Pimples in a child. If a child has pimples on his face or body, what could be the reason and what to do.


The appearance of pimples on a fragile body or a baby’s face is a clear concern for mom.

Infection or fever, allergies, or teeth are just being cut - how to understand what caused the unexpected symptom and is it worth it to worry?

To do this, you need to figure out why pimples can occur and how to determine the nature of their appearance in appearance.

Pimples in a newborn baby

Already in the first days after birth, skin rashes may appear in the crumbs, which causes a slight panic in the young mother. They can be located on the face of the baby or cover a small body, and there are several reasons for their appearance.

1. Acne Newborn - Almost a third of babies react in this way to an excess of mother's hormones. Crumbs are prone to rash from birth to six months. Red with white purulent apex, pimples are most often located on the cheeks, ears, forehead, sometimes, in small quantities, on the back or chest. They do not cause any troubles to the crumb, they do not itch and do not hurt, you just need to wait out the process of complete elimination of hormones from the baby's body. No special treatment is required. You can wipe the skin with a solution of chamomile or a string and monitor its cleanliness and dryness.

2. Milia - tiny white dots covering the face of the crumbs are the result of the inactivity of the unformed sebaceous glands. They can be delayed for long 4-6 weeks, but treatment is not required. Only in case of inflammation attachment, which is signaled by reddened skin and anxiety of the baby, you will need to seek help from a doctor. Inflammation can cause mother's actions - unnecessary lubrication by various means and attempts to squeeze a pimple. Such an intervention can leave a trace for life in the form of small scars, so mothers should refrain from dangerous experiments.

3. Allergy - the cause may be not only improper nutrition of the nursing mother or the composition of the milk mixture, but also washing powder. For washing children's things, it is necessary to use only a hypoallergenic agent that eliminates undesirable effects on the delicate skin of the crumbs. An allergic reaction can also be caused by pet hair or baby cosmetics. A small rash merges into red spots with scaly crusts and can itch. In this case, you will definitely need the help of a pediatrician who will determine the allergen and prescribe the necessary drugs.

4. Prickly heat - the result of excessive wrapping of the newborn. Small reddish pimples are found on the baby's ass, in the groin, creases of the neck and armpits. Bathing with the addition of a decoction of a string or chamomile will help get rid of trouble, but mom should:

- pay attention to the air temperature in the room (optimal - 18-22 degrees);

- open the child to take air baths;

- use clothes only from natural materials;

- change diapers more often.

Usually infant pimples, with the exception of allergies and inflammation, do not require intervention, and after a while the skin of the baby becomes smooth and soft again.

Important! You can’t squeeze out pimples that appear in infants, use brilliant green, alcohol solutions, antibiotics and hormonal ointments!

Pimples in a child of the first years of life

Skin rashes of babies can be divided into two large groups - infectious and non-infectious. The color and location of pimples, the general well-being of the child can tell the attentive mom the reason for their occurrence. Sometimes you can cope with the problem yourself, and sometimes you need to consult a doctor. However, in any case, ignore their appearance is not worth it.

Pimples in a child and infection

Sometimes the cause of the rash on the skin of children can be not so harmless. Many infectious diseases make themselves felt with a specific rash. In order not to miss the beginning of the disease, you need to know the features of its manifestation:

1. Chickenpox is an extremely unpleasant and contagious infectious disease caused by the herpes virus. The rash is a small pimple filled with fluid that is unbearably itchy. They can be located throughout the body of the child and even on the mucous membranes. Soon after the rash, the bubbles burst and sores appear in their place. The disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature to high numbers and a headache.

2. Scarlet fever - an abundant point rash covers the entire body of the baby. It causes severe itching and is grouped into red stripes at the folds - under the armpits, in the groin, under the knees. The rash is accompanied by fever, inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, swelling on the tonsils and signs of intoxication. The skin of the child is very dry and rough. Small pimples do not ignore the face of the child, leaving only the nasolabial triangle free.

3. Measles - a distinctive feature of measles rash - its appearance on 4-5 days from the onset of an acute disease. Small reddish spots and vesicles appear on the face and scalp, the next day they spread over the body, then cover the arms and legs of the child. In the reverse order, the rash disappears during recovery.

