Whitening facial masks at home - from Japanese geishas to the present


Not every girl can boast of smooth, clean, flawless skin with rosy cheeks, like Snow White.

Many of us are unhappy with our faces due to the abundance of age spots, freckles, redness, hated pimples or irritations. We hide these shortcomings under a thick layer of expensive tonal, corrector and powder.

But you really want the skin to shine and delight in purity and whiteness without a ton of makeup. To make your skin clean and fair at home is real. We present you the recipes of the most effective, delicate, natural and, most importantly, time-tested whitening masks.

We will follow the advice of cosmetologists: it is better to use a whitening mask before bedtime, because after its application it is impossible to fall under the sun's rays. After the mask, the skin should rest for several hours without being exposed to ultraviolet rays. Before applying the product, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the remnants of the cream and makeup.

Japanese Geisha Whitening Facial Mask

Everyone admires the porcelain, as if shining from the inside, the skin of Japanese geisha. Many women in Korea, Japan and China still pay much attention to the cleanliness, smoothness and whiteness of their faces. Oriental beauties use rice to cook natural cosmetics.

It is difficult to overestimate the effect of rice-based cosmetics on the skin.

Using a Japanese rice mask, you can:

- eliminate unwanted pigmentation and whiten the skin;

- get rid of pimples, irritations and black spots;

- smooth out small wrinkles;

- speed up the process of cell renewal;

- moisturize and saturate the skin with healing substances.

The whitening effect of the rice mask is achieved due to the aminobenzoic acid, which is part of the rice.

To make your skin porcelain, like a Japanese beauty, you need simple ingredients. Each woman has all this at home - rice, honey and kefir. Instead of rice, you can take rice flour, then the cereals do not have to grind in a blender or coffee grinder.

The recipe for a porcelain skin mask is very simple: take two tablespoons of chopped rice or rice flour, add a teaspoon of natural honey and two tablespoons of kefir. Mix the gruel well and apply on the face skin in a bold layer. If you are going to cook a mask of rice grains, it is better to pre-soak them in cool water. We go with the mask for half an hour, then wash it off with warm water and indulge your skin with your favorite moisturizer.

Cucumber Whitening Face Mask

Cucumber has long been known as a miraculous cosmetic product. The ancient Egyptians were the first to appreciate the magical properties of cucumber. They used cucumber juice to make their skin light, soft and radiant. Today, cosmetic products based on cucumbers are in demand among women from all over the world.

Cucumber can be called a unique vegetable. Its composition is 97% water and 3% nutrients. But this 3% is a true storehouse of trace elements. Cucumber is rich in:

- phylloquinone - whitens the skin, makes the complexion even, eliminates redness and swelling;

- Biotin - promotes cell renewal;

- thiamine - rejuvenates the skin;

- ascorbic acid - gives the skin a beautiful shade and elasticity.

Cucumbers contain organic acids. The names of these substances can be found on the labels of almost all anti-aging agents. Due to its soft composition, the mask of cucumbers is suitable even for the most moody skin and can even be applied to the delicate area around the eyes.

The natural properties of cucumber brighten and give skin health. Cucumber flesh tightens pores, cleanses and moisturizes the skin. Cucumber masks are very effective for brightening tanning and age spots. They fight irritations, redness and sunburn. This is a unique tool that will appeal to any type of skin, saving you from freckles and a bad tan.

Cucumber juice has a strong brightening effect. You can just chop the cucumber and rub the face into slices. Or make cucumber gruel in a blender. For the effect of lightening, gruel should be gently applied to the skin and wait half an hour. Cucumber copes well with bleaching and without the use of additional ingredients.

If you are the owner of sensitive or dry skin, add a little baby cream to the cucumber gruel. But for oily skin, it is better to use cucumber tincture for alcohol. Finely chop the cucumber or chop in a blender. Pour the resulting slurry with alcohol and leave it in a cool place for a day. Pass the tincture through cheesecloth - the whitening cucumber tonic is ready to use. You can wet a tonic with a tissue and apply to your face for 15 minutes, or you can just wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with cucumber tonic.

White clay facial whitening mask

White clay is one of the most affordable and effective whitening products. Its healing properties have been known to mankind for a thousand years. Due to its unique composition, white clay successfully fights pigment spots, redness, freckles, inflammation and acne. It is rich in magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium and nitrogen. White clay improves capillary circulation and nourishes the skin with oxygen.

