Easy to get rid of difficult stains on clothes


It often happens that some of the joys: going to visit, picnic trips, and just walking are darkened by troubles in the form of spoiled clothes. But there are proven, popular methods that will easily solve this problem! Let's look at how to get the most common spots quickly.


Leaves on clothes green stains. Do not attempt to wash them with water! Stains from the grass should be treated with lemon juice or 9% vinegar and leave for an hour and a half. Then immediately wash.

Fat spots

If the stain is still fresh, sprinkle it with thickly chopped chalk or simple salt. And leave for three to four hours. Then you just have to shake off the powder or salt! If the stain is still left, wash with soap (manually).


Raspberries, cherries and other similar berries leave spots that are quite difficult to remove. Thing should be soaked for 20 minutes in cold water. If the stain remains, treat with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (per cup of hot water for half a tablespoon).


If you accidentally spilled this drink on yourself, try to soak the spoiled thing for a couple of hours in cold water. After that, wash in the washing machine. Zasterevshee stain can be removed by soaking clothes for half an hour in cold saline water, then wash with soap and water.

Red wines

As soon as possible it is necessary to fill the stain with salt, and change it as wet. Help and solution: per liter of soap solution - one teaspoon of ammonia. But in Spain, such stains are derived as follows: they are poured over with white wine, and then with mineral water.


It is necessary to carefully collect non-absorbed cream from the fabric. Apply stain remover and wash.


Put the clothes inside out on a flat surface, place napkins or a paper towel under the stain. Contamination should be treated with cotton wool dipped in alcohol or solvent. As wet cotton is changing.

Ice cream

These stains practically do not wash off and poorly clean. Soak in a mixture of ammonia, water at room temperature and glycerin (all in the same proportions) will help. After which the stain is easily washed off!


Watch the video: How to Get Almost Every Kind of Stain Out of Your Clothes (July 2024).