Pineapple diet: weight reduction and increased immunity


"I want to eat a lot, tasty and not to get fat at the same time", - perhaps it was just such a desire that a goldfish / gin / other magical creature would most often hear from the lips of modern women.

Yes, we love, babes, to eat, and oh, how you do not want to overgrown with an impressive layer of fat. Therefore, we invent all sorts of fat burning diets. Pineapple diet is just considered one of them. So let's see if it is possible to lose weight on a pineapple diet and for the burning of which this tropical fruit crop is responsible.

Why lose weight on pineapple

Pineapple belongs to the Bromeliad family. It is primarily a source of such a proteolytic enzyme, like bromelain, which many consider to be a natural fat burner. But all this - lure for plump ladies, because bromelain is mainly responsible for the digestion of protein. Its action is similar to the enzymes pepsin, trypsin, which are produced in the body and are responsible for the breakdown of proteins. Calling bromelain a fat burner is a big mistake.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the enzyme does in fact partially influence the regulation of body weight. This is due to the optimization of digestive processes. But bromelain is no longer suitable for losing weight - it helps in building muscle mass, since it promotes the breakdown of proteins and is responsible for the accelerated entry of amino acids into the blood. Adjustment of such processes is necessary for the growth or preservation of muscle mass.

So, bromelain helps normalize digestion, but affects fat metabolism only indirectly - stimulates the action of other enzymes. In addition, the main percentage of the enzyme is contained in the inedible part of the pineapple. So why do girls say they lose weight by eating pineapples? First, by eating these tropical fruits, young ladies increase the secretion of digestive enzymes, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism. And we know that many problems with overweight arise precisely because of impaired metabolism. Secondly, pineapple does not apply to high-calorie foods. Having eaten a small fruit, you will give the body only a third of the daily norm of calories necessary for a woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle. It turns out that if you consume even three whole pineapples a day, you won’t add weight.

The third reason for losing weight on a pineapple diet lies in the fact that usually the diet other than the pulp of tropical fruits are healthy foods. It turns out that not so pineapple, as a reduction in the consumption of fatty, flour foods, sweets leads to weight loss. The girls also argue that pineapples really burn fats, you just need to know a little secret. To diet worked, after eating the fruit should be about 45 minutes to do fitness. Yes, you can not argue here - so you just lose weight. Only then it is possible to call belyashi with pizza fat-burning food, because, eating them and actively doing 2-4 times a day, you can also lose weight.

Funny options for pineapple diets

Many nutritionists recommend eating pineapples not immediately after a meal, but between meals or 20 minutes before meals. A number of experts are inclined to the option of eating fruit after a meal, because in this way it is possible to improve the digestive processes when it became necessary after overeating. In any case, those and others are not advised to stick to hard pineapple diets.

But who will listen to smart people - we know everything better than them, right ?! Surely because of such beliefs, there were two-day diets on some pineapples. Some lovers to risk their health are honored every week. Their daily menu: 1 liter of juice and 2 kg of pineapple. All this must be divided into four meals. The rest is not allowed to eat and drink. Weight loss is said to be 1.5 kg / day. Well, it is not surprising. But besides a body that has lost a few pounds, you also get a dehydrated body and stomach problems. No, losing weight is not the case.

Caution: Doctors recommend brushing teeth after each use of pineapples, otherwise the risk of enamel damage increases.

There are also five-day pineapple diets. Some of the menus include: potatoes and rice, chicken, dairy products, vegetable salads, fish, bread and fruit, celery soups, pies, etc. And girls are not afraid of dishes to fairly pepper, salt, season with sauces, etc. True, a large percentage of women who observe such a menu call for reducing the number of meals for two, which, of course, is not gud. After all, you should eat at least 4 times a day, albeit in small portions.

Worth mentioning: it is rumored that potato dishes can reduce the activity of the enzyme that normalizes digestion.

Ladies who are not accustomed to limit themselves in the number of meals and are not afraid of monotonous food, often choose a pineapple-chicken diet. Observing it, you have to eat boiled chicken for three days, as many as pineapples, for the last 72 hours you can eat food alternately. Drink: water, tea. But even such a poor diet is a monotonous, unbalanced, albeit non-starved diet - the enemy of health.

Rich girls adhere to pineapple diets, the menu of which includes such products as shrimp, mussels, red fish, avocado. But not everyone has the money to buy expensive seafood. But the virgins, who are too lazy to revise the menu, hope for tincture of pineapple and vodka. They are sure that if you drink a spoonful of tincture before a meal, you can lose weight by eating whatever you wish. Well, not funny, eh?

Basic rules of pineapple diet

If you want to try the power of the pineapple diet, then follow these rules:

1. Eat only fresh pineapples when you want, but not on an empty stomach. You can use them as a side dish, dessert, and even prepare snacks that contain this fruit.

2. Eat 4 times a day. In addition to pineapples, include in the diet of healthy low-calorie and low-fat foods, pay special attention to protein foods. Be sure to eat meat and fish, milk, eggs, cereals, rye bread, fruits, vegetables.

3. Refuse fast foods, convenience foods, sweets, flour.

4. Drink plenty of water.

And also do not forget to walk every day, do exercises. It would be nice to go jogging, love cycling.

Pineapple for the immune system and the treatment of diseases

In pineapples there are many vitamins, minerals and other usefulness. Its use has a beneficial effect on the work of the immune system. Substances present in pineapple have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effects, strengthen antitumor immunity, and also eliminate pathogenic immune complexes that suppress the protective functions of the body.

Due to the use of pineapple blood thinning occurs. The enzyme contained in the fruit, is a kind of weapon against the development of atherosclerosis, it also promotes the resorption of blood clots, lower blood pressure. Pineapple is able to save not only from blood clots, but also from edema. It is used to eliminate corns, normalize pancreatic function, cleanse the intestines, as an anti-nausea agent.

The cons of pineapple diet include its high cost and a number of contraindications: ulcers, increased acidity of the stomach, allergic reactions ...


Watch the video: Lose Weight Faster With This Pineapple Ginger Smoothie (July 2024).