Most of all, oily and prone to rashes need the beneficial properties of white clay. Clay fights against pathogens of skin rashes, draws out toxins and dissolves sebaceous plugs.

Making a mask is very easy - just mix a few tablespoons of clay with egg white and a pinch of salt. It should be a creamy mass. We clean our face, apply a mask and can watch our favorite series - the mask lasts about 30-40 minutes. After several procedures, you can notice an improvement in complexion.

Grapefruit Oil Whitening Mask

Grapefruit oil acts delicately and gently on the skin. Grapefruit whitening mask suitable for all skin types. The oil is rich in vitamins C, P, B2, as well as potassium and calcium. Regular use of grapefruit oil will help eliminate age spots, freckles, acne and black spots. It is a true elixir of beauty, which makes the skin clean, smooth and supple.

To prepare a grapefruit whitening mask, take 5 drops of grapefruit oil, a teaspoon of olive, sunflower or sesame oil, as well as a teaspoon of honey and milk. Owners of dry skin can replace milk with cream or sour cream. Gently mix all the ingredients and gently apply on clean skin for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water and use a nourishing cream.

Lemon Honey Whitening Mask

For a long time, women from all over the world have used lemon as a powerful bleaching agent. Lemon juice is one of the most effective natural bleaches. Ascorbic acid, which is part of the fruit, exfoliates dead skin particles. This helps to quickly cleanse the skin of fat, dirt and dead cells. Together with the dead cells, the rash, redness, age spots and freckles go away. Ascorbic acid will help the skin stay clean and bright for a long time. It stops the production of melanin and enhances the production of collagen. But lemon can greatly dry the skin. To avoid this, after applying the lemon mask, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin. The result is visible after the first procedures.

To prepare the mask we need: one tablespoon of honey (not candied) and one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Honey is necessary in order to soften the effect of ascorbic acid on the skin. For sensitive and problematic skin, undiluted lemon juice can cause irritation or allergies. If your skin is very dry, add a teaspoon of sour cream or yogurt. Coat your face with a thin layer of the product, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Whitening face mask with curd and hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide has a strong brightening effect. But it is better not to use such a mask more than once a week, because peroxide overdries the skin. It is better to alternate a curd-peroxide mask with a more gentle and delicate one. To prepare the whitening mask, we take: three tablespoons of cottage cheese, add 1 egg white and 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution there. Caution, a more concentrated solution may cause a burn. The protein should be whipped and grated with cottage cheese, then add five drops of peroxide. Apply the prepared mask on the face with a thick layer and leave for 15 minutes. If you are the owner of dry skin, add a teaspoon of sour cream or cream to the mask.

Whitening mask for problem and sensitive skin

If your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, it’s better to use a more delicate remedy. For these purposes, kefir is ideal - unlike lemon juice and peroxide, it more delicately affects the skin. But to achieve a whitening effect, kefir masks should be done every other day.

For a kefir mask, you need to take one teaspoon of ground oatmeal and two tablespoons of kefir. You can grind a whole jar of oatmeal in a blender and use as needed. Such a mask is prepared very quickly and simply. Due to its soft composition, the mask can be used at least every day. Just apply it on cleansed skin, wait twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. After that, apply oily baby cream to your skin.

Masking Technique

To achieve the desired result, the mask should be applied correctly. Take your hair off your face and put on a bandage. Regardless of the type of mask, the product is applied only to well-cleansed skin. Cleanse your face and let your skin dry. Apply any oily cream to the skin around the eyes - an ordinary baby cream is suitable for this purpose. Beauticians advise applying all skin care products along massage lines. The product is not applied to the skin around the eyes. The mask is applied from the chin to the ears, from the cheeks to the temples, from the lips to the earlobes. In order not to get confused, you can use the schematic drawing of massage lines:

After applying the mask, try to make your face motionless. Rinse off the mask with light movements, do not stretch the skin. After the procedure, wash off the mask with water, wipe your face with tonic and apply a moisturizer to your skin.

Skin Whitening Rules

No, even the most miraculous whitening mask, will not have the desired effect if you do not follow the rules:

1. The bleaching mask can be applied only to well-cleansed skin.

2. After the bleaching procedure, the skin should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays, otherwise, age spots and freckles will come out with even greater speed. After the whitening mask, the skin should rest from the sun for at least six hours, so the ideal time for applying the product is before bedtime.

3. The day after skin whitening, be sure to use sunscreen.


Watch the video: If You Want Flawless Skin Learn These Japanese Beauty Secrets! (June 2024).