Horoscope TARO on May 11 for all signs of the zodiac. Find out which card has fallen to you and what to expect


The energy of today says that you should think about what you want from life in terms of finances. What needs to be done and where to move in order to get more benefits from life, but well-deserved benefits, not taken for granted. Also, be prepared that paths to prosperity and success can be very time consuming. This day also brings with it energy, which can be called a “caring mentor”, because you need your guardian and guide on your life path. And you yourself can become such a keeper for other people. Strengthen your connections and relationships, and let the words of kindness towards others begin with you. The key card for this day is given at the end of the article.


Map: High Priestess

Someone whom you admire, probably a woman or someone with a strong developed intuition, will be able to motivate and inspire you to take further decisive steps and actions. Perhaps you will have an interesting project on the horizon that will give you the opportunity to grow and develop spiritually. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Mage

Pay attention to your relationship, be it old connections or new contacts. You now need maximum attention to them, as they can become the foundation for the next stage of your life. Surround yourself with love and positive energy, and also take care of others.


Card: Jester

May your conscience be your guide. You may feel like doing the right and necessary things, but you are afraid to get into uncharted territory and expose yourself to certain risks. Ask yourself if what you want is right for you, and if you don’t sacrifice your interests for such a purpose. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Moon

Open your mind and heart to new opportunities that are already on the threshold of your life. Even if you do not see any value and meaning in them at the moment, do not rush to reject them. You will be surprised that everything can change dramatically over the next few days. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

A lion

Map: Moderation

Do not dare to despair and be disappointed. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and a clear answer to the question "why so?" simply not. You may not like the word "patience", but they should definitely stock up so as not to break firewood with their hasty and thoughtless actions. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Strength

You may be quite surprised to realize how strong you are in the face of difficulties. Trouble should no longer knock you down. In addition, you will learn that it turns out that they can even move the mountain, because you have faith and determination to succeed.


Map: Star

Do not ignore the star-shaped signs. If you somewhere notice her image or, even better, see her fall in the sky, then make a wish and remember that you are part of a vast universe that can give you everything that your heart desires. However, your thoughts should be sincere and pure.


Map: Four of Wands

Share with everyone around you that you own, whether it be material things, knowledge or information. Consider now that it is your duty, sent from above, when you must take care and patronize those who are in difficulty. All this will surely return to you a hundredfold.


Map: Nine of Swords

If you are afraid or worried about a situation, trying unsuccessfully to control everything, relax and release it. Take tiny steps forward to gradually achieve what you want. Do not strain, trying to take the summit by storm. The biggest goal always consists of small stages.


Map: Two of Wands

What have you been thinking a lot lately? Most likely, you succumbed to the temptation to plunge into negative emotions. Immediately change your attitude and switch your thinking to positive, otherwise the situation may develop in a direction that is not very favorable for you.


Card: Three of Swords

Sometimes you need to think first, and only then turn on the mode of feelings. Emotions can do you a disservice, and therefore, when you feel insecure, rely on your logic, reason and common sense to move in the right direction, otherwise you risk getting lost.


Map: Empress

The current situation tells you that your loved ones may need care, attention and help, even if they don’t voice it to you. Your faith, patience and innate empathy will correctly guide you, because you can even sense and perceive things that you do not see with your eyes.

The strongest card of the day

Today's Map - Mage. It is intended for strong-willed, active and determined people who can act right here and now, not allowing themselves to succumb to their own fears. This is a map of great potential that needs to be revealed, and not hidden in itself. This applies both to the problems of personal life and to all others. The magician tells you that you need to be confident in your abilities and actively move forward on the path to solving them.


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