4. Folliculitis - the result of a viral or bacterial lesion of the body. The disease occurs in 10% of children, especially those living in areas with a hot climate. The most common cause is staphylococcus, but sometimes fungal infections of the skin or parasitic infections. With the superficial form of the disease, painless redness first appears, then pustule with a purulent mass in the middle. The deep form is manifested by a dense, painful formation with a pustule pierced by hair. It is localized at the locations of the hair follicles, more often in the head area. In this case, you should consult a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-opening of pustules and the use of medications are not recommended in order to avoid unpleasant complications.

5. Rubella - the fulminant spread of pink small pimples throughout the body - one of the signs of childhood infectious disease. At the same time, the temperature may remain within the acceptable range, but the cervical-occipital lymph nodes swell and hurt.

6. Streptoderma - watery red pimples can signal infection with streptococci. A visit to the doctor is indispensable.

Non-infectious pimples in the first years of a child’s life

A lot of reasons that can cause the appearance of relatively “non-dangerous” pimples near the peanut, make the mother study at least some of them, so as not to worry in vain:

- pimples on the chin - a common occurrence when teething. The main reason is excessive salivation. To make life easier for the baby, saliva does not need to be wiped, but just gently get wet;

- pimples on the ass - reaction to diapers. Regular washing with a string or chamomile and air baths are the best solution to the problem. You can use the cream and powder recommended by the doctor;

- pimples on the priest, in the groin, in the folds of the skin - most likely, prickly heat is to blame, which was described above;

- red pimples on the tummy - measles or allergies. The doctor is always ready to help understand the reason and suggest the right decision;

- pimples after vaccination - an occasion to seem to the pediatrician;

- red, swollen pimples scattered throughout the body, unevenly, may be the result of insect bites. It is advisable not to allow such a situation, since babies not only suffer from itching, but can also become victims of an allergic reaction or dangerous diseases;

- pimples on the priest or genitals may indicate an increased sugar content in the urine and be a sign of diabetes;

- pimples on the mucous membranes - herpes can become the cause, then the rashes are transparent and watery. If they are white and curdled - it’s all the fault of thrush, or candidal stomatitis. Sometimes acne signals about damaged teeth, so the dentist will help to solve the problem;

- in adolescence, against the background of changes in hormonal levels, pimples are possible in all colors and sizes. These unpleasant manifestations disappear as they grow older, but the skin should be carefully taken care of.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about pimples in a child

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that at a certain age the appearance of skin rashes is quite reasonable and often does not require special treatment. For example, teenage pimples at the age of 12-14 are normal and associated with hormonal activity. However, when the same rashes appear in a girl of 6-7 years old - this is an occasion to think. The reason can be either early puberty, or a violation of the internal organs, or maybe a banal violation of hygiene rules.

Often parents try to find out how certain foods, especially in their teens, influence the appearance of pimples. Dr. Komarovsky emphasized that medicine cannot unequivocally give an answer to this question - chocolate is harmful to someone, eaten shrimps were for some reason, and some suffer from peanuts after a treat. But every teenager has more than once associated the appearance of pimples with the foods eaten the day before, so it can very well determine its own nutritional cause.

Tips Dr. Komarovsky adolescents:

- wash twice a day - at least, but preferably and not more often. For washing, use only hands - fleece and washcloths in this case will do much harm;

- in no case squeeze pimples;

- use special products for problem skin;

- Avoid drooping hair on the face and less touch it with his hands;

- Do not rely on UV rays, their benefits are greatly exaggerated.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that to find out the cause of the appearance of pimples in children is completely within the power of any pediatrician, since this is a fairly well-studied topic. But an attentive mother can do this. He advises, when there are pimples in a child, to carefully remember the past day - that the child ate, where he walked and slept, what he was wearing. Do not believe how much interesting is revealed by a careful analysis of this list. And finding out the reason, to cope with the problem and unnecessary excitement will be easy.


Watch the video: How to Handle Baby Acne. Baby Development (July 2024).