fettered her beautiful smile, replacing it with a grin. The actress is now sorry.

Megan Fox

A beautiful girl who has corrected everything she could and denies it. Now her beauty is perfect, everything is done delicately and without busting. True, she became a completely different person, not like the old Megan.

From just a sweet girl she turned into a fatal beauty and this influenced her whole future life. Now everyone wants to see only Megan perfect. How does it feel to know that your personality is forever lost, only she knows. However, this is just the case when you can say that every dollar spent was not wasted. Megan really became more attractive in the eyes of men than before the operation. And this is the rarest exception to the rule.

Pamela Anderson

The actress set herself such implants that she launched a new trend, created an image for herself, gathered an army of fans around herself and effectively made the most unnatural part of her body her calling card.

Such a commercial move can be justified: at least, she gave us this vivid image - a real work of art.

Slightly not considered

Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Blake Lovely, Victoria Beckham, Holly Berry and many other big names also resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, but they did not fundamentally change anything. They are perceived the same as before plastic, which nevertheless, according to experts, was. But these are minor adjustments, mainly aimed at emphasizing the best of what nature has given. Cosmetics achieve the same effect, but they did not want to depend on makeup.

It is curious to note that plastic comes to self-confident people, but it is most often done from those who are unsure, whom, alas, it still does not help to get rid of complexes.


Watch the video: Conceived in Rape & Other Exceptions (July 2024).