Psychologists: children treat mothers better, encouraging their autonomy


Scientists from the United States conducted a curious study: using the example of 2,000 mothers and their children, psychologists evaluated the degree of control by adults of children's independence. The experiment lasted for several years: first, when the kids were two years old, then after a couple of years, when the grown-up children studied in the fifth grade.

The study showed that, in terms of the control by the mothers of the games of their children, it can be assumed what their attitude towards their parents in the future will be. The child’s view of the mother was positive only when she actively encouraged her independence. It is important to clarify: the results of the experiment did not depend on the race, nor on the nationality, nor on the sex of the children.

However, experts note: giving children autonomy does not mean the absence of a natural framework (for example, a discussion of traffic rules). The study was intended to study the psychological control - forcing a child to do not what he wanted, provoking a feeling of guilt.

Scientists note that autonomy is incredibly important for a child who should be able to make his own decisions, including on the basis of what his parents have invested in him. Experts recommend that adults allow children to openly express their opinions and make judgments. Any disagreements must be settled in a friendly discussion.


Watch the video: How the narcissist keeps grown children dependent on them (July 2024).