Lunar haircuts calendar for December 2016 - favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts


Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - introduction

Do you want to look starry in December 2016? Live by the stars! The first winter month makes women hide the luxury of their hair under hats, shawls and shawls, so December is not an easy time for hair. They lack fresh air, overheat under a warm blanket.

Listen to the advice of the lunar calendar haircuts for this month, and on New Year's Eve you will stun everyone with your appearance. Indeed, in December, the greatest health and best cosmetological effect can be achieved by comparing trips to the hairdresser with the lunar calendar. According to the lunar calendar for December 2016, the cyclic change of the four phases of the moon will occur in the following sequence: the third quarter - the 7th, the full moon - the 14th, the third quarter - the 22nd, and the new moon - the 29th of December.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - curling hair

Although the 14th of December 2016 is called by astrologers a day of temptation, do not be tempted to perm on this date. The moon on the 15th lunar day has a stronger negative impact on the human body and all life on our planet. Hair is no exception. Should they be at even greater risk? The wave is a far from sparing procedure for hair that is already weakened by unfavorable conditions developing for them in December.

Moreover, there are more suitable days for curling. For all signs of the zodiac, without exception, the perm, made on December 29th, at the new moon, will be very successful. And its effect on the hair structure is the most benign.

This is useful to know!

The scythe, which since ancient times was considered by the Slavs to be a powerful girl charm, according to ancient belief, should have been located along the spine of the girl, because through her spit the girl received the energy of the cosmos. Getting married, the woman braided her hair in two braids, because now she had to save cosmic energy for herself and her child.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - hair coloring

According to astrologers, the most stable effect of hair coloring is obtained on the growing moon. In December 2016, these days will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. In the days of the celestial body diminishing, astrologers do not advise using hair dyeing. Particularly attentive to this warning is to take Aries, Taurus and Capricorn.

About what color of hair you will appear in the New Year's celebrations, in December you should take care in advance. Its second half is unfavorable for coloring hair.

Beauty secrets

For the manifestation of your own hair color to non-coloring blondes it is recommended to rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile, and brunettes with an infusion of onion peel.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - favorable days for haircuts

The question of which days in December will be favorable for a haircut, it is impossible to unequivocally answer. For short haircuts, the growth phase of the night star is favorable - from the 1st to the 12th of December. In order to update a medium-length haircut, it is better to go to the hairdresser after December 17th.

Contrary to the opinion that it is impossible to get a haircut in the full moon, the days under the constellation of Gemini are quite favorable for changing your own image.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - unfavorable days for haircuts

Especially unfavorable days for cutting in the last month of the year will be few. Beware of barber scissors in the very middle of the month, the 14th, 15th and 16th of December. Cancers wait with a haircut should also in the early days of the month.

December is the time when the hair especially needs attention. Give them more attention, pamper with moisturizing and nourishing masks, and they will respond to taking care of themselves with a healthy shine and well-groomed look.

Helpful advice

It turns out that Slavic lamination was known in antiquity. Of course, they did not use those preparations with which the trichologists and cosmetologists are armed with the thinnest protective layer to cover the hairs. However, our great-grandmothers knew how to make hair beautiful. From the tubular beef bones, they extracted bone marrow.

On a water bath, it was converted into an oily liquid, to which alcohol was added. These compositions were smeared with hair and wrapped their heads all night. The complexity of this procedure was the subsequent washing off of fatty deposits. But after her hair looked like after lamination, carried out in modern conditions.

The effect of such a mask, made in the first half of December, will continue throughout the month. For the next four weeks they will look completely healthy.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2016 - conclusion

Since December is still only the beginning of winter, and before the desired summer holidays - as much as six months, allow yourself, despite the cold and winter colds, to be expressive and sexy. Change your familiar image by making a new hairstyle. Remember that it is she who plays the decisive role in creating a stylish image of a happy woman. Remember that being beautiful is fashionable.

Be irresistible on the eve of the new year, 2017, and our calendar of haircuts will help you in striving to be beautiful!


Watch the video: Lunar hair Cutting. Fast Hair Growth. Updated Ver. YVONNI (July 2024).