Black Friday or Black Friday in Russia!


Surely, each of us heard about Black Friday, everyone knows that this concept is firmly entrenched in the American market.

In American culture, this day plays a significant role, it is a kind of national holiday, a holiday not only for avid shopaholics, but also for ordinary people who, according to the established tradition, once a year, at ridiculous prices, update their wardrobe, electronics, gadgets, home appliances and much more.

Historically, the fourth Thursday of November is the famous American holiday - Thanksgiving Day, and the following Friday is the day from which the Christmas season of sales and discounts begins!

Thus, the last Friday of November was the day of the biggest sales! The very custom of black Friday sales was established at the end of the 19th century, and the term “Black Friday” was invented by radio presenters in 1966, colorfully describing crazy traffic jams in the evening hours after sales.

On this day, millions of Americans take time off (except, of course, trade workers) and begin to take turns almost from midnight! Yes, there are already huge queues on the night from Thursday to Friday, and many stores, trying to attract customers, open at 01:00 - 03:00 and make 90-99% discounts during the first hours!

Sometimes it happens that as early as 6 in the morning the shops remain with empty counters! Still, a couple of hours ago, a real “anarchy” took place here: Queues from wall to wall, full of trolleys, the size of a compact car, often even disputes and abuse among buyers! And what about - who had time, he ate!

In Russia, there is no such scale for holding Black Friday, but still, since 2013 we have heard about huge, unprecedented sales! There is progress! Of course, in the retail stores there is no such rush, but now, on Black Friday 2014, many domestic online stores do sales and discounts not worse than foreign competitors!

For example, today, November 28, you can buy beautiful underwear or swimwear from Milavitsa with a 50% discount in their online store: 50% discount - Black Friday.

And the online store Tekhnosila decided not to limit its customers to one-day sales and "stretched" Black Friday for 4 days! Anyone will be able to take advantage of their 70% discount: Black Friday 4 days of criminally low prices!

Of course, the most popular children's online store in Russia, Detsky Mir, did not go aside, it launched a sale of goods for children with discounts up to 90%: Discounts up to 90% Black Friday.

Discount wishes everyone a festive mood, lots of shopping and huge discounts!

Tony disco


Masha 11/29/2016
Thank you for the discounts.


Watch the video: Michael Soul - Black Friday NEW single (July 2024).