The educational performance of the child depends on the level of education of his mother


Scientists from the United States conducted a survey of children who went to kindergarten in 1998, and after 9 years they also took part in the survey.

It turned out that children whose mothers gave birth after 19 years were more successful in learning. They had more developed abilities to math and reading compared to children born to mothers 18 years and younger.

It was stated that the birth of a child in adolescence adversely affects his achievements and future success.

But the performance of young mothers, after giving birth to continue their education was much better. However, neither these children themselves, nor their brothers or sisters could not catch up on the performance of their peers.

And for teenage mothers themselves, school success was significantly more modest than that of their classmates.


Watch the video: Improving early child development with words: Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald at TEDxAtlanta (July 2024).