So many girls are good, but demand is stable for bad ones ...


Successful, charming, attractive, wise - the imagination logically draws a decent woman next to such a man. Modest, docile. However, contrary to logic, men often prefer a completely different - arrogant, bold and capricious. What is the "bad girls" deserve such attention?


She will not panic if she punches a wheel on the road. Do not cry, faced with the rudeness of a waitress. Such a girl can easily cope with everyday situations, and will not bother her man over trifles. Her partner can be sure - if she asks for help, then this is a serious matter.

Common interests

Bad girls are often addicted to active and even aggressive sports. They love speed and risk. And they do not hide these interests, despite the condemning "well, you're a girl ..." Every man is pleased to share their interests with his beloved woman.

Relaxation in sex

In bed with her, the man feels comfortable. And not only in bed. A bad girl takes liberties in a car, in a restaurant, in an office. The partner does not need to hide her desires - his bad girl will not condemn unusual fantasies, will not consider them a perversion, will not laugh. And if he does not, then at least he will understand. Moreover, she speaks out loud about what she wants. And men appreciate such candor.

Courage in deeds

Call your man at the height of the working day and tell in colors what awaits him at night? While shopping, send him messages with erotic pictures from the fitting rooms? Oh, yes ... bad girls tend to this behavior. And men love it very much.

Personal opinion

She is not afraid to argue. He ardently defends his own point of view. Able to argue arguments. Of course, she is wrong or too stubborn in disputes. For what a man can spank her. And she will like it.

Own style

Bad girl doesn't follow fashion. She follows her own taste. She is not embarrassed by the fact that she stands out and attracts attention. And men love bright women.


She does not draw in her imagination pictures of family life after the first date. Does not seek to "take root" in the world of his man. To control the correspondence and calls - it is alien to her. Such a woman will not drag a partner to the cinema or to a concert if he is not interested. She will not complain of boredom. Just because you can not get bored.

But how, in this case, the "good" girl to draw the attention of a man avid on the "bad"? Everything is much easier than I think! In fact, the "bad girl" is in each. And it’s quite helpful sometimes to just give her a free rein.


Watch the video: Charles Hamilton - Hoe W Lyrics (June 2024).