How is reflected on the legs wearing heels


Not everyone knows that wearing high-heel shoes for a long time can affect the condition of women's legs not in the best way, namely, it increases the load on muscles and bones. To avoid problems will help a few simple recommendations.


It is established that the load on the knee is about 26%. Potentially, this can lead to the development of osteoarthritis of the knee joints - a disease whose companion is pain in the knees and joint deformities. As a rule, the problem makes itself felt to women after 40 years. However, more often, osteoarthrosis is manifested in the fair sex, genetically predisposed to this ailment. A significant role is played by the presence of overweight or knee injury, received in the past.

The solution to the problem is an active lifestyle and constant tone of the legs. If possible, it is better to refuse high heels, and when manifesting the symptoms described, contact a specialist.


Wearing a high heel may well exacerbate the problem of valgus deformity of the foot - an extremely unpleasant disease, accompanied by curvature or deformation of the fingers, especially the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first finger. Shoes become hard and painful to wear because of the so-called "bumps" near the base of the thumb. Another likely problem is metatarsalgia, a pain syndrome triggered by a combination of a narrow toe and pressure on the front of the foot.

The solution to the problem is to choose the right shoes, in shoes should be comfortable to stand and walk. Try to give up the narrow socks.

For the prevention and treatment of deformity of the finger, as well as the appearance of "bumps" on the foot, doctors recommend the use of clamps "Valgus". They effectively fight the disease and are completely safe, unlike surgery.


Shoes with stiff straps and heels in combination with a high stud can cause irritation in the heel area, which in turn can provoke inflammation of the articular bag, which is located near the Achilles tendon and connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. Initially, a sensitive dense spot is formed, and after an increase in the inflamed articular sac a large red node appears, causing pain.

The solution to the problem is to choose shoes in size so that it does not rub or cause discomfort. Under the heels you can use thin lining, they will minimize the pressure of the backs.


Watch the video: Dr. Jennifer Ashton - great legs in short skirt and high heels - Jan 22, 2014 (July 2024).