Jennifer Aniston does not hide her pregnancy


The other day, Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston attended the premiere of the film, which she attended in a short, form-fitting silver dress. The dress fit so tightly to the star's figure that it was simply impossible not to see its changed outlines. Thus, everyone could see the rather convex tummy of the actress.

Everyone knows that Aniston is very careful about herself, so it is impossible to assume that, knowing the flaws of the figure, she will wear such a dress. Journalists around the world have made an unequivocal conclusion - the actress, finally, is expecting a child from her beloved Justin Theroux. However, it is believed that under the dress Jen hid the cover, to once again remind myself to the media.

Rumors that Aniston is pregnant appear regularly, however, none of them has never been confirmed.


Watch the video: Jennifer Aniston Wears Figure Hugging Tank After Denying Pregnancy (June 2